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Chapter 547 Strong Body Strange Book 3

Chapter 547

After killing all the pythons and boa constrictors in the bamboo forest, a secluded path appeared in front of Wang Shuang. He couldn't see where it led, but he would undoubtedly get closer and closer to the boss.

Wang Shuang wasn't in a hurry, he wouldn't act too anxious until he encountered a situation where he couldn't break the defense.Even if you really can't pass it, you can still pass it if you merge with Suzaku in the pet soul mode.

Wang Shuang walked up the secluded path, and soon came to a strange cave.Walking into the cave, there is actually an elevator inside, and it is still automatically timed.After Wang Shuang stood on the elevator and waited for a minute, the elevator, which had been quiet for a long time, suddenly made a trembling sound, and then began to descend under the slow rotation of the mechanical gears.

The light projected from the entrance of the cave gradually disappeared, and the surroundings of Wang Shuang gradually fell into darkness.Except for a faint light coming from above, the surrounding area is pitch black.

But at this moment, there was a rustling sound in Wang Shuang's ears, as if countless bugs were lurking around him, ready to attack him at any moment.

Suddenly Wang Shuang noticed a bright light coming from below him.Just when he was wondering why there was such a bright light below, the speed of the elevator suddenly slowed down, and then Wang Shuang stopped at the entrance of a cave.

Looking around, the rocks here are all red, as if there is plasma flowing in the rocks.There was a burst of heat in the air, and the smell of sulfur spread around - Fire Rock Cave, the second map of the Secret Realm.

Wang Shuang took out his dagger and walked in. The hot magma flowed from the rock walls on both sides, turned into a trickle and flowed down the cracks in the rock walls, as if Wang Shuang smashed all the surrounding rock walls to pieces. , there will be a large amount of magma submerging him instantly.

Not long after walking, he heard a strange noise, took out his dagger and walked over. Wang Shuang saw an ant the size of a polar bear.

"I'll wipe Nima." Wang Shuang was so shocked that he forgot to attack for a while: "What the hell is it, is it an ant?"

——Fire Cloud Ant (Red-LV83): Qi and blood 250W, physical attack 33.7W, physical defense 36.2W, physical resistance 150%; magic attack 25.2W, magic defense 37.0W, magic resistance 150%.Skill: normal attack.

At this moment, a bee bigger than the ant also flew over, stared at Wang Shuang and rushed over.

——Salamander Bee (Red-LV82): blood 220W, physical attack 36.1W, physical defense 33.2W, physical resistance 130%; magic attack 28.8W, magic defense 31.5W, magic resistance 145%.Skill: normal attack.

Although these monsters don't have any special skills other than powerful attributes and normal attacks, this is also what makes Wang Shuang feel very tricky.

But this powerful attribute is nothing more than making Wang Shuang spend a little more time dealing with these monsters.After hacking for half an hour without fancy, these bees and ants also turned into ashes and disappeared with the wind.

After the two were killed, they both dropped a kind of prop, one called "fire ant horn", and the other called "fire bee sting". Neither of these two things showed their purpose.

Wang Shuang put all these things into his backpack and continued walking, and the narrow cave soon came to an end.Walking out of the cave, a huge underground world appeared in front of Wang Shuang.

This is a very beautiful world. You can see standing red crystals and magma fountains everywhere. Of course, there are all kinds of monsters flooding it. They all have the power to shake one side. The sudden roar makes the magma flow boiling.

But in this world, there happened to be an environment that surprised Wang Shuang—a room.

That's right, it's a house, a brick house made of red rocks, at a glance, about thirty to forty square meters in size, with a chimney, a well, and a fence made of crystals, enclosing a small area. hospital.

This there someone living there?

After this idea appeared, Wang Shuang erased it from his mind.Just kidding, this secret dungeon doesn't look like it has a source of food, and the monsters below are so fierce, who would live here without a problem?
Although this is a game, it also emphasizes basic logic.Thinking of this, Wang Shuang became more interested in this house. Since there is such a house in this place, it can't be empty, right?

Wang Shuang walked into the fence surrounded by crystals and walked to the door of the house. After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock knock."

With the wonderful sound, Wang Shuang had the illusion that he was not knocking on the door, but hitting a row of crisp keys.

He took two steps back, the door opened, and an elderly man came out of the room. The two looked at each other, looking at each other.

"Adventurer from afar, come in." He turned and walked into the room, leaving Wang Shuang standing at the door alone.

Wang Shuang went in and found that the layout inside was extremely clean and tidy. Except for some furniture necessary for daily life, there was nothing else at all.

"Did you bring fire ant horns and fire bee stings?" The old man asked suddenly just after he walked in.

"Huh? I brought it." Wang Shuang was taken aback, and took out these materials from his backpack.

"I didn't expect that there are so many!" After seeing the material in Wang Shuang's hand, his pupils shrank, his face full of disbelief.

"Yeah, the drop rate is almost 100%, and I encountered a lot of monsters along the way, so of course there are a lot of props." Wang Shuang took it for granted.

"..." The old man watched Wang Shuang rolling his throat, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

"Adventurer." After a long time passed, he readjusted his tone and said, "Every time you collect a piece of fire ant horn and fire bee sting, you can exchange it with me for a book on strengthening the body. will help you go further."

"Strong Body Strange Book Three!" Wang Shuang was stunned. After playing Xingyuan for so long, he had already figured out the general rules of the game. What is the effect of Strong Body Strange Book Three?Isn't this obvious!

Wang Shuang couldn't help shouting: "I wipe, I want to change, I want to change!"

"Give me all your fire ant horns and fire bee stings, and I will exchange them for you according to the quantity!" The old man also looked very excited, as if these props were also of great use.


System prompt: You use Fire Ant Horn x22, Fire Bee Sting x22 to exchange for Strong Body Strange Book Three x22, the exchange is successful!
(End of this chapter)

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