Chapter 108 Little Devil

The two are so close that she can even count how many eyelashes he has.

The little devil in her heart was ready to move, but she didn't have the nerve to control him, so she went straight to it.

Instinctively bend his body into a bow, and stick the whole body to him.Afterwards, she clearly felt the stiffness of his muscles.

The corners of his lips pulled, and the small mouth wanted to stick behind his ears, breathing out hot air.

But there are always guys who don't know current affairs come to make trouble, it's so annoying!

"Jun Zhan—"

It was a strangely familiar voice!
With acquaintances present, how could she have the nerve to continue that behavior?

Xue Yingying changed her movements in an instant, she just wrapped her hands around his neck.She raised her eyebrows and looked at the two couples who were getting closer.

As soon as someone approached, she said unceremoniously: "Sister Lian, look at your age, you are really well maintained. Visual inspection, Taiwanese accent? You are not the same age as Ah Zhan! I don't know People, would think that Ah Zhan was given to San!"

Lian Yinyun's expression was miserable, how many people in the whole capital have the guts to say this in front of the person involved?It is estimated that this little girl is the only one.

The little girl is proud of being favored, relying on someone to support her, she speaks more and more recklessly.

As the saying goes, "One who is close to vermilion is red and one who is close to ink is black", after staying with him for a long time, his mouth is so smooth!
However, he likes it!

Once he considered that she had no place to vent her anger before, why would he choose to stop her now?

However, the cold wind was piercing outside, and the little guy stabbed a little deeper into his arms.

Taking advantage of his breath, he didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, and he was a straightforward family when he opened his mouth.

Tan Junzhan glanced sharply, and coldly grabbed the neck of the man in front of him, suppressed his breath, and said, "Zhao Yaokun, why don't you hurry up and take your woman with you, get out as soon as possible!"

Then there is no more to say!
He moved his footsteps, walked away, and said that the chief executive did not even glance at him, this person was quite defeated.

Xue Yingying happened to be close to the two of them after being careful when she was young. She yawned again and again and asked casually: "By the way, why did you two come here? If there is no important matter, breaking into a private house without the owner's consent is a big deal." Something against the law."

With regard to such a grand building, and with regard to the Huaju with so many sentinels standing guard, can it be called a "civilian residence"?It's just a joke!
Lian Yinyun was good at putting on a show, and soon his face returned to calm.

She tried to put on a smile on her face, and her affectionate tone was more like a girlfriend's affection: "I heard that sister Xue has been feeling unwell recently, with poor appetite, upset, nausea and retching, dizziness?"

"So what, do you have a clever way to improve?" Xue Yingying raised her eyebrows suspiciously and asked back when everyone got to the point.

Even the rhyme is not ostentatious, especially at this juncture.

Taking out a post-it note from her bag, she was about to stuff it into Tan Junzhan's hand and hand it over by herself.

Unfortunately, she simply ignored it.

Holding the little guy's slender waist with his hands, he turned his head and planned to leave without even answering.

What the ancients said are all wise sayings, especially the sentence - a dead horse is a living horse doctor!
How could Lian Yinyun have expected his behavior, the hand that was frozen in midair never retracted.

Fortunately, Xue Yingying made an instant move, pinching the flimsy piece of paper between her fingertips, and finally rescued her from the embarrassing situation.

"Elder Sister Lian, I'm really grateful. If the situation turns out to be favorable, I'll definitely come to visit later. If the situation is reversed...hehe!"

The last two words are one of the top ten most unpopular words of the year.

Two times in a row, she didn't give the other party face, Lian Yinyun had already planted deep seeds in her heart.Being in the way of others, she had no choice but to keep a smile on her face: "Look at what my sister is saying? I am very much looking forward to the safe birth of this baby!"

is it?

People's hearts are separated by belly, Xue Yingying always believes in her always sensitive sixth sense.

The woman in front of her is definitely not someone to be messed with, she is definitely several times more difficult to deal with than Pu Xinyu.From the point of view of Jianguo's satisfaction with her, it seems that she should not discredit the family.

Therefore, Xue Yingying smiled sweetly, and at the same time issued a eviction order in a soft voice: "I am here to thank my unborn child, and you two came here specially to give me this thing."

Raising her arm, she shook the thing between her and continued: "It's been seven years, and you two should consider having a child. If you don't want to fall behind, Zhao Yaokun, you should start working hard now. I won't hinder you The two of you will go home and create a great cause for people, so walk slowly and don’t send them off.”

Even if the mistress of the house said this, who would continue to stay here shamelessly?

Lian Yinyun looked pitifully at Tan Junzhan who never looked at her, and had no choice but to agree: "Then you rest at ease, and I will visit you later."

Turning her head, turning around, and walking, she seems to have forgotten to consider someone's position.

The beautiful figure had already left the gate, and Zhao Yaokun, who was very silent today, then walked up to the two of them, looked at them with burning eyes, and said in a serious tone as if warning: "Remember to beware of her!"

she?Which one is she referring to?

Xue Yingying was confused when she heard it, and wanted to question him carefully, but who knew that he left as fast as a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Could it be that he is the man in the legend—the wind-like man?
Xue Yingying was stunned.

"Not sleepy anymore?" His voice sank, and someone seemed unhappy.

Xue Yingying's ears were sharp, and she could hear his thoughts clearly.After accumulating for many years, can she still learn to observe all his behaviors?

It just so happened that there was no one around, and the suppressed little evil in his heart softly rubbed against him.From a distance, it looks more like a koala clinging to him and refusing to get off.

"Ninny, stop messing around with me!" He instinctively reacted inappropriately to this teasing.But at this stage, he still can't fix her, what a nuisance!

"I won't!" It's a rare opportunity to let him down, will she let it go?
I don't think about it!

Desperately suppressed that impulsive force, he didn't want to become the "beast animal" she called again.Taking advantage of his sanity still staying at his original position, he finally adjusted his already chaotic breathing rhythm.

He controlled her entire delicate body tightly, and there was simply no way to move her body!

But even in this situation, she can still make trouble.

It took a long time to prop up her upper body, and finally she got her wish.

With a sip, she lightly kissed him on his dry and chapped lips.To prevent him from being wild for a while, she left quickly.

However, there was a barely suppressed chuckle from the surroundings.

Tan Junzhan couldn't bear it anymore, and roared angrily: "Xue Yingying——"

(End of this chapter)

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