Chapter 102
It was meal time, and all the cafeterias were overcrowded.Xue Yingying is of course unwilling to start a small matter alone.

In Manthorn, she was originally a collection of all kinds of gossip.As far as her current special situation is concerned, if she temporarily uses her privileges, she may not be able to convince the public.

After getting along for a while, Ding Keke was able to figure out some parts of her psychology thoroughly, so he didn't make this suggestion.

The two held hands, helping each other as they walked.

When they came to the gate, none of the guards stopped them.

What's going on?That's not normal!
Xue Yingying raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at the people around her: "He made all the arrangements in advance?"

Nodding his head and nodding, Ding Ke's eyes narrowed slightly in laughter, forming a thin line in an instant.

Continuing to walk forward, she said with a long tail: "That must be! Sister-in-law, you are the first child of the boss in your stomach, and he is very precious. Since there is nothing delicious in it, I will accompany you Let's go outside to find delicious food together. No matter what, we can't starve this little guy to death."


It is necessary to take such careful care of the small germ that has not yet formed?

"Ah Zhan told you himself?" Xue Yingying asked casually with a smile in her eyes.

If pregnancy can change people's personality before and after, she believes that this is obvious in herself.However, he is a big man, can he say such provocative words to his subordinates?
Who believes!

He has a good face, anyway, he can't say such nasty words in front of her.

The smile between his brows and eyes seemed to be stronger, Ding Keke leaned on her shoulders, and said coquettishly: "Sister-in-law, you must not go to the boss to sue me. These words are all figured out by myself, but The meaning is exactly the same!"

"You, how can you play a poor tongue!"

What Ding Keke said actually satisfies her psychologically, so she naturally wouldn't make a small report.

At this time, the road is full of traffic and crowds.

And the destination they want to go is a bit far away, Ding Keke sweeps the streets back and forth.Then, I made up my mind.

"Sister-in-law, you stay here and wait for me first. I guess it's a bit difficult to take a taxi now, so I'll make a call to Leiting."

After she finished speaking, she stepped aside and secretly talked on the phone.

This scene completely fell into Xue Yingying's eyes, and a thought could not help appearing in her mind - it's nice to be young!
She was indeed not too old, but she immediately felt aggrieved in her heart.

He is a stinky man, before he decided to get married, he didn't even give him the minimum time to date.Apart from anything else, he held the household registration books of both parties and the marriage complaint approved by his superiors, and forced her to get the certificate through coercive behavior.

She was in her mid-twenties, what a beautiful age, and now she was pregnant with his seed.Thinking about it this way, there was indeed something lacking in her life.But once she conceived the appearance of the little thing in her mind, the corners of her lips were actually dimpled.

It's a pity that she didn't know that there were two pairs of sharp eyes staring at her side face at the corner of the street.

If someone told her, she would definitely not show that expression.

Now it is the peak season for dining, and many people drive out to eat, so that the road is full of people on the road.

In this way, it also just provides an opportunity for some people who intend to let go.

Not far from her happened to be a parking lot, and because of the crowd of people in front of it, it was bustling, as if they were arguing endlessly about something.

Xue Yingying heard that the noise was quite loud, and there were a lot of people's affairs, nothing more than two situations.Either for a parking space, or scratches on both sides of the body.

As far as she is concerned, taking care of her health is the top priority, and of course she is too lazy to intubate such trivial matters.

So, she withdrew her eyes angrily.

The parking lot is not too small, but the rest are all occupied.Ordinary normal people, no one will notice that there are actually people inside the cars parked nearby.

The windows of the car have been covered by sun visors, and no one can see the movement inside from the outside, but the people inside can check all the movements of the outside world.

Just when the few people were still arguing non-stop over a broken parking space, they were almost ready to make a move.In the still car on the left, there was a muffled low laughter: "Why, can't watch it anymore?"

"Are you still laughing? Don't forget, the wounds on both of us will never heal in this lifetime. And who is the culprit?" After gritting her teeth, the female voice almost bit the tip of her own tongue.

The muffled laughter immediately stopped, and he glanced at her coldly, and the other person said: "Want to take revenge? Right now, it happens to be an opportunity. In my state, don't count on me!"

"Hmph, I never counted on that!"

With a cold snort from the tip of her nose, the woman deliberately went around the car from the other side, so that no one would notice.

The mobile phone caused great radiation to the human body, and Tan Junzhan confiscated Xue Yingying's matching phone.And Ding Keke was also hiding a little far away for this reason.

From last night to now, she hardly has much food in her stomach, and she is making a lot of noise now.

Turning his head and looking back, Ding Keke, this chick, has never finished. If you are in a good relationship, you have to see the occasion!
Xue Yingying never imagined that the cool guy Lei Ting would be a chatterbox, or could it be that Keke was talking to himself?

When two people get along, don't you pay attention to coming and going!

She continued to starve, how could she bother, what about the young couple who had made progress with great difficulty?

Thinking back to Teacher Lei at the beginning, and comparing Ding Keke's shy face not far away, what if it's not emotional growth?
Tan Junzhan never talked about the personal affairs of the brothers in the team, and she didn't have the leisure to care about them.However, Lei Ting knew at a glance that he was a person with a story.

After finally getting out of the painful past, she was sincerely happy for those two!
She stayed where she was quietly, waiting for Ding Keke to end the call.

And those noisy people, under the coordination of the police, did not stop in the end.They pushed and shoved each other, chattered rudely, and even punched and kicked.

One punch and one kick, you come and go.

For the sake of fairness, the two sides exchanged courtesies, and greeted each other's faces with iron fists.

How could that person accept it? So, the two of them ended up in a ball, and their positions gradually shifted.A group of people at the side started to separate the two of them, who knew that this was undoubtedly stimulating them, and they wrestled together more and more frantically.

Seeing that they were approaching her fiercely, Xue Yingying subconsciously wanted to stay away.But after standing still for a long time, her legs became weak, and a tingling pain penetrated through the joints of the bones.

She couldn't move, she could only watch them approaching.

At the same time, she heard a scream from Ding Keke: "Ah! You guys, get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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