It's time to play online

Chapter 580 Dark Strike

Chapter 580 Dark Strike
Yes, this is theoretically impossible, but it did happen. Right under Shengshi Hongtu's eyes, they charged towards the shield-raised warriors and knights. The steel spears shone with magical light. After passing by, the players fell down like pieces of wheat.

No one expected this scene. The players behind who were about to output the Devil Rider were all taken aback. Before they could retreat, they were overtaken by the Devil Rider's super mobility and raised the heavy steel spears in their hands. , stabbing hard, the spear pierced through the bodies of several players again.

From the beginning to the end, these devil riders never stopped, and it seemed that it was a common thing for them to run through others.They charged all the way, and quickly split the entire player's position in half, and cut a large number of temporary defense lines, and quickly rushed in front of the output player.

Under the terrible damage of the devil knight, let alone these players who are much more fragile than the fighters, although some people have the mentality of fighting to the death to output to the devil knight, but most of the attacks hit the black devil knight After the heavy armor was put on, it was quickly absorbed by these heavy armors, without leaving any traces, which can be said to have had little effect.

"How could it be so invincible?" Shengshi Hongtu was shocked, but a touch of despair surged in his heart: "Could it be that this NPC town is set to be invincible, and the system has no intention of allowing players to capture it?"

"Look, one of the Devil Riders has been killed!"

Some players had sharp eyes and quickly saw what was happening behind the devil's cavalry.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Wang Shuang jumped off the city wall at the first time. Deliduo used the last time of her wings to buffer Wang Shuang's landing. His tail rushed up.

At the beginning, he also felt that the attack power of these devil knights was too powerful, because even Wang Shuang couldn't kill these players with a single blow, but these devil knights did it. What does it mean?Does it mean that the attack power of the Devil Knight is actually higher than that of Wang Shuang?
Wang Shuang also tried to rush forward at this time, preparing to sneak attack and kill one or two devil knights to test the water, but at this moment, he was spotted by the two devil knight soldiers behind him, and then the two knights turned around, pulling the reins and shouting rushed towards him.

Wang Shuang also saw the tragic deaths of several fighter players before, so now he did not choose to block, because the previous phenomenon has shown that blocking is useless, and it is better to take the initiative to attack than to focus on defense.Wang Shuang pressed the silver windbar and rode towards the two devils.

Swords, lights and swords crisscrossed, and the figures of the two devil riders exchanged positions with Wang Shuang.Seeing the two system message prompts, Wang Shuang suddenly realized.


System prompt: You have been hit by a "Dark Strike" from a Devil Rider. The Devil Rider ignores your physical defense and physical resistance, causing 325000 points of damage.

System prompt: You have been hit by a "Dark Strike" from a Devil Rider. The Devil Rider ignores your physical defense and physical resistance, causing 325000 points of damage.

It turns out that this is just one of their skills!
Seeing that he still had a little more than one-third of his vitality left, Wang Shuang was not too worried that he would be killed in seconds. Since it was a skill, there must be a cooldown after it was handed in once, right?

Sure enough, when the two sides attacked each other for the second time, what Wang Shuang received was ordinary attack damage.

But this time Wang Shuang was not thrown away again, he firmly grasped a horse armor riding a devil, and the moment the strong pulling force came, he almost tore Wang Shuang's arm apart. Without this setting, Wang Shuang hung on the back of a devil cavalry very smoothly, turned over and sat behind the cavalry.

The cavalry in front naturally sensed the situation behind him, and spun the steel spear in his hand for a circle. After the magic light lit up on it, he stabbed towards the back fiercely. Wang Shuang was also not to be outdone, and the silver wind gang turned into A gust of storm fell on the cavalry's back like a torrential rain. After suffering another dark blow, Wang Shuang finally killed the first devil cavalry.

The NPC quickly disappeared with the wind, but the horse he was sitting on was still running and bumping. Wang Shuang was taken aback, and quickly grabbed the rein that was shaking irregularly in the air in front of him, and pulled it hard. Quickly raise your front hooves and stand up.Then he stopped the charge and took a few steps forward, the hoofs left a few beautiful imprints of flowing clouds on the ground.

This was the first time when Wang Shuang was riding a horse, and the horse under his buttocks did not belong to him.Even so, the horse's intelligence seemed to be good. After realizing that the person on its back had changed, it just shook its head indiscriminately, and soon calmed down, lowering its head as if waiting for Wang Shuang's order.

Wang Shuang couldn't help wiping away his sweat, but he couldn't relax yet, because at this time there was still a devil riding on him.

For a cavalryman, a dagger is obviously a very stupid offensive method, and it is a pair of daggers, which is even more weird and illogical.

So Wang Shuang got off his horse quickly. Since he could beat a devil rider without a horse before, he can do the same now.

It's just that the blood on his head put Wang Shuang in a bit of danger. Although he had the backing of breaking and standing, Wang Shuang still didn't want to gamble on the probability. Maybe he died if he didn't play well?
The blood-generating agent can no longer meet Wang Shuang's needs. Before, when there were 10,000+ qi and blood, the blood-generating agent could still gush a little, but now with millions of qi and blood, the effect of the blood-generating agent is almost negligible.

After much deliberation, Wang Shuang suddenly thought of a solution to the current situation.

He got on his horse again, and quickly summoned his two followers, sitting on the same horse one behind the other.

Behind him is Li Muxuan, and in front of him is De Lido.As for the idea?It's very simple, naturally let the follower sitting in front of him resist the damage of the devil ride.After all, although the steel spear looks long and sharp, it is still impossible to pierce three targets at once under the restrictions of the system rules.So after the opponent killed the followers in front of Wang Shuang, they would take back the steel spear.

However, at this time, Deliduo in front suddenly yelled, startling Wang Shuang who was about to raise the rein.

"What's wrong?" Wang Shuang asked.

"My lord, what have you done to me?" De Lido whispered.

"Uh...don't worry, that's my dagger case, calm down..."

Wang Shuang was so happy that he was about to ascend to heaven. Two soft bodies, one front and one back, were close to him, making him almost forget that he was still in the national war. He flicked the rein, and soon the horse under his seat rushed out. The constant jolting of the two soft and tender bodies against him made him so happy that he almost ascended to heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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