Chapter 109 Purslane

At the beginning, he didn't expect much, but under Xue Yingying's repeated insistence, Tan Junzhan finally sent the small note from Lian Yinyun to a more reliable medical worker in the family.

After consulting several reputed experts, the opinions she got were quite unified—this prescription could indeed improve her current problems.

Therefore, Tan Junzhan let her eat with confidence.

Before Tan Junzhan went to Mansthorn, he called Jiang Yinshi to accompany him.Xue Yingying's physical condition is very unstable recently, of course he ignored her plea to follow her to work.

Jiang Yinshi rushed to Huaju non-stop, and before she got to the main hall, she saw a man who couldn't settle down, who was circling around a tree trunk, as if he was studying something.

Hurrying over, Jiang Yinshi glanced at the sapling strangely.Maybe she's not proficient in this area, but to her, trees almost all have the same appearance, so what a rarity!
"Ninny, you and mom go into the house, it's cold outside." She held Xue Yingying's shoulder full of interest, and made a gesture to bring it inside.

But Xue Yingying's interest has not faded now, how could she be obedient?

Looking up, she was still full of doubts in her tone, and asked, "Mom, do you know this kind of tree? In my impression, it seems to have just been transplanted."

It spans December, and this place is in the north again, so it is conceivable that the temperature is extremely cold.Even in this kind of weather, it can still stand proudly, green and evergreen. This kind of indomitable spirit is particularly admirable.

Tan Junzhan is about to go to the third party, but Jiang Yinshi feels frustrated for the first time, and it was bestowed on her by her beloved daughter-in-law.With two sons and one daughter, she has never asked such tricky questions since she was a child, which made her at a loss and difficult to answer.

She was thinking about how to answer, but fortunately, the gardener who was in charge of this area came out and took care of everything: "Hello, Mrs. Chief, Mrs. Commander. These pines and cypresses were indeed transplanted a while ago. Mrs. Chief has really good eyesight. The branches and leaves have all fallen in disorder recently, and in winter there are only the so-called "Three Friends of Sui Han" in pine, bamboo and plum. Over there, there are a few wintersweet flowers that have been transplanted recently. If you like, you can come and enjoy it when you have time."

Every winter, the scene outside the window is always covered with silver and snow.And this year, I can finally add a sense of spring in front of my eyes.

Vibrant green and bright plums, all of which are eye-catching and bring a good feeling.Just like the baby in her womb, a group of people are waiting for its birth with full hope. This is really a blessing!
"I'll just ask casually. You can go on with your work and don't worry about me." Xue Yingying waved her hand, it was indeed a bit chilly outside, and finally she followed Jiang Yinshi's suggestion.

After entering the living room, Jiang Yinshi was afraid that she would catch the cold outside, so she quickly found a hot water bottle and a thick shawl, and covered her with them.

"Mom, I'm not that fragile yet!" Xue Yingying smiled wryly, even though she understood her good intentions.

Loving her and loving her has long surpassed the general relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Jiang Yinshi pretended to be angry and glared: "Do you dare to take it off and try?"

Xue Yingying could see her concern, so she couldn't be bothered, so she had to follow her.

With a scalding hot water bottle, she placed it between her knees, held a cup of hot tea with both hands, and sipped it in small sips.

Jiang Yinshi saw her well-behaved and obedient, and felt even more uncomfortable.

"Ninny, from now on... from now on, mother will treat you twice as well." After saying this, Jiang Yinshi burst into tears.

Reminiscing all the hardships she has endured, which elder would not feel distressed?Especially her, Aunt Jiang, who hurt her to the bone.

Xue Yingying is not a brute who walks into an alley and doesn't know how to look back. When the incident happened, she was angry and depressed, and secretly swore in her heart that she would never give the other party a chance to forgive.

However, now that I think about it, everything is my own ridiculous idea.Humans are always walking forward, why do they look back from time to time?From the day Tan Jun Zhan got married, she was destined to let go of the conflicts in her heart.

She didn't want him to be the conflict between her and her family, as well as the fuse.On this point, she absolutely understands the general situation.

The red lips curved slightly, and Xue Yingying smiled and replied: "Mom, if I really don't forgive, then it shouldn't stay in my stomach."

Even if the belly is not prominent, Xue Yingying's motherly brilliance is very obvious.Caressing her lower abdomen with her hands, she looked into the distance as if she was drawing something in her mind.

In fact, every mother-to-be will have such a stage, which outlines what a little person should look like.How long did it take to learn to turn over and walk, when did it start talking, was the first word it uttered was dad or mom... and so on.

Seeing the gentle look on her cheeks, Jiang Yinshi's heart became more and more sad.

I don't know what the old man at home is thinking, what a wonderful daughter-in-law, but every time she speaks sarcastic in front of her face!

