Chapter 101
Will there be a small stutter among the thorns?

It was rare for Xue Yinuo to be curious, and then he glanced at him, and the eyes of the two happened to meet in mid-air.

There are three of them here, and the extra one happens to be a bystander.Because of this, Xue Yingying could see it very clearly.

My brother has always loved her, why did I take the important events of my life to heart?

Finally, there was a sign, how could she let it go?
Coughing hard, she pursed the corners of her mouth when her body was more comfortable, and secretly said happily: "Brother, you and Su both know each other?"

With a joking tone, she winked and looked back and forth between the two.

Xue Yinuo understood her thoughts immediately, and immediately said with a straight face, "It's really not big or small! Don't set a bad example for my little nephew."

With a push, he had to make her take it back.

Xue Yingying smiled smugly, if she didn't take it back, what could he do with her?

Everything else is easy to talk about, but this matter, he must not let her mess around, it is related to the girl's reputation.

Xue Yinuo thought a lot here, but the other party didn't take it seriously at all!
When he was opening his mouth, Su Dushayi jumped forward with dancing and dancing.She stared at him for a long time.When his complexion was so serious that no other melanin could be stained anymore, she finally mustered up the courage to ask, "You, you, did you go to the Yi Nationality for earthquake relief with the chief eight years ago?"

Sudushayi looked at him firmly, carefully observing every expression on his face.That seriousness seems to be deeply afraid that if one mistake is missed, it will miss a lifetime.

His looks and stature are not bad, but with Tan Junzhan as the backdrop for a long time, he lacks a little bit.However, there are not a few members of the opposite sex who have expressed their love since childhood.However, it was the first time for a woman like her to stare at a man so shamelessly!
There was an inexplicable feeling in his heart, and Xue Yinuo looked at her suspiciously.

After observing for a long time, he finally gave her some good news: "Oh, you are the girl from back then! Is there a wildflower birthmark on your left shoulder?"

Left shoulder?wildflowers?Also birthmark!

Xue Yingying's eyes sparkled, and she laughed for no reason.

It seems that my elder brother is also a bastard, a slow-witted guy who knows about feelings!

After finally finding a savior, Su Dushayi forgot about the oolong of mistakenly treating Tan Junzhan as a savior earlier.At this moment, she rushed over with great interest.

In Xue Yinuo's growth history, except for the only young girl who was able to get close, all other members of the opposite sex dodged.

This time is naturally no exception, but there is a little girl who is good at playing tricks.She hit it with all her strength, and the two of them collided together.

I don't know why the little girl was so strong, she hugged his waist tightly and refused to let go.Then the little head clung to it, and said with infinite emotion: "Benefactor, I have found you!"

"Okay, let me go!" Xue Yinuo commanded in a hoarse voice.

No one knows what his next move will be!
After a brief glance, Xue Yingying didn't want to pay attention to these two people, she clapped her little hands and was about to leave.

By coincidence, Ding Keke just came.

The alliance between the two of them happened to be on the way.

Before leaving, Ding Keke said a little worriedly: "Sister-in-law, are you sure your brother won't hurt anyone?"

In this regard, Xue Yingying gave 120 affirmations: "Don't worry! He is my brother, I don't know him yet? He has loved me since I was a child, and I have never seen him beat a woman once?"

"That's good! But, maybe Su Du can become your sister-in-law?" Ding Keke bumped her elbow and said teasingly.

It is estimated that this is the established fact, she is willing to accept it, and she still appreciates Su Du's temper: "I wish I could, finally someone is willing to accept my brother!"

"Hearing your tone, there's a story in it?" Ding Keke has a hilarious temper, and he likes such revelations the most.

Looking back at the two people who were still at a stalemate, Xue Yingying was very happy in her heart, and they left each other arm in arm, "I'll tell you slowly!"

In the deep mountains and old forests, it is this season.Some time ago, when I looked around, it was still lush and green.But now, it was a dead tree branch, not even a shadow of a ghost could be covered.

Do you still want to hide people in this kind of place?gab!

This mountain has not been developed by outsiders, and the trail up the mountain has to rely on two legs.

In this weather, cold winds are blowing from all directions.The surroundings were so quiet that even the chirping of birds could not be heard, and the only thing accompanying them were the temporary dead leaves.

Once the cold wind blows, it can't stand it, so it has to break away from the tree trunk that has nurtured it for a long time, and dances in mid-air.

The corners of Tan Junzhan's eyes twitched a few times, and finally he stopped, and asked in a cold voice, "Han Shaoting, are you sure?"

He raised his hand, fixed his gaze on the watch, and answered cleanly: "According to the signal received by the radio, it is 1000 meters due south. It has been half an hour since the last call was hung up. "

The cold ice gradually exudes an endless chill, and Han Shaoting finally raised his eyes from his watch, "Boss, the first time I found this place, I had already notified the police brothers to strictly control the exits of this mountain. Today, Even if we turn the whole mountain upside down, we still have to find Fang Yi."

