It's time to play online

Chapter 592 Unexpected turn of events

Chapter 592 An unexpected turn of events

Just as they were about to leave, they found the envoy of God was still standing in the middle of the spring, looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Wang Shuang stopped and couldn't help asking, seeing that the envoy of God hadn't left yet.

"I'm waiting for you to choose the rewards you need." The messenger of God said calmly, without any expression on his face.

"Reward?" Wang Shuang glanced at the crystal in his backpack and shook his head: "We don't plan to use the crystal as a tribute."

"It doesn't matter, in fact, I will satisfy your wishes without tribute. Of course, only this time."

"I wipe it, and there are such benefits?" Wang Shuang's eyes widened.

"Yes, because you didn't make a tribute just now and got my appreciation, so I decided to help you unconditionally."

"Nani?" Sheng Shi Hongtu opened his eyes wide: "Is this all right?"

"That's why it's a wise decision!" Qingfeng, the god of war, waved his fist excitedly.

"In that case!" Wang Shuang stepped forward and said, "Hello, Lord Messenger of God, we would like to ask how to solve the predicament we are currently encountering?"


Before the messenger could answer, a reminder sounded in Wang Shuang's ear:
System prompt: You have completed the task "Advanced Tribute", and the favorability of the envoy of God, Ariel Roland, towards you will increase by 50 points.

It's done, I don't know how the 50 favorability points will affect her answer.

Wang Shuang quietly looked at the expression on the face of the envoy of God, and he saw that the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her attitude seemed to be a little better than before.Then the smile disappeared in a flash, as if it had never existed.She continued: "You said, the predicament you are in now?"

"Yes." These were the exact words from the mission. Since the mission instructed them to ask this question and didn't specify what the predicament was, Wang Shuang couldn't open his mouth. If he guessed the wrong meaning, it would really be a collapse.

After Wang Shuang answered, the eyes of the envoy of God shifted, and he smiled lightly: "I understand, but if you want to fulfill your wish, you still need to return that crystal to Whirlpool City and restore the connection between Whirlpool City and Whirlpool City." Relationship."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was feeling a pain in the ass, and then saw the task reminder sent by the system.


System prompt: You have accepted the national war mission "Repair Relationship".

——Repair relationship: Please return to Whirlpool City, return the soul crystal of Whirlpool City to the city lord of Whirlpool City, and explain the ins and outs of the matter, so that the city owner and citizens of Whirlpool City will recognize the adventurer again.

"I'll wipe it!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but sighed: It really is self-inflicted, and you have to pay it back sooner or later.

"This NPC is interesting." Sheng Shi Hongtu pondered for a while, and suddenly a light flashed in his pupils: "Looking at her two actions, it can be concluded that this is a very humane NPC."

"How to say?" Xue Yique asked from the side.

"When we saw her this time, the first thing I did was not rush to accept the tribute, but explained the meaning of this crystal to us very clearly. I think she was implying that we should not agree. Wang Shuang really refused Afterwards, she seemed very happy, and was willing to help us complete a task for free, and the task released now is also for us to repair the relationship, she is obviously a very emotional person."

"So?" War God Qingfeng asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing." Shengshi Hongtu showed a hesitant expression, as if he was thinking about something bad, but he was too embarrassed to speak, so he shook his head in the end and didn't express any specific opinions.

Listening to Shengshi Hongtu's analysis, Wang Shuang remained silent for a while.Fortunately, they were only chatting on the team channel, and the envoy in front of him couldn't hear them.He probably wants to take advantage of the fact that the messenger of God is empathetic, and do something.

After releasing the mission, the light and shadow on the messenger of God faded away quickly.The surroundings quickly returned to the original appearance of the hall.

"Go out." Wang Shuang waved his hand and said.

A few people walked into the spring water quickly, and the vortex slowly turned, forming a light blue portal.Back outside the dungeon, they saw the players who died before, and a group of people outside who were guarding the entrance.

"Thank you." Sheng Shihongtu walked over and patted the shoulders of several people.

"The boss is the one, thank you for your hard work!" Several people replied in unison.

"Boss, where are we going next?" A man with "I am my younger brother" on his face walked out of the crowd, and stuck to Sheng Shi Hongtu like a mangy dog.Sheng Shihongtu glanced at him and said calmly, "Go back to Whirlpool City."

"Oh okay, come back..." His voice stopped abruptly, and then he turned his head slowly, looking at Shengshi Hongtu with a stiff expression: "Boss, didn't we, we just escaped from Whirlpool City, the NPC there saw us Now you want to hack us to death, you said let us go back... oh, I understand, go back and kill them all? But they are not in our way, why do you want to kill them all?"

"Who said it was all killed." Shengshi Hongtu walked under the Tianzhu Ark, turned around and shouted loudly: "Attention everyone, the mission we just received instructed us to return to Whirlpool City and restore the normal relationship with them before."

"Nani, repair the relationship?"

Most of the players had disbelief on their faces, as if their brains had stopped functioning.Only a few people who had just learned the news in advance were still trying their best to keep calm.

"Since it's a mission, there's nothing we can do about it." Shengshi Hongtu pondered for a while, and then quickly continued: "Besides, we didn't throw away the crystal, and we didn't damage the crystal. It should be enough to just return the crystal."

"I'm's not that simple this time either." Wang Shuang suddenly shook his head solemnly.

"What do you mean?" Sheng Shi Hongtu turned to look at him.

Wang Shuang explained: "What we are doing now is equivalent to stealing other people's family heirlooms, then beating up their sons and daughters, humiliating their grandparents, and then returning the heirlooms to others." They. Do you think you would forgive this behavior after the heirloom is returned?"

"..." Sheng Shi Hongtu quickly stopped talking, and the answer to the question was clearly displayed on his face.

"But for major and minor issues in the world, there must be more solutions to problems than obstacles. This is something I have always believed in." Wang Shuang said firmly.

"Maybe." Shengshi Hongtu sighed, and recalled most of the players stationed on the archipelago to the ark, then waved his hand and said, "Let's go, go to Tianlan City, pick up those players who died and resurrected, and then catch up with them." To the whirlpool city."

PS: Five more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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