Chapter 546

Wang Shuang somewhat regretted why he didn't have the courage to speak out when he went to find her. If he and Su Wuxue spoke face to face in that environment, there would be a high probability of her approval.

But the current atmosphere froze temporarily. After the impulse just passed, Wang Shuang wanted to speak again, but he couldn't say anything. After muttering for a while, Wang Shuang had to sigh and said: "Ten days will be the national war." , if we finally win the national championship, I will tell you who the goddess in my mind is."

"Well, okay." When You An Cangxue turned her head back, the two blushes on her side face were no longer visible.

When Gloomy Linglan came back, Wang Shuang thanked her, then took back his equipment and looked at it, and sure enough, all of them were equipped with the ruthless attribute.

Weapon: Fierce White Double Blades [Tempering] (Purple-LV60)


He now has ten pieces of equipment, each of which has a ruthless effect, and each piece of equipment provides Wang Shuang with a 70% probability of permanently reducing the opponent's physical defense by 20 points.

As long as Wang Shuang hits the opponent once, he can reduce his physical defense by roughly 140 points. If Wang Shuang's luck value is counted, this number may be even higher... But now absolutely no one thinks that he has too many attributes, and he hopes to come to him again PK's.

After getting back his equipment, Wang Shuang bid farewell to the two women and went to the secret dungeon.

I came to the entrance of the secret dungeon again. There was still a sea of ​​people here. Many players rallied and entered the dungeon again, and soon returned frustrated. Some people had thoughtful expressions on their faces, looking at the dungeon. Entrance, a little eager to try.

"Can anyone really pass this dungeon? Speaking of which, the dungeon has been open for so long, has anyone passed it?"

"I don't know. If you want to talk about our human race, it should be Wang Shuang and the former Longteng Xingchen. Longteng Liuguang and the others should have a chance to pass the level."

"Hmph, in my opinion, it's useless for Wang Shuang to come. The monster's attack and defense are so perverted here. As long as his physical attack is a little lower than the monster's, he can't break the monster's defense. Then he is talking about clearing the level..."

"Damn it, Wang Shuang, it's really Wang Shuang who is here!"

The crowd suddenly went into an uproar, and everyone looked up and looked around, looking to find out who the legendary Wang Shuang was.

When everyone found Wang Shuang, their eyes focused on him.For a while, Wang Shuang became the most eye-catching presence here.

"Hello everyone, hello everyone." Wang Shuang has been used to this kind of scene for some time. He walked out of the crowd very calmly and raised his hand. He walked into the entrance of the dungeon and looked up. There was a dense bamboo forest in front of him. The regiment is in front of the bamboo forest, and it is estimated that after entering the copy, it will also be the bamboo forest site.

"Wang Shuang, are you here to play this dungeon?" Some players couldn't help asking.

"Of course, the cultivation method of the true essence level has come out now. If I don't play the dungeon, why do I come here?" Wang Shuang said with a smile, then he approached the entrance of the dungeon, looked left and right, and suddenly asked: " If I want to go in now, there should be no restrictions, right?"

"No, just touch the light ball directly." A player reminded him kindly.

"Okay, thank you." Wang Shuang nodded, reached out to touch the dungeon light ball, and disappeared in place in the next second.

Following Wang Shuang's disappearance, everyone began to discuss.Some people began to guess how long Wang Shuang would persist in it, and some people guessed how much time Wang Shuang would spend to pass the dungeon.

The light flashed, and Wang Shuang appeared in a bamboo forest, looking at the very quiet bamboo forest around him.Wang Shuang took a deep breath, summoned all his followers, and then took out the white double blades and walked inside.

The bamboo forest was very quiet, only the sound of their own walking echoed in the ears of the group.Just after they walked for a short distance, a very subtle sound, like the vibration of dragonfly wings, came from ahead.

Wang Shuang immediately became alert.Both NPCs and players have clearly pointed out that these monsters are surprisingly powerful. I don't know if they have any other advantages besides their powerful attributes.

In the face of an unknown thing that was about to appear, Wang Shuang had reached his maximum alert state, and he suddenly accelerated with a few followers and ran towards the source of the sound.

It's getting closer!Wang Shuang walked around a dense bamboo and saw the monster!The strip-shaped body is prostrate on the ground, lurking like a hunter waiting for an opportunity.A boa constrictor!Unexpectedly, the monster in this secret environment would be such a creature.

——Boa Constrictor (Red-LV80): Qi and blood 120W, physical attack 28.4W, physical defense 28.8W, physical resistance 120%; magic attack 27.6W, magic defense 29.2W, magic resistance 125%.Skill: normal attack.

A very ordinary monster, even with only 120W of blood, but its attack and defense really shocked Wang Shuang's pupils. In this case, many of his followers are useless, so he can only fight in person Break through this guy's defense.

That being the case, Wang Shuang simply took back all his followers, and then rushed up with a dagger.

With a sound of "clang", Wang Shuang's dagger failed to pierce through the python's scales, but a long spark was blown out instead.


Wang Shuang's pupils shrank in shock. The damage figure was too ugly. Although the defense was broken, and my brother's physical attack was only 10,000+...but the critical damage of my brother was seven or eight times more!

But even so, the boa constrictor still lost a quarter of its blood. It was immediately irritated by Wang Shuang, coiled up, and bit Wang Shuang fiercely.


This blow did not have a critical strike, but the damage also surprised Wang Shuang a little.

"It's just that the first monster is so tricky, and it doesn't have the bonus of King Kong and strong body..." Wang Shuang felt a little headache: "If I meet the boss later, won't I die from pain?"

But thinking that he still has a trump card like Tarog Suzaku, Wang Shuang was relieved, and he continued to walk forward.

In this bamboo forest, in addition to these boa constrictors scattered everywhere, there is also a "big boa constrictor", whose offensive and defensive attributes are higher than that of the boa constrictor, with an average value of around 32W.Although it was very difficult, Wang Shuang still gritted his teeth and killed all the way.

No matter how difficult it is, it is better than before.After killing all the boa constrictors in the entire bamboo forest, Wang Shuang only lost about one-fifth of his blood.

Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing when he recalled that he didn't take blood drugs before, and he couldn't beat the boss at all without walking around in various states and skill bonuses.

It's a pity that he will never encounter such a situation now.

(End of this chapter)

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