It's time to play online

Chapter 581 The Guardian God of Mist Sky City

Chapter 581 The Guardian God of Mist Sky City

Under the crotch is a majestic and strong horse, with the beauty in front and the beauty in the back, galloping and enjoying the wind blowing from the prairie... Wang Shuang's enjoyment at this time can no longer be described in words.

Wang Shuang shot back the carbine from behind the devil's cavalry, turned around and rushed towards the formation of the devil's cavalry.These devil riders are rampant in the player's team, completely unaware of Wang Shuang's sudden attack!
"Overloaded armed!" Wang Shuang took out all the weapons in the backpack in one breath, and rushed towards a devil knight with murderous aura. Spike!

The players around were suddenly in an uproar.

Shengshi Hongtu also jumped down immediately and directed: "Hurry up and hide behind Wang Shuang!"

As before, after Wang Shuang killed the devil horse, his mount still remained. The horse stopped after walking aimlessly for a few steps, and Wang Shuang glanced at the surroundings casually. , quickly found the shadow of the God of War Qingfeng in the crowd, bent down and pulled him onto the horse.

"Huh? This is..." War God Qingfeng was slightly startled, and then suddenly realized: "Can it still be like this? The attribute bonus of this mount...can be applied to me!"

Wang Shuang smiled, and with the silver windshield and many weapons in Wu's hands, he shouted: "Cut down this group of NPCs with me, take away their mounts, and turn them into our siege force!"


Deliduo took the reins and swooped down all the way. Wang Shuang concentrated on dealing with the devil riders he encountered along the way. And fight the charge of these devil rides.Wang Shuang also destroyed the devil cavalry formation and dealt a devastating blow to them.


Another devil rider screamed and fell down, and soon a player followed up from behind, taking over the position of the owner of the mount.These majestic and majestic devil riders switched offense and defense at this time, and instead became prey to be hunted.

As long as Wang Shuang's overloaded armament is not disarmed, Wang Shuang will be like the doomsday for the devil cavalry.They were horrified to find that their attack speed was far from that of Wang Shuang's, and the most deadly thing was that they could not bear Wang Shuang's attack at all, and they would be wiped out in ashes.

For their IQ, Wang Shuang's horror can still be noticed, so these devil riders subconsciously want to stay away from Wang Shuang, but the speed of the latter is really amazing. He is not only riding a mount, but also He was still running wildly in the state of both the soul-favoring mode and the soul-riding mode. In terms of speed, he had one more mount bonus than them.

The number of devil cavalry is not much, Wang Shuang killed 1% of the devil cavalry after dashing left and right for 40 minute.After the overload arming ended, Wang Shuang needed two attacks to kill a devil ride.

But it doesn't matter, the number of war horses they have seized is enough now, and the players have begun to struggle with their resistance, using some powerful talents and abilities to fight against the devil's cavalry, and constantly drain their blood.At this time, Wang Shuang turned into a guerrilla cavalry on the battlefield, constantly running around the edge of the battlefield, as long as he noticed that a devil cavalry fell below half health, he immediately rushed up and swung his knife to kill him instantly.

The battle with the devil cavalry lasted for two hours and then ended quickly. This cavalry team, which Tianlan City had placed high hopes on, failed to help Tianlan City find life, but instead sent Tianlan City to death.

After getting the special mount of the Devil Rider, the players seemed even more powerful. The arrow towers and heavy archers couldn't catch the players at all. After the arrows were shot, they fell on the open space one after another. Already entered the city.

"Quick retreat, retreat to the inner wall!"

An NPC officer was shouting loudly. Of course, his order was also heard by Wang Shuang. He was slightly taken aback, and then impulsively took his two followers back, then jumped off his horse and entered the dark lurking place. Mode, mixed among a group of fleeing soldiers, entered the inner wall together.

The durability of the inner wall is as thick as 30E, and its physical defense and magic defense are astonishingly 100W.When Shengshi Hongtu led the players out of the siege and rushed to the inner wall, he suddenly waved his hand to make everyone stop.

Just when these NPCs were wide-eyed, not knowing what these adventurers were going to do, a scream of pig-killing screams sounded from their team. Several high-level NPCs were startled, and they all searched for the source of the sound.

"It's an adventurer, an adventurer just sneaked in!"

"Kill him!" shouted an officer angrily.

After Wang Shuang's position was exposed, he was taken care of by NPCs in Misty City almost all over the world - but most of the attacks were completely harmless to him.When he disturbed the order inside the inner wall, Shengshi Hongtu outside also received the news. Players climbed up the city wall one after another, using various tools and means to attack inside and outside with Wang Shuang, and soon Let these NPCs fall into despair.

"My God, is it that the sky is going to destroy our Tianlan City?" The city lord of Tianlan City looked at the chaotic scene below, and couldn't help but knelt in front of the statue and prayed devoutly.He waved his hand while weeping, and ordered his servants to lift up a heavy box, and then bowed down devoutly to the statue: "Master Patronus, if you can save Tianlan City from this catastrophe, I am willing to Take the wealth in this treasure chest—no, even more wealth to satisfy you."

"I just keep this Mist Sky City and protect him from the invasion of adventurers this time."

He raised his head and looked at the statue. After a while, the statue still didn't move. He knelt down again, knocking his head on the hard ground, and the blood swimming like a snake quickly overflowed.

"My lord..." Two people around him wanted to come up to help him, but he stopped him with gestures.

"To treat the gods and lords, apart from respect, what is needed is a pious heart." The blood on his head was still overflowing, and his pupils were staring at the ground close at hand, constantly expanding.


As if he had received a response from the gods, he suddenly raised his head, but was shocked to find a crack appeared on the statue, and then the whole statue shattered.

The entire room was suddenly silent, only the breathing and heartbeat of a few people maintained a steady rhythm.


"Wang Shuang, do you have a way to open the city gate now?" With a ding, Shengshi Hongtu sent a short message.

"I'll try my best!" Wang Shuang replied with a short and concise answer, then gritted his teeth and moved towards the gate of the city.

PS: Tonight's three is more like kneeling, but I made a decision, a decision with a very far-reaching impact.As for what it will know in a few days.

PS2: By the way, promote the book friend group 398961825, you can join the group to brag together.

(End of this chapter)

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