Chapter 111 Showing Love

It's two short words, but it's enough to see that the man is imposing, and he can't be provoked.

In the Tan family, besides her high-ranking father-in-law who only knows how to break up the two of them, who else is there?

Tan Junzhan is definitely his own, once the outline of the straight face is so similar.The roar that came when he was sullen was simply shaking and magnificent!

Isn't he just inheriting the glorious tradition of his father-in-law?

But - she is not afraid of Xiao Lian A Zhan's scolding and driving away, so is she afraid of him?For a long time, she actually had something to fear in her heart, and that was the fear that Tan Junzhan simply didn't love her.A simple sentence of "I don't love" turned all her efforts into negation, how could she accept it!

Her brain was in a trance, but her hand was still firmly grasping his hard arm, and she was getting harder and harder.

He belongs to her, and can only belong to her, and other women cannot divide it.

Tan Jianguo was standing a little far away, but Tan Junzhan clearly noticed her abnormal behavior.Thinking about it again, her abnormal behavior some time ago turned out that the source of the disaster was his father who he couldn't get rid of.

The double attack that other men received came from the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but on his side it was a battle between father-in-law and daughter-in-law.Tan Jianguo has been in the military camp for a long time, and Xue Yingying is obviously on the disadvantaged side.

Lifting it up, Tan Junzhan asked her to sit on his lap.

The more the man in front of him wanted to break up, the more he wanted to show his affection in front of him, but he just did the opposite.

Clenching his hands inch by inch, he patted her on the back with a rare look of a gentle husband: "Daughter, you have my seed in your belly. Don't forget, our marriage certificate is still mortgaged by Grandpa." , without the big fat boy I gave birth to, don't even think about getting a divorce."

These words are obviously meant for Tan Jianguo. Did you hear that? It's not that your son wants to take over your daughter, but that she is thinking about getting a divorce with all her heart.

No matter how firm Tan Jianguo's attitude was, of course he had to protect the face of his own son.

"Divorce? Damn girl, being able to marry Jun Zhan is already the greatest blessing in your life." Father Yan also has a tender side, and this scene usually appears at such moments.

Tan Junzhan had been waiting for this moment, and as soon as he finished speaking, Tan Junzhan's sharp eagle eyes looked at him with a half-smile, "Commander Tan, you said that. She is not a fool, how could she do that?" Let go? Those who want to sneak in, please tell me, don't let them run away!"

With a mocking smile on his face, Tan Junzhan gestured for the little man in his arms to look up.

Under his instructions, Xue Yingying finally found a person behind Tan Jianguo.

Against the backdrop of Tan Jianguo's big black face, the man next to him was especially skinny, and his skin was as thick as fat.However, it is a pity that there is no blood on both sides of the face. With this appearance, it is reckoned that playing the role of Sadako can be performed in her true colors.

The scene in front of her made her heart happy, Xue Yingying held her mouth, revealing two shallow dimples: "A Zhan, I thought I was thick-skinned before, but I didn't expect someone to far surpass me, this thick-skinned bulletproof window You can ask her to speak for you!"

This young couple sang together, which made the person in front of them even more uncomfortable.

"Yingying, I..."

As expected of being born into a wealthy family, under the shock of the two of them, she was even ready to explain.

But does she have to give this chance?
Jiang Yinshi's serious and nervous expression kept appearing in his mind, telling him personally that the soup contained purslane ingredients...

Xue Yingying quickly came back to her senses, and her smile was a bit narrow-minded: "Lian Yinyun, you are at best a friend of Ah Zhan, why didn't I know that I have a close relationship with you and can call you by your nickname?"

There was a smile on his face, but the smile clearly didn't reach his eyes.

Lian Yinyun looked a little dizzy.

Fight tiger brothers, fight father and son soldiers!
At this moment, how can there be a husband and wife duo who help each other?

"Nizi, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!" Tan Junzhan twisted her little neck, rubbing his rough fingertips back and forth on the moist red lips.

The fingertips, which have been used for a long time to hold the gun, rubbed against the weak mouth with force, and the feeling can even be imagined.

Xue Yingying found the right time, ran away quickly, and hit his head on his chest, as if coquettishly coquettishly said: "Hey, aren't you friends with Sister Lian? If not, why did she come to you again and again?" ? That prescription was given by Sister Lian herself!"

That prescription—

These few words seem to be as terrifying as poisonous insects and ferocious beasts.

Perhaps the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is interested.When Lian Yinyun heard these words, she panicked immediately, and opened her mouth to emphasize the relationship: "Jun Zhan, after you got the prescription, you must have someone check it, there is absolutely no problem. This, really not I!"