"Yes, you need to see people when you live, and you need to see corpses when you die! I don't believe it, we can't find a stinky bitch with our abilities!"

Before one finished speaking, the other followed closely: "You are a big bastard, why can't you straighten your tongue? The lesson from last time was not enough. As soon as my sister-in-law became pregnant, she started to think badly. This kind of Human, it is simply unreasonable for us not to punish her!"

After all, they all have one belief, they must find Fang Yi, and she will be a disaster if she is alive!

"Keep going!"

Tan Junzhan's voice was as cold as water, and he gave another order.

"Yes!" A neat and clear answer came immediately.

According to what Han Shaoting knew, it was indeed for them to find a log cabin.But in this seemingly simple cabin, Fang Yi, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, will live here?

Everyone is skeptical.

Doubt is doubt, and acting separately is another matter.

The final result-the soldiers were divided into three groups and outflanked from the side.

Before taking action, Tan Junzhan deliberately ordered: "Be careful in ambush!"

At this time, silence is better than sound, maybe there is a trap inside, waiting for them to jump in.

At this kind of moment, there should be no sound, everyone nodded their heads and put his instructions in their hearts.

It's a pity that they were fully prepared, and the three teams entered with one side each, but there was nothing left inside.

Everyone didn't respond as they should for no reason, Tan Junzhan immediately pushed aside the crowd and approached the center.When he fixed his eyes on it, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys couldn't help but explode with rage.

In the huge room, where is there any furniture?Even if this is a refuge for sleeping, isn't there even a decent thin quilt in this weather?

The more irritating thing is yet to come, there is a mobile phone in the middle of the cabin.

Tan Junzhan waved his big hand and walked close to him.

Holding the fuselage in his hand, he didn't have any time to hesitate, and his slender fingertips flicked the buttons back and forth neatly on it.He didn't know what was going on, but he clamped the fuselage and slammed it viciously.

Curiosity is in everyone.But not everyone has the courage to ask, and don't look at his current attitude?

The mobile phone happened to be thrown towards Han Shaoting's location, and it was quietly staying at his feet at the moment.

Han Shaoting didn't move, however, someone didn't seem to want him to remain the same.

Tan Junzhan said coolly: "Take a good look!"

Four simple words are enough to express his boundless anger at the moment.

How did this happen?
After receiving the order, even though he didn't name his name, Han Shaoting knew that he was the one he was talking about.

Bending down and bending his legs, he wrapped the phone in his palm.After holding it in his hand, he only flipped through it a few times, and his face immediately changed dramatically.

The direction he was looking for was indeed correct, but he never expected that Fang Yi would be able to use this trick—the golden cicada to get out of its shell!
They are in the light, and she is in the dark, and she knows everything about them.Of course, she alone would never be able to do this. There is indeed a powerful force behind her.

At present, it seems that it is not so important to find out who this powerful force is.

Jin Chan escaped her shell, and she created the illusion that she was hiding here, making them mistakenly believe it was true, and they could not find out in time.Now, after they understand it, they will definitely turn back.

Is her purpose——

After Han Shaoting considered it carefully, he was immediately shocked.He raised his head abruptly, and looked in the direction of the boss.

The reason why Tan Junzhan was able to convince him was because he had an epiphany in the first place that he didn't expect.

The fuselage was close to the ear, and when there was an echo from the other end, Tan Junzhan finally said eagerly: "Yinuo, where is my daughter? I ask you to take good care of her."

The latter sentence seemed like a disguised threat.

Xue Yinuo on the other side finally let go of the entanglement with Su Dushayi, and after quickly scanning the surroundings with his eyes, he realized that his precious sister, Yaomei, was nowhere to be seen.

Just as she was about to answer, she only heard Su Dushayi say: "Didn't Xue Yingying leave with Ding Keke?"

"You've seen it all, and you still haven't said hello to me?"

Her kindness didn't go well, she kindly helped him out of the siege, but in exchange for this was the abuse.

Xue Yinuo didn't care to continue to be serious with her, "Tan Junzhan, you should have heard! Mangci is your territory, hurry up and order to go down and look for your daughter."

"Is there a need for you to say that?" Tan Junzhan's tone was full of cold sarcasm.

Ever since they met, the two of them have been incompatible, and the reason is only because of a certain woman.

Cutting off the phone quickly, Tan Junzhan finally got in touch with Lei Ting while he was evacuating the cabin.

Before the other party could speak, he began to ask aggressively: "Where is Ding Keke now?"

"Before she finished speaking, she heard a scream before hanging up the phone. Chief, I'll go find her right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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