It's time to play online

Chapter 564 The Tricky Fat Layer

Chapter 564 The Tricky Fat Layer
This news is quite embarrassing for some players who just went offline to take a rest. They were called back again just after they went offline, and after they came back, they suddenly saw a huge sea dormant under the sea next to the giant ship. shadows.

"I wipe, what's the situation?"

The deck shook violently. Some players who were not standing still lost the strength to stand up again after falling down. The deck became an acrobatic arena. Players from all walks of life were performing various stunts to maintain balance. Supernatural powers.

Wang Shuang sat firmly in the captain's room, but he didn't have such worries.But he frowned, but he couldn't think of a way.

The compass, map and various utensils on the table were also affected by the tilt of the ship, shaking from side to side constantly.Wang Shuang stood up abruptly and sighed.

"Aside from jumping down to kill the sea monster, is there any other way?"

He walked out of the captain's cabin talking to himself, and the whole ship suddenly tilted 45 degrees to the left, which made his feet unsteady, fell and slid towards the side of the ship.But Wang Shuang did not become flustered.Unlike other people who were struggling to support, Wang Shuang simply opened his hands and slid quickly towards the side of the ship against the ground.

The giant ship shook slightly at this time, and Wang Shuang slid to the edge of the ship and was suddenly sent flying. When he lowered his head, there was the huge shadow below, which was the sea monster boss attacking the giant ship.

"De Li Duo, armed with angels!" Wang Shuang shouted loudly. After De Li Duo appeared in mid-air, she quickly spread her snow-white wings from behind and hugged Wang Shuang from behind. The speed gradually came under control.

Wang Shuang slowly landed on the surface of the sea, and the sea monster boss under the water seemed to have sensed his arrival, stopped attacking the ship and slowly floated up.Soon its entire body was completely exposed from under the sea surface, as huge as a long island.

At this time, Wang Shuang also noticed that part of this guy was under the water surface. There were endless tentacles under the body of this sea monster boss, with huge suction cups attached to it, which seemed to have extraordinary suction. Just now, the giant ship was caught by this guy's tentacles. It was sucked by the suction cup on it, so it kept dangling by it.

"Archers, mages, get ready." Wang Shuang raised his head and shouted to the players on the giant ship, "Get ready to shoot monsters indiscriminately!"

There was a rush of running on the deck of the giant ship. After the sea monster stopped shaking the Ark of Heaven, they gradually recovered their mobility.

There was a sound of players giving orders from above, and then a dense rocket ice storm and meteor shower fell from the sky, constantly hitting the sea monster's vitality.Wang Shuang let Deliduo let go of him behind him, landed firmly on the sea monster's back, squatted down and quickly drew the blade, and stabbed the sea monster's skin fiercely.

But unexpectedly, the knife that Wang Shuang was bound to win was blocked by the smooth and tough skin of the sea monster. The silver wind gang left a long pale white mark on the sea monster's skin, and quickly slid towards the sea monster. the other side.

The barrage fired by the players on the giant ship almost covered the entire sea monster's skin, but without exception, they were all blocked by this thick and slippery layer of fat. No less.

"Damn it, my brother's attack power of nearly one million can't do any harm to it at all!" Wang Shuang was very confused, just about to stand up from the sea monster's back, the sea monster's IQ seemed to wake up suddenly at this time, it started Twisting his body crazily, he shifted the back and the front, and then reversed the front and the back.

In the constant twisting, Wang Shuang quickly fell from the smooth fat layer and fell into the extremely deep and extremely blue sea.

Below the surface of the sea, there is an open space all around, and the bottom is a bottomless dark blue.As if it is the same as the surrounding ocean, people can't find a focus point at all.

No, in terms of focusing, there are still places to watch!Wang Shuang's eyes widened suddenly, and directly below him, an extremely tiny dot was exuding a lustrous luster.

It seemed like something was shining brightly over there.

Wang Shuang just glanced at it, and felt the pressure around his body tightened. Countless tentacles quickly entangled him, and the ties became tighter and tighter, faintly showing signs of directly entangled him to death.

"Don't even think about it." Wang Shuang sighed, and the silver wind gang started, turning into a rapidly spinning blade and cutting off all the surrounding tentacles.The broken tentacles, flying suckers, and countless white tender meat quickly spread across the seabed.

"Fortunately, there is no fat layer on this guy's tentacles." Wang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at the sea. The guy's blood still hasn't lost much. It seems that if it doesn't solve the problem of its thick fat layer, it probably won't be able to get rid of it. guy.

In fact, Wang Shuang didn't necessarily want to kill it. After all, their goal was still on players from other countries. This guy was just a stumbling block, an obstacle that hindered them.Of course, there is a way to dissuade the sea monster is the best.

"By the way, doesn't Li Er have the ability to speak, let it communicate with sea monsters!" Wang Shuang suddenly remembered this, so his arm shook slightly, and he started to swim under the water.

He passed through the long Ark of Scorpio, and soon came to the Ark of Sunchaser, and saw that there was also such a sea monster entangled with the giant ship under the sea surface, and the shape was the same as the one over there.

Wang Shuang swam upwards, and after surfacing, he soon saw the Skeletal Governor commanding anxiously on the side of the ship. Although the other players were a little flustered, they were still able to keep up with the rhythm of his orders.

After Wang Shuang emerged from the water, he summoned Deliduo again, flew up to the deck with her unfinished angel armament, and ran all the way into the cab after landing. He was shocked to see that Li Muxuan was still sitting here calmly, with her long ears It shows that she is in the soul pet mode.

"Well, Mu Xuan, come with me." Wang Shuang was a little embarrassed. Now that the situation is so critical, why is this guy not panicking at all, and still sitting here like a god?
"Are you going to deal with the sea monster down there?" Li Er left Li Muxuan's body at this time and floated out to ask.

"Yeah, so I'm here to ask you to communicate with it, and it's best to let it leave on its own initiative." Wang Shuang said with a sigh.

"I don't want it!" Unexpectedly, Li Er screamed loudly without even thinking about it: "I don't want to communicate with sea monsters, I will die!"

"I'm stupid." Wang Shuang couldn't help opening his mouth and said a foul word: "You are a pet, prophet, even if a pet dies, it will be resurrected!"

"No, it will still hurt. I'm very afraid of pain." Li Er still shook her head decisively.

Wang Shuang looked at it quite speechlessly, and now he finally knew why Li Er was only a white-grade pet despite having such a powerful ability.

(End of this chapter)

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