Forget it, let's not mess with that, just think about it and get upset.

"Ninny, are you feeling better recently?" Jiang Yinshi really cared about her, not because of the child in her belly.In this regard, she is quite different from other mother-in-laws.

Swallowing down a sip of warm tea, she kept a smile on her face, and said softly, "Lian Yinyun brought a recipe a few days ago, and said it can shock the gods. Ah Zhan asked someone to look carefully, it's no problem, I'm about to start trying!"

Jiang Yinshi has always loved her dearly, she is loved by others, but she spoils her so much, and then the two of them almost turned over the table and ran away from home.

The freshly baked decoction was brought over, and a lot of heat kept rising from the top.If you eat it now, it will be scalded to the tip of your tongue.

After putting down the things with the sentinel, he gave a standard salute and turned to leave.

Jiang Yinshi was afraid that she would burn her tongue if she drank it all in one gulp.Immediately got up, she was going to bring it to herself, to help blow away the hot feeling.

As soon as her head got closer, she froze in place, motionless.

Xue Yingying did not move, and continued to drink with a glass of water, "Mom, to tell you the truth, I just thought those pines and cypresses were a bit strange. I don't know the exact time when they came over. Do you think my situation may be affected by some plants?" ?”


Jiang Yinshi suddenly came to his senses, and placed the vessel containing the decoction in front of him.Afterwards, as if she was still not satisfied, she asked someone to find a thermos again.Pour them in one by one and seal them tightly.

Xue Yingying paid attention the whole time, but didn't speak.

After all the actions were over, Jiang Yinshi sighed almost inaudibly.

Xue Yingying looked at her with twinkling eyes, carefully guessing: "There is something wrong with this medicine?"

She couldn't imagine anything else but this.

It's not easy to hide this kind of thing, Jiang Yinshi still got vaccinated in advance, with a serious face: "Ninny, what you said makes sense, some flowers and plants in the bedroom can't be placed, it's not good for your health. If You usually open the windows to ventilate, because pines and cypresses are also possible. These are hard to say, but you must not touch this medicine, because it contains purslane del ingredients. "

"Porcelain pan?"

What the hell is that?
Xue Yingying didn't have a concept in her mind, she looked at it flickeringly.

After all, Jiang Yinshi is someone who has experienced it, and she should know most of the taboos of pregnant women.

She patiently explained in a deep voice: "Pursella, it has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, cooling blood to stop bleeding, dispelling blood stasis and reducing swelling. However, it must not be eaten by pregnant women. It will make the uterus contract rapidly and make you No kids."


The teacup that was originally held in the palm of the hand fell to the ground quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the warm water splashed and the cup was torn apart.

Her child, is she really so unpopular?

Deep in Xue Yingying's heart, she felt as if a knife had been twisted. She hadn't even been born yet, and there were murderous intentions lurking around her. It was simply comparable to ancient scheming!

Looking at her pale face, how could Jiang Yinshi feel better!Freeing her hand, she wrapped her trembling little hand tightly in her palm, Jiang Yinshi smiled lightly to calm her sensitive nerves: "Ninny, I will definitely investigate this matter to the bottom. It seems that Huaju is not safe now , why don’t you go home with me! Let mom take good care of you, your thin face has shrunk a whole circle.”

The strength of the Tan family should not be underestimated. In less than half a day, the results of Jiang Yinshi's investigation came out.

Sure enough, as she expected, a lot of purslane powder was added to the soup.In addition, under the personal supervision of Tan Junzhan, professionals also came to a conclusion.What affects her physical condition is not the pine and cypress growing tall outside the window, but the coniferous flower - jade lilac.

But what is strange is that after searching the entire Huaju, there is no trace of Yu Lilac.However, the composition of jade cloves was clearly detected on the instrument, which cannot be faked.

The experts were all puzzled.

Tan Junzhan didn't think it was just a coincidence, his sharp-eyed eyes immediately shrank, and he walked forward quickly.When he got up, he was holding a cluster of dry flowers that had lost their moisture long ago.

Holding it in the palm of his hand, he checked it repeatedly.

At this moment, a member of the expert group exclaimed: "This...isn't this the petal of jade lilac?"

"The rich aroma of jade cloves can stimulate the stomach of the human body, not only affecting appetite, but also causing upset, nausea and retching, and dizziness in pregnant women."

All these items corresponded to each other, but why didn't he respond at all?

As if seeing the doubts in his heart, the man opened his mouth to explain again: "According to my guess, someone picked the chief executive and placed the flowers in the room when you were away. Then he took them away, and the fragrance permeated the air without much residue. .Because your wife is too weak, so the reaction is more obvious."

(End of this chapter)

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