Chapter 594


Just as Wang Shuang handed over the crystal, a system prompt sounded in his ears.

System prompt: You have completed the national war mission "Repair Relationship", and you have obtained the reminder scroll of the messenger of God.

Feeling something went into the backpack, Wang Shuang quickly opened the backpack, and saw a scroll that was exactly the same as before.

Wang Shuang quickly returned to the center of the crowd. Several people watched the scroll slowly unsealed, feeling a little excited.

What would be the tip to help them out?
"If you want to stand out from the tight encirclement, you need to break through the double limit, exceed the scope that the world can accommodate, and then you can stand out..."

When Wang Shuang finished reading this sentence, the reminder scroll quickly turned into a little bit of starlight and slowly dissipated, turning into gravel and slowly draining from between his fingers.

"Fuck, what the hell!" Skeleton Tiandu couldn't help shouting: "I haven't understood what it means, why didn't it fall?"

"I seem to understand the meaning of this scroll..." Xue Yique had a vague expression on his face, thinking very seriously.

"I should understand." Shengshi Hongtu said indifferently: "The limit he said should be worth 100 million. And the double limit needs to be 200 million. When our kills exceed 200 million After that, we are the victors of the national war."

"200 million?" Not only the others, but even Wang Shuang was dumbfounded: "We only killed 50 people in the most fucking day before, and now our kill count is 99. If you want to break through 200 million, you will definitely surpass other countries and become the number one, and if you fail to break through 200 million before the next day, you will return to 0 kills!"

"Isn't it ascending to heaven in one step, or starting all over again?" Shengshi Hongtu clenched his fists and said, "Perhaps we need large-scale planning and consideration."

"what should we do?"

At this moment, all eyes were on Sheng Shi Hongtu.After feeling the pressure, Sheng Shi Hongtu's eyes flashed quickly, he raised his head and said lightly: "I have figured out a way."

"What way?" Even Wang Shuang couldn't help asking.

"We cut 100 million people into six parts, drew up six teams according to the organization of each race, and then raided the towns and battlefields of the six countries. When they kept fighting and killing, we took advantage of the chaos and killed them. Just wear them on the battlefield."

"But..." God of War Qingfeng couldn't help but said: "If we divide into six teams, there will be less than 20 players left in each team. With 20W vs. 100W, do we have a chance to win?"

"Yes." Shengshi Hongtu nodded and looked into the distance: "We still have god messengers who can help us strengthen our strength. As long as we collect enough tributes, we will continue to strengthen the overall strength of players in Huaxia District, before other countries react. Just take them all at once!"

"If you want to successfully defeat 20W with 100W, you need to strengthen the quality of each player to more than five times the original. Is this... possible?"

"It's possible." Shengshi Hongtu nodded, and looked around at the players: "Our Huaxia District's combat power is far ahead of the players in other districts, as long as we find some effects that have not yet developed their strength, supplemented by surprise attacks Catch them off guard, and on the basis of our original combat power, we can completely defeat enemies five times as many as us without strengthening too much!"

"So that's it." Wang Shuang nodded approvingly: "It sounds like it is indeed feasible. If we allocate our manpower properly and let the priests cheer up those players who are not killed in battle, the gap between us and the enemy will continue to narrow, and the advantage It's going to get bigger and bigger."

After seeing hope, a group of people can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then, the first step of our plan should be to find tributes. Where do we usually find such things?"

Wang Shuang groaned, and quickly said: "Since we have soul crystals in Whirlpool City, I think the City Lord's Mansion in other countries should have similar things."

"You mean... to sneak into the city lord's mansion of another country and steal the soul crystal of another country?"

"It doesn't have to be the soul crystal... If it's not something that concerns the lives of the whole city, we can just snatch it away." Wang Shuang shouted arrogantly, waving his fists.

"Anyway, I know we're going to be on a boat again... It's so tiring to run around like this."

A day later, they returned to Tianlan City again. It was not occupied by players from other countries. It is estimated that the national war is in full swing. Many small countries want to try their luck to get a wave of millions of kills. Let's see if it is possible Get mixed up with the final winner of a national war.

Back to Tianlan City, this place is almost a dead city.After resting for more than ten minutes, they headed to the nearest main city——Tiansheng City, where the players from the Cold Country were located.

Next to Tiansheng City, there are not many players here, and a few of them seem to be going out of the city to do the mission issued by the NPC. When they saw the players from the Huaxia District rushing over, they were shocked and cursed: "F **K, this group of garbage from Huaxia District is here again!"

"Come on, cut them down!" Sheng Shi Hongtu rushed out first, a dragon tooth tearing up in his hand, directly passed through the players in the entire line, and made them stunned.

Afterwards, the Longteng Dharma God of the Longteng Guild began to chant the super powerful forbidden spell, condensing a huge ball of light.Two seconds later, the sphere of light shattered immediately, turning into a straight line of shock waves and blasting forward, instantly killing all Han country players in a line!

"NICE cooperation." Sheng Shi Hongtu turned his head and gave him a thumbs up, and then continued to pierce and charge through the crowd of players in the cold country alone with a sword, and cut a bloody path, constantly going deep into the enemy's rear.

While they were desperately trying, Wang Shuang was of course not idle. Taking advantage of the dark lurking state, after Wang Shuang reached the state of absolute stealth, he quietly entered Tiansheng City, climbed up the city wall, and killed the heavy archer on the city wall. down.

And just when Wang Shuang brought down the fifth heavy archer, he suddenly felt a chill all over his body, subconsciously turned half a step to the side, and when he turned his head, he saw an arrow flying through the air, whistling and whizzing past him .

"Hehe, the technology this time seems to have improved a lot compared to last time."

Wang Shuang turned his head and glanced at his status bar. The dark lurking state had disappeared, and the sky and blue sky were standing two sections away from the city wall, looking at him with a smile.

"You are really a guy who hides a lot of secrets." Wang Shuang said, stroking the blade of the silver wind gang and escaping into the dark lurking state again: "You were defeated by me last time, and this time it is also the same. !"

(End of this chapter)

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