It's time to play online

Chapter 593 Return to the original owner

Chapter 593 Return to the original owner
This time, when Ark of Scorpio and Ark of Chasing Sun returned to Whirlpool City with more than 90 players from Huaxia District, the wharf of Whirlpool City was already in full swing.

It seems that he knew they were coming, even the city lord of Whirlpool City boarded the pier himself, his sharp eyes like a goshawk made him stand out from the crowd like a chicken, very conspicuous.

Wang Shuang couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. He also saw the Archmage of Whirlpool City he had seen before, who was also standing on the edge of the pier. At this moment, the staff became pitch black and deep, and it seemed that a little bit of dark matter could still be seen radiating from the front of the staff, floating in the air.

"What a long row of red names!" Shengshi Hongtu expressed his brief opinion.

"It seems that this matter will not be as easy as we imagined." Wang Shuang's tone suddenly became much lower.

What he saw was the frowning of the city lord of Whirlpool City, and what he saw was an army of NPCs waiting in full battle. It seems that they want to use their flesh and blood to block the progress of Wang Shuang and others.

"I'm afraid of an egg." Wang Shuang frowned, took out the crystal in the backpack and held it high above his head, and said with a sneer: "These people really don't know how to live or die. If they dare to treat us like this, they will not be afraid that we will smash the crystal and let us break the crystal." Did they all die suddenly in place?"

"That's right." God of War Qingfeng nodded: "After all, the crystal that threatens them the most is now in our hands. If we are cornered, we will smash the crystal and leave. But why do they dare to resist now?"

"No matter what they think, let's go over and talk about it first." Shengshi Hongtu said.

Tianzhu Ark and Sunchaser Ark quickly approached the Whirlpool City Wharf, but these NPCs did not move at all, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the crystal that Wang Shuang held high above his head.

"Master City Master, we meet again." When they were close enough, Wang Shuang stood on the side of the boat and shouted to the City Master of Whirlpool City in the distance.

"Despicable and cunning adventurer!" The lord of Whirlpool City looked very angry. He seemed to be dissatisfied with Wang Shuang's actions at this time, or he might think that Wang Shuang was threatening them. Angry, he gritted his teeth and stared at him, "What do you want?"

"It's nothing." When the Tianzhu Ark was close enough, Wang Shuang jumped off the ship's side. The city lord and several guards took a step back. After landing, Wang Shuang handed the crystal to the front and carefully observed the vortex city. The expression on the face.

"If we return the soul crystal of Whirlpool City to you, can we still freely enter and leave Whirlpool City?"

"You delusional!" The lord of Whirlpool City shouted angrily.

"Don't force me to burn everything!" Wang Shuang yelled suddenly, clasping his fingers tightly on the huge crystal, as if if the lord of Whirlpool City said another word wrong, he would smash the crystal severely.

"City Lord." Next to the City Lord of Whirlpool City, a man with the appearance of a counselor stood up and whispered: "Don't provoke them any further at this time, first try to trick Crystal over here, otherwise we will have nothing to eat."

"Hmph." The lord of Whirlpool City snorted coldly after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

Seeing this, the counselor came out from the side and stood between Wang Shuang and the city lord of Whirlpool City: "This adventurer, can I come and have a good talk with you on behalf of the city lord?"

"You?" Wang Shuang felt a little surprised, but still nodded.

"First of all, I want to ask, why did you steal this crystal from our City Lord's Mansion?"

Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the first question raised by this calculating man would actually be the motive for asking them.Now there is a tense situation on both sides, and even Wang Shuang can't help but think about how he should deal with it if the other side suddenly makes a move.

But after Wang Shuang organized his words, he still answered him well: "In order to end our mission in this world."

"Mission?" Hadley looked a little surprised, and then couldn't help asking: "Do you know what this crystal means to the citizens of our whirlpool city?"

"I didn't know it before, but I know it now." Wang Shuang said, suddenly took the crystal into his arms, and then bowed deeply.

"I'm really sorry."

Dead silence.Sheng Shi Hongtu looked astonished. He didn't expect that Wang Shuang, who was naturally unrestrained and would kill others after being provoked, and would kill others if provoked, would be killed for stealing a piece of crystal from someone else. bow your head.

Even the god of war, Qingfeng, frowned in confusion: "Anyway, I don't think there is any need to bow your head to the NPC."

Listening to the discussions of the people behind him, Wang Shuang silently raised his head.

For players like them, this crystal is indeed just a prop, and this group of NPCs are just a bunch of data.But for these NPCs, this crystal is connected with their lives, and it is very cherished for them.

Even those who don't cherish their lives will protect this crystal with all their might.Because this crystal is not only related to the lives of a few or dozens of people, but also related to the lives of millions or even tens of millions of citizens in the entire whirlpool city.

"Hmph, bent over to apologize, and returned the crystal, do you want to turn hostility into jade?" The lord of Whirlpool City snorted again: "There is no such good thing in the world. If I deal with you like this today, who will give you money in the future?" Do I care about the iron law of Whirlpool City? At that time, everyone will come out to steal and rob, and in the end they have no choice but to escape and return the things to their original owners. By the way, I apologize, so Whirlpool City is going to be in chaos?"

"Then what do you want?" Wang Shuang looked back at him, with the aura of pointing at Maimang: "Do you also want to imprison us with your Whirlpool City method, or kill us a few times? The latter may be okay. Think about it, after all, death in battle is completely commonplace for us adventurers, but let’s forget about the former.”

The lord of Whirlpool City was so choked that he couldn't speak, so he had to snort again.

"In my opinion." Hared spoke again at this time: "In order to prevent unnecessary casualties, it is better for both sides to take a step back. We stop attacking and repelling adventurers. When rewarding, 20% will be deducted permanently, how about this?"

"Deduct 20% of the reward?" Wang Shuang felt a deep pain in his egg, but this might be the best result. After thinking about it, he still looked back at the few people behind him.

Seeing several people nodding to Wang Shuang, he no longer hesitated, and handed over the crystal in his hand: "Deal."

(End of this chapter)

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