"Lian Yinyun, I should be aware of my temper. I don't see anyone trying to hurt the person I want to protect!" Tan Junzhan put his arms around her slender waist, and he wanted to get rid of her fear and timidity one by one.

Wherever he exists, that is heaven!
I don't know which drama this sentence came from, but it popped up in her mind temporarily.Tilting his head slightly, the living room is full of light, and the bright light polished his resolute chin very nicely.

This is the man she will rely on for the rest of her life. In just a few years, he has come to this point relying on his true ability.In order to protect the safety of her and the child, he even did not hesitate to tear his face off with his father.Now, because of her relationship, he is likely to offend people who shouldn't be offended.

Even Yin Yun's family background is not bad in the capital, because this undiscovered matter has implicated the entire Tan family?It seems understandable!
After careful consideration, Xue Yingying wanted to dissuade him from acting without authorization.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, "A Zhan..."

A voice without warmth yelled at her: "Leave me alone! I will take care of everything, shut up!"

With his domineering side exposed, she can still contradict him and embarrass him?
Nestled in her arms obediently, she looked forward to the final result.

Everything was so grand, she couldn't believe that her brother who was inside didn't find out.If she hasn't come out yet, she is probably waiting for a good show, and see how Tan Junzhan will protect her!
Tan Junzhan eagerly took out the note from his pocket, snapped it hard, and threw it on the table.

"What?" Tan Jianguo stood at the stairs on the second floor, looking condescending and domineering.

But for Lianyin who was standing aside, her reaction was quite satisfactory to both of them.

Lifting the corners of her skirt with both hands, she quickly went downstairs to the sofa.Bending down, she held the note in her palm, looked at it for a long time, and finally showed an expression that was as ugly as constipation: " is it possible?"

Afterwards, she naturally tried to seek foreign aid, and wasn't the one above just the most favorable candidate?

Tan Junzhan was silent, he really wanted to see what tricks this woman wanted to do!
Turning her body quickly, she finally faced Tan Jianguo's side, her big watery eyes seemed to interpret the deep accusation against Tan Junzhan and his wife.

Even if you don't say a word, you can take a look with your eyes, and the posture of Lihua with rain naturally explains all the facts.

Tan Jianguo seemed to be unable to bear this, and hurried downstairs.

He took the post-it note that Lian Yinyun handed over with one hand, and after sweeping it back and forth, he asked in a very harsh tone: "What's the problem?"

"Porcelain teeth!" The thin lips parted lightly, Tan Junzhan still paused in place, without any follow-up actions.

This time, Tan Jianguo did not continue to read.He is indeed a little older, but not to the point where dementia is easy to forget.

His tall figure quickly stood in front of the duo on the sofa, and suddenly threw out the note, letting it fall on their faces.He despised him unceremoniously: "Tan Junzhan, if you don't have that evidence, don't slander others. You have been outstanding since childhood, and I think this woman led you to ruin."

In fact, the conflict between the two has been going on for a long time.Stopping his search seven years ago seemed to constitute an insurmountable gap.Up to this moment, another undercurrent of confrontation has set off.

"Dad, you guys still have doubts, should you believe what Mom said!" Tan Junzhan raised his eyes unexpectedly and asked this sentence suddenly.

Tan Jianguo's eyeballs shrank suddenly, and after a long time, his answer chilled Jiang Yinshi instantly: "With her protection for this girl, can she believe her words?"

Cheng, didn't expect the relationship between the pair to deteriorate to such an extent?

Tan Junzhan did not expect this point.After thinking about it for a while, he had no choice but to let the other party experience it for himself.

"Commander, hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Today, I will let you experience it for yourself! There must be something in the sleeve or pocket of the rhyme."

"What consciousness?" Tan Jianguo asked back, not understanding what he meant.

With the corner of his mouth slightly raised, he continued to hold the little man in his arms tightly: "You will know if you try it?"

Anyway, he wouldn't even believe a word of what they said, so he might as well let him experience it himself.

His son talked about this face, so Tan Jianguo had no choice but to fight in person.Facing his friend's precious daughter, he still felt abrupt.Before taking action, he first apologized: "Yinyun, Uncle Tan offended you!"

Lian Yinyun dodged backwards with her whole body, Tan Jianguo really began to have doubts now.

"What stupid thing did you do? Tell me, and Uncle Tan can help you." At this juncture, he was able to show courtesy before fighting.

Xue Yingying couldn't help being happy, her father-in-law was just at odds with her, you can see how soft-spoken the right person is with the rhyme, I'm afraid I'm scared!
It wasn't enough to be happy alone, she then bumped the elbow of the person next to her and said, "Look at your dad's so much love! If mom comes later, the two of you will definitely have a fight."

"Just shut your crow's mouth." Tan Junzhan scolded, in fact, this was exactly what he was worried about.

(End of this chapter)

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