It's time to play online

Chapter 553 Recommending the Grand Plan of the Prosperous Age

Chapter 553 Recommending the Grand Plan of the Prosperous Age
"It's true that you may have some kind of special talent or skill in you, and you may have achieved a considerable degree of achievement through it, but I don't think these are the reasons why you have grown into what you are now."

"Then what do you think is the most important thing for me to grow up to what I am now?" Even Wang Shuang himself felt a little curious unconsciously.

"It's your state of mind that decides all of this!" He stared at Wang Shuang in silence for a moment, then said suddenly.


"Yes! Your state of mind is different from others, and your perspective on problems and problems is completely different from ours. Let me ask you the simplest question: If a normal person suddenly discovers a BUG in a certain system, what will happen to him? What will you do?"

"This, I think, of course, keep swiping and keep it a secret until it is discovered, trying to maximize the benefits?"

"That's right, and then." Sheng Shihongtu nodded: "You also said that you will strive for the greatest benefit, so how do you fight for it?"

"Uh...distribute the benefits you get from brushing...using BUG to others, and collect money continuously?"

As soon as Wang Shuang spoke, he almost revealed the secret that he could brush props.

"What is this?" Sheng Shihongtu smiled, and suddenly took a step forward, and the aura on his body pressed towards Wang Shuang. The aura full of ambition, grand strategy, and courage made him almost want to Taotian: "Ordinary people will constantly use their own bugs to create good things, and open live broadcasts to show off to others, earn a lot of money while live broadcasting, and then when the popularity is at its highest, give away their game accounts to Selling, this is the most correct choice!"

"As for constantly brushing bugs and distributing benefits to others... this is really too slow. If you want to pursue benefits but are afraid that bugs will be discovered, you might as well show off and spread the word, and then when the officials are busy investigating, Before the result comes out, sell the account with a high profile, so as to maximize your interests."

"Fuck!" Hearing this, Wang Shuang couldn't help being taken aback: "That's what you do in real life, you must have had such a successful business example in real life, so you can react... you have enough scheming Deep."

"Reality?" Shengshi Hongtu shook his head and said lazily, "What are you talking about? I'm still a student in reality, but I haven't had the opportunity to get in touch with these things yet."

"Nani, student?" Wang Shuang almost knelt down for him: "Are all the students so dicks now? The city is so deep!"

"Hehe." Sheng Shi Hongtu grinned without explaining.

"Wang Shuang, the national war has already begun, what can we do next?" Long Teng Liuguang came up from the side and asked.

"Well, this..." Wang Shuang pondered for a while, then suddenly looked at Shengshi Hongtu beside him, and grinned.Pointing at him, he said, "Sheng Shilai will figure out a way, and I will be in charge of the charge."

"Are you sure you want me to come?" Sheng Shi Hongtu was slightly taken aback, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was even higher.

"It's okay, let him come." Seeing the dissenting faces of the surrounding guild leaders, Wang Shuang shook his head and explained: "Actually, I still admire this guy. Many of his ideas are very powerful. It's not that I'm lucky, I'm really helpless with his methods."

"Well, I'm very angry when I talk about this. Are you really playing a game with us?" Sheng Shi Hongtu couldn't help but complained: "I found that no matter what method I use to make Wang Shuang submit, he can always do it. There is a way to surprise you, to fight out from the siege. Even if thousands of people can't stop you, what is the difference between you and invincible!"

"You can just treat me as an invincible enemy?" Wang Shuang shrugged and said helplessly.

"Damn it, if the invincible enemy has something to fight, I'll just surrender and surrender." Sheng Shi Hongtu looked very upset, but he had to succumb to Wang Shuang's lust.

"Actually, I quite agree with letting Shengshi Hongtu be the commander-in-chief of our human race." At this time, Long Teng Liuguang also stood up, expressing that he was very optimistic about Shengshi Hongtu: "His tactics are indeed very good, and we will make the best use of everything. It’s about assigning the most suitable position for each person.”

"That's right." Wang Shuang nodded: "I'm also somewhat self-aware. I can sometimes play smart, but this requires consideration of many, many things. One thought will determine the fate of millions of players. I feel like I'm not thinking enough."

"But I don't think there's anything shameful about it. Anyway, I don't intend to leave the commander and the guy in charge of the world." Holding the silver windshield in his hand, Wang Shuang said in a low voice: "If Shengshi Hongtu is to rule the world Then I will be the strongest general under that king, charge into the battle, and forge the name of the God of War for a lifetime!"

"Hahaha, well said." Long Teng Liuguang couldn't help laughing.

The presidents of several other guilds were also moved by Wang Shuang's words. Obviously, after Wang Shuang and Long Teng Liuguang explained to him, everyone trusted Shengshi Hongtu a lot.

At this time, Qingfeng, God of War, stood up and asked: "I believe in the judgment of Wang Shuang and Liu Guang, and I also think that I am suitable to be a general who charges into the battle. I hope you will not let us down, Shengshi Hongtu!"

"Thank you for the trust of the President of the God of War." After receiving the affirmation of Qingfeng, the God of War, Shengshi Hongtu solemnly raised his fists to salute him.

"That's right." Xue Yique also said at this time: "Shengshi Hongtu, my request is also very simple, it's not that you lead us to win the national championship, but to win the final winner of the national competition beautifully! "

"Haha, have you made your request on the basis of finally winning the national war?" Shengshi Hongtu touched his nose, nodded solemnly and said, "I will definitely do my best to help Huaxia District win—to help Huaxia District win the battle beautifully." The one who won the final victory in the national war!"

"Hehe, we believe you can do it, our king."

Shengshi Hongtu nodded, looked at Wang Shuang suddenly and said, "If I want to win the national war beautifully, I need to know a lot more. The most important part is you. Wang Shuang, can you tell me about your ability?" What exactly is it?"

Wang Shuang was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, looked at the eyes that gathered around him instantly, and nodded: "Okay, I can, it's not because I don't dare to say it, and I don't have that kind of boring reserve, so it's okay to let you know."

"If you don't want others to know, you can chat with me privately." Sheng Shi Hongtu said in a deep voice.

"No, I'm not afraid that you guys know this, and there's really nothing to hide." Wang Shuang shook his head. Compared with being hunted down by the Longteng guild all the time, his state of mind has indeed changed at this time.

So this afternoon, in front of several leaders of the Huaxia District, Wang Shuang showed off his talent of turning around.

"You're right, Shengshi Hongtu." Seeing everyone's astonishment, Wang Shuang continued: "I used to think that this talent made me turn around, but what you said just now made me realize that I actually still rely on my own talent to make me better." Only by working hard can I reverse my destiny!"

(End of this chapter)

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