It's time to play online

Chapter 552 The Rules of National Warfare

Chapter 552 The Rules of National Warfare
Of course, there are several similarities between national wars and race wars. For example, only a limited number of players can be sent to participate in the war. For example, some invincible and resurrection skills cannot be used...

But their goal this time has changed. This time it is not to capture three first-level main cities to be considered a victory, but to kill the enemy.

The server in which area kills the enemy first reaches 100W, even if it wins.

And the number of players that each server can play is exactly 100W!
At the same time, of course, there is a special rule in this national war: the country that kills the most enemies every day will have its kill count reset to zero!

In other words, the server player with the most kills in a day is the most tragic.Under the rules of the system, as long as they don't kill 100 million people, they will be cleared to 0 the next day!

In contrast, No.2 is very cool: not only will it not be cleared, but it will also have a chance to overtake the next day.

This rule can be said to be very clever, but it is also very painful: after all, it is easy to increase the number of kills, but there is no way to drop it.And if you are far ahead of No.1, then No.2 just needs to keep an eye on your number of kills, and carefully keep behind No.1. At the end of the first day, when No.1 becomes 0, No. .2 opportunity came.

So, this rule is actually to make people change their thinking, from the original everyone fighting for the No. Power, hoping to break through 1W in one fell swoop and become No.100 in the national war.


After understanding the rules, before Wang Shuang and the others had time to discuss the tactics, they were attracted by an angel flying from the sky: Ealla, this time she is the one who guides the players into the battlefield again.

This time, because the whole race entered the national war, they had no way to get together to discuss any tactics, and the limit of one million people could only be first come, first served.However, ordinary players would not come to join in the fun at this time, and there is no reward for completing kills on the battlefield of the national war.

The angel sang, and opened the vortex door leading to the battlefield of the national war. The sky was changing with vicissitudes, and the sky was full of visions, as if the horn of the end of the world was blowing.Wang Shuang and the others stood at the entrance of the whirlpool gate, looking at Alalla, he couldn't help but swallowed, and suddenly said viciously: "By the way, last time I teleported into the race war, for some reason, I got a bird who didn't shit On the small island, I made soy sauce all the time, did you do this?"

"Small island?" Aalla also seemed a little surprised. Just when Wang Shuang thought she was wronged, she suddenly said: "I did it, but I didn't expect to send you to that kind of place. I thought it would send you to the land of the orcs at most, so that you would be killed once at the beginning."

"Fuck me, adventurers can't just be reborn so they can be played casually like this." Wang Shuang was almost vomiting blood from her anger, but seeing Aalla's innocent expression, he didn't know what to say about her. .

"Don't send me random teleportation this time. It didn't matter last time. If you mess up this time, something big will happen." Wang Shuang finally gave up preaching, shook his head and sighed.

"Hmph, who told you to ignore the task I issued last time, you obviously have the ability to help me, but it caused me distress for a long time." Alalla said, making a grimace at Wang Shuang.

"Damn it, are you really an angel? Do angels hold grudges like this?" Wang Shuang was dumbfounded.

Seeing that Wang Shuang and Aalla were about to quarrel again, the God of War Qingfeng standing aside couldn't help but feel a deep pain in his egg, and he couldn't help but said, "You two, if you want to quarrel, can you wait until you get back? But our first national war, I don’t want to fall behind others at the beginning.”

"That's right, let me open the portal for you first." Ealla sighed, grabbed the edge of the whirlpool door, suddenly raised her hand to tear it vigorously, and forcefully opened the whirlpool door completely under the astonished eyes of everyone.

The sound of thunder surged in my ears, and the light of thunder suddenly appeared.There is a vast ocean inside the whirlpool door, like a huge and bottomless ocean, spinning and tearing the surrounding air. Standing not far from the whirlpool door, Wang Shuang and others naturally felt a strong wave coming from the whirlpool door. The suction force kept pulling their bodies to suck it in.

"Ahead is the road leading to the space of Grodon." Ealla let go of her hand and leaned against the edge of the whirlpool door, her eyes shone with golden light, her long hair was blown up high, she stared at the people in front of her , like a Valkyrie, drew out his weapon and roared, roaring: "Come on, all brave adventurers, only you can enter the Grodon space, you are the strong in the Grodon space, and you are the rulers of that area." The only candidate in the world. Don't lose to the forces of other planes, fight for glory!"

"Fight for glory!" Everyone followed her movements, clasped their hands on their chests, and shouted in a low voice.

"set off!"

The vast army of players began to integrate into this huge whirlpool gate. This time, there were over a million players who entered the whirlpool gate, and they were divided into five races, with an average of 20 players from each race.

But in fact, the powerful races, the human race and the elves, will definitely dispatch more people. As for those races that are not well developed, not so many people will participate in the battle.

The passage behind the whirlpool door is not long, and Wang Shuang was quickly ejected from the whirlpool door after two or three laps.

Looking at the town in front of them, which is a mixture of fish and dragons of various races, they know that the prelude to the national war will officially begin from this moment.


About three hours later, Wang Shuang and a group of old acquaintances met in the square of the main city of the human race.

This time there is no special conference room, nor is there a so-called City Lord's Mansion.The town they are in now is a first-level main city, and it is the only main city. Although the area is large, it is shared by players from all over China.

After meeting with the strongest players of various races, before the meeting, Wang Shuang and Shengshi Hongtu met their eyes. Reach out.

"I have admired Wang Shuang's name for a long time. Before the rise of our Shengshi guild, we once set the goal of surpassing you as our guild's complete rise. Now it seems that this goal is still too naive." He said with a smile, and there was nothing in his eyes. Embarrassed look.

"Luck, it's just good luck." Wang Shuang could only say.

"I once thought it was just luck." Sheng Shihongtu shook his head, looked at him and said, "I just realized a few days ago that it's not that simple."

Ok?Isn't it luck?
Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, he didn't know how to answer this sentence, because he also thought that his success was really all due to luck.

If he hadn't been able to use this talent when he was awakened, how could he be the person he is now, and his dazzling achievements?
(End of this chapter)

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