It's time to play online

Chapter 563 Navigation Notes

Chapter 563 Navigation Notes
Feeling the surging power in his body, Wang Shuang couldn't help heaving a long sigh of relief. Although it was just a game, the power surging in his blood was so real that Wang Shuang felt his blood boil.It seems that with every gesture, the world can be destroyed.

Looking at the NPC cavalry rushing up in front of him, Wang Shuang let out a cold snort, and rushed out at the head of the horse. Although it seems a bit like pebbles hitting rocks with the posture of an infantryman and cavalry head-to-head, this game is not determined by size alone. yes.

"Shadow raid!"

His body disappeared into the air, making the NPC cut nothing.The next second, Wang Shuang appeared behind him, and a pair of sharp daggers pierced into both sides of the opponent's waist and cut along the waist, almost cutting him off in the middle!
The figures of the two people staggered apart, and the NPC spat out a large mouthful of horrible blood, losing one-tenth of its vitality, but Wang Shuang was still safe and sound!

Seeing this scene, the players behind all opened their mouths.

"Holy shit, it's really abnormal every time. This boss has more than 3000 million blood, and he can cut off about one-tenth of it with a single knife. Doesn't it mean that Wang Shuang's damage with a single knife is a full [-]W?"

"One knife is 3000 million... and the physical defense and physical resistance of the boss are also counted. Could it be that Wang Shuang's physical attack has already broken through 6000W?"

"Impossible, this must be a joke, how could it be so strong... Our horse-riding crazily eats materials and brushes attributes, and now it is almost reaching the upper limit, and it is only 55W of physical attack!"

"No no, that's Wang Shuang. If you put all the best things in the world on him, and add some crazy powerful skills to strengthen him, it's not too difficult to break through 100 million. And you noticed Well, the equipment on Wang Shuang's body, the pets and mounts summoned earlier all have a faint red luster, what does this mean?"

"It means that he is wearing a set of red-grade equipment, as well as red-grade pets and mounts!"

When several players were in an uproar, Wang Shuang had already cut down the NPC general who had no time to escape. They were shocked again and hurried forward, but found that there was still a trace of blood on the NPC's head.

"Adventurer..." He spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Wang Shuang in horror. The whole process from full blood to empty blood took less than 5 seconds, and even Felix behind him had no time to stop Wang Shuang, and he was already lying on the ground. on the ground.

"I didn't kill you." Wang Shuang said indifferently, squatting down and holding the dagger against his neck: "It's not because of anything else, it's just because you and I are in the same camp, but if you dare to obstruct us in the future , I will abolish the army of Whirlpool City."

"How dare you speak wild words..." He widened his eyes, and suddenly coughed violently, spewing out a mouthful of old blood.

"What do you think, do you think I dare to do this?" Wang Shuang increased the strength of his hand, and the dagger pressed against his throat tightly, making a shallow mark.

"That's enough, adventurer, let's stop here!" Felix reined in the reins and jumped off after arriving, walked up to Wang Shuang in three steps, checked the status of the NPC cavalry nervously, and saw that he was still breathing. , and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"We adventurers are all peace-loving guys. It would be great if we can resolve a matter peacefully." Wang Shuang put away his dagger and stood up. Shengshi Hongtu also told him through private chat that everything is ready and ready to go gone.Taking a last look at the NPC general who fell on the ground, and a group of cavalry behind him whose names changed to neutral yellow names again, Wang Shuang shook his head: "Forget it, that's good. As for these two ships, we will send them to you after we complete the goal." You sent it back."

The two giant ships, one called Tianzhu Ark and the other called Sun Chaser Ark, are both huge ships that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.If they use the space reasonably, treat people as goods and stack them up, then it will not be a problem to accommodate 10 or even 50 million people.

Everything was ready, Wang Shuang used his skills to plunder the ownership of the two ships, and then let Li Muxuan board the Ark of Chasing the Sun, blamed himself to board the Ark of Tianzhu, and each drove a ship to prepare to set sail.

The players stood by the log-in port on the side of the ship, struggling to slowly pull up the ladder. There was a violent roar from the engine of the ship, as if a giant was panting after running for hundreds of meters, and the giant ship began to slow down. Turning slowly, the ship kept tilting to the right, and the artillery on the deck had a faint tendency to roll. Fortunately, a player with quick eyes and quick hands spotted it and pulled the artillery in time.

Several players are struggling to climb the mast, hang the sails, and provide auxiliary power for the giant ship.A gust of sea wind blew by, and a player fell down without standing still. After landing on the deck and screaming, it turned into a white light and floated into the distance. People around couldn't help but wipe off their cold sweat.

The situation on the deck was constant, and the ship was also swaying left and right in the process of turning, but soon, after all, Wang Shuang and Li Er are both high-level navigators, and they quickly grasped the rules and brought the voyage back to normal superior.After the two giant ships turned their directions, they quickly moved towards the other side.

The way forward is not hard to find.Wang Shuang found a very vast sea chart, a compass, and a copy of the nautical notes of Ark Tianchao in the captain's room.Opening the navigation notes, the pages in Wang Shuang's hands suddenly turned quickly, and a burst of golden light radiated from the pages.


System prompt: You have checked the nautical notes of Ark of Scorpio, and Ark of Scorpio has been temporarily enhanced: the speed of driving on the sea is increased by 20%, the probability of encountering giant sea monster attacks is reduced by 50%, the probability of encountering the curse of the sea god is reduced by 50%, and the probability of encountering storms is reduced by 50%. The probability of encountering a mermaid blessing is reduced by 20%, and the probability of encountering a mermaid blessing is increased by [-]%.

"Why do I have a premonition that something will happen?" Wang Shuang couldn't help muttering in confusion as he watched the navigation notes in his hand gradually disintegrate into a white light.

But fortunately, the next voyages of Tianchao Ark and Sun Chaser Ark are going smoothly. Many players choose to go offline and take a rest at this time. As long as there is a situation, they can all be called back with a phone call.

As time went by, a new situation finally appeared at sea.


The Ark of Tianzhu suddenly trembled violently, and the entire deck tilted nearly 30 degrees to the left. Many players who were taking a nap on the side of the ship felt that their buttocks were suddenly empty. He fell headfirst into the vast ocean.

"It's a huge sea monster BOSS!" A player who barely grasped the side of the boat hung his clothes on a clothes rack, looked down and noticed the movement under the sea, and immediately shouted.

The news quickly reached the heads of various guilds, as well as Wang Shuang's ears.Their faces became very serious.

(End of this chapter)

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