Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 110 The Man's Revenge

Chapter 110 The Man's Revenge

As soon as the door was pushed open, following his footsteps, a burst of cold air swept over.

And the little man with the cat on the sofa shrinks into a small ball, puts the exposed feet away, shrinks back and forth inside.

At the same time, before she regained consciousness, a slight sound came out of her mouth: "Leng—"

Seeing her like this, how could he continue to block the door without any movement?

He hurriedly closed the door and entered.

As soon as his feet were close to the sofa, he hugged her in his arms.

As soon as his rough fingertips touched her toes hidden under the thin quilt, he silently stared at the person in front of him, even though her eyes were still closed and she couldn't look at her.

"Xue Yingying, I think your head is full of bean dregs, you can fall asleep in this place!"

He roared and reprimanded furiously, and jumped out one by one.

The little guy in his arms woke up suddenly, and a person rushed out from the kitchen, waving a spatula in his hand, and gave her a severe reprimand!

"Tan Junzhan, stop fucking me. It's not like she doesn't have a family. She dared to bully her like this in front of me. I wasn't sure how you would treat her secretly before?"

Xue Yinuo appeared in an apron tied around his waist, but Tan Junzhan's eyes were dull.It wasn't until a few seconds later that the little man in his arms spoke.

Shi Er'er rubbed her eyelids, which had been engaged in tug-of-war for a long time. She took the time to glance twice, continued to rub her eyes, and replied casually: "Ah Zhan, what are you looking at? Brother, his pastoral floral style doesn't fit me very well." What is his spirit!"

Someone really thinks so?

Tan Junzhan looked up at the other party incredulously. Doting on Yaomei must have a measure. To be able to make such a huge sacrifice for her, it is estimated that he is the only one in the whole world!

A majestic eight-foot man... is not right, the ancient eight-foot height is converted into today's length measurement unit, but it is actually about 1.7 meters.However, Xue Yinuo's height is comparable to Tan Junzhan's, and the legend of 1.7 has long been broken.When I was young, I saw more men hovering around [-] meters. If it weren't for the presence of these two outstanding men, Xue Yingying would have been suspicious of this height.

Which of the male protagonists in Xiao Yan's story did not break through the height of [-]?However, compared with what I saw with my own eyes, the cruel gap between the novel and the reality begins to appear here.

The mighty man with a net height of more than 1.8 meters wears an apron with small floral flowers around his waist, and raises a spatula in his left hand.The light in the living room is quite sufficient, looking from that direction, it seems that the shovel is still stained with greasy luster.

And he—Xue Yinuo came to Tan Junzhan in this appearance, and at this moment, he was even more aggressive in trying to drive him out of the country.That scene is really funny!
Tan Junzhan, who always showed off his face with a frozen face, did not restrain himself this time.

A faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he leisurely opened his mouth: "You carefully prepared this for your brother?"

Are you sure this isn't cheating him?
Obviously, this sentence does not apply at all.Before Nizi could make trouble, Xue Yinuo's shovel flew over directly.

"Do you like it?"

Xue Yinuo's face was gloomy and terrifying, Xue Yingying naturally noticed something, and asked a casual question, instantly helping him save the situation.

Tan Junzhan was also not easy to talk to, thinking about changing the topic in his heart, who would have thought that Nizi would say something like this: "If you like it, I think brother will give up his love. Otherwise, I will buy another set in the same way." .Anyway, you two are good brothers, you are exactly the same and just constitute a brother outfit."

Damn, do you want to cheat with him?
Tan Junzhan now understands from the bottom of his heart, she is teasing Xue Yinuo, how did he provoke this little devil!

What is placed in front of him should not be other people's chores, but about himself.

Her white and tender toes were held in the palm of his hand, and the cool touch made him suppress the irritation in his heart, cursing in his mouth: "How dare you lie on the sofa with bare feet in this weather? Sincerely." Don't want kids anymore?"

Xue Yingying was already prepared for being talked about by him.

She didn't intend to pull her feet back, she let him breathe out hot air from her mouth, and kept rubbing her slightly cold little feet with both hands.He still has her place in his heart, otherwise he would have made a fuss because of this matter as soon as he came in.

He didn't understand Xue Yinuo's psychology, and seeing the relationship between the two of them crooked, as if he didn't have his own business in this place, he turned around and entered the kitchen again.

In fact, Xue Yinuo is the legendary good man at home, under the subtle training of his mother and Yaomei.Now he is already able to go up to the hall, go down to the kitchen, chase and run and even catch a small thief.

"Yinuo, did he mess with you?"

Tan Junzhan saw him fleeing in a daze, never had he been in such a panic in front of Xue Yingying.Unless there is only one possibility, he has something to fall into her hands.Because there was nothing to do, I had to put on that sissy apron.

Continuing to enjoy the behavior from the other party, Xue Yingying deliberately winked at him mysteriously.In an instant, she propped up her upper body, put her small mouth close to his ear, and said in a soft voice: "Tan Junzhan, don't let me hold you in the future. Otherwise, you will be better than my brother." The end is still miserable!"

At the end of the sentence, maybe she felt that the feeling was not in place, so she freed up her fingertips to poke his chest lightly once or twice.In the end, she exerted a little more strength, which made him frown painfully.

"I have been a vinegar bucket since I was a child. You should know this. I have been completely attached to you since I was four years old. Whenever the opposite sex appears under my nose, I must use all methods to drive them away. That's it Point, no matter how many times you educate me, I will definitely be a repeat offender."

Having said that, in just a few seconds, his eyes immediately changed.

The corners of his eyes twitched suddenly, his eyes were as black as ink, and his eyes looking at her seemed bottomless, almost sucking people in.He was not polite when speaking, and he managed to utter a few words between his teeth: "Xue Yingying, please speak quickly, I am not so patient."

As if to express his anger, he also paused the action of massaging the soles of his feet to generate heat.What's even more exaggerated is that he took advantage of his unpreparedness to forcefully draw circles on the soles of her feet with his fingertips.

She has been ticklish since she was a child, not to mention this combination of pain and itching!

For a moment, she was crying and laughing, and she was a living image of a lunatic.

"Enough...enough...I...I said it's not enough..." The man in front of me who still had a cool face was indeed the outline of the boy she admired in her memory, but his behavior was really off by several tunes. .

With disdain at first glance, the second criminal is using this trick, can this be on the same channel?

Fortunately, he stopped, and Xue Yingying wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. Just now, she wanted to talk about it, but someone liked to steal her limelight, and this time it was the person she didn't want to see the most.

(End of this chapter)

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