Chapter 112

How do you say that sentence, the more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen.

And what they were most worried about finally happened.

"Is there anything you can't let me know?"

Stretching out her hand to push open the door, the air-conditioning that kept lingering outside the house invaded one by one, and the surrounding environment seemed to be exactly the same as her state of mind.

Cold, icy, almost temperatureless.

The cold air swept in, and Xue Yingying's body was not as good as usual, and she subconsciously shrank back and forth into the man's arms.Then she belatedly thought of a question, usually Aunt Jiang cared about her, should she change her identity this time?

There was obviously an answer in her heart, and she was suddenly ready to get up.

But in the end, Jiang Yinshi reprimanded her in a cold voice: "Ninny, it's none of your business here, just stay quiet."

They are worthy of being a family. Listening to the statements of the mother and son before and after, they are exactly alike!
"Old Tan, the children are all in front of us now. If you can't bear to do it, then I will do it. I will never tolerate those guys who want to hurt my daughter and my grandson. Even if you want to protect, I would rather cut us off So many years of love between husband and wife."

She spoke too much, and Tan Jianguo was still struggling, "Yinyin, I'll explain to you later, go upstairs and stay."

"Stay?" She couldn't help snorting coldly, which was quite different from her usual gentle appearance.

Before the other party had time to prepare, she took a step forward, immediately grabbed Lian Yin's wrist, exerted a slight force, and a note hidden in her sleeve immediately fell to the ground.

A flimsy piece of paper, which hadn't enjoyed its play in mid-air, ended up lying on the floor.At this moment, if anthropomorphism is used as a metaphor, the whiteness on the paper may be that there is no blood on the face.

Perhaps it was the alliance between the master and the servant, seeing its final fate, Lian Yinyun's expression was exactly the same as it.

"Tan Jianguo, if you continue to break up Nannan and Jun Zhan, then our relationship as a husband and wife will come to an end."

The scene in front of me is like a mountain of ironclad evidence.

Tan Jianguo didn't speak again, he stepped forward with an arrow, picked up the note, glanced quickly, and finally squinted at the trembling woman with cold eyes: "Lian Yinyun, Uncle Tan is listening to your explanation."

There is one more word in the title, but the difference during this period is still quite huge.

Lian Yinyun trembled, wanting to explain.

Perhaps because of Xue Yingying's influence, it was impossible for Tan Junzhan to sit quietly and watch the show, so he interrupted at the right time and said, "Explain? Dad, you haven't reached the point where your eyes are dizzy. What you hold in your hand is the original, and the table The above picture is top-wrapped. The prescription I got back from the comrade who was in charge of decocting the medicine was written in a non-obvious place with purslane. It is true that it does not appear normally, but once it gets wet, those three words It’s going to show up and it’s never going to go away. She thought, it’s been done so seamlessly that we’re never going to go back.”

"You're talking nonsense, how could Sister Lian be this kind of person?" Xue Yingying didn't want to make a fuss enough, wrapping her small hands around his arms, helping her speak in a soft and weak tone.

One black and one white, the oboe singing between the two is extremely wonderful.

"Isn't she? Then these two photos, except for 'horse teeth', the other contents are exactly the same, how to explain?"

As far as evidence is concerned, isn't that what it is?
Tan Jianguo really didn't want to see Xue Yingying's existence, but after all, she was pregnant with his Tan family's offspring.Someone deliberately hurt, how could he tolerate it?

"Come here—" the voice immediately raised several tones.

Coincidentally at this moment, someone pushed the door open and entered, shouting directly: "Uncle Tan, I'll apologize for you on behalf of Yin Yun."

This voice is-

Xue Yingying followed the trend, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Looking at this scene, it seems to be getting more and more fun!

Even though she was pregnant, her always flexible mind was not so difficult to use.

If her memory is not mistaken - not long ago, the man in front of her secretly told the two of them "Remember to watch out for rhymes", what is the singing of this behavior now?

Going straight to Tan Jianguo and Jiang Yinshi, two elders, Zhao Yaokun straightened his back and made sure to bow at ninety degrees.The other party didn't say anything, and he definitely had no intention of getting up.

While continuing to wait for the two to speak, Zhao Yaokun apologized clearly: "Uncle Tan and Aunt Tan, I just got the news. This matter is indeed Yin Yun's fault. I will definitely teach you a lesson when I get home."

"Zhao Yaokun, you..."

When Lian Yinyun was growing up, she was used to commanding people with her mouth, how could she get used to his tone of voice now!

A man who has been in the army for many years still has a bit of a temper. Zhao Yaokun did spoil her, but it was too good to have a sense of proportion.At this juncture, besides apologizing, is there any other way for them to redeem?

"To shut up!"

The same two words, the same roar, but there is obviously a gap.

Xue Yingying couldn't help but began to sympathize with Zhao Yaokun's experience. He probably didn't expect to have this kind of wife!

Therefore, she involuntarily turned her eyes to the man next to her.He poked lightly on his chest with his finger, and murmured in a low voice: "It seems that you are not harmful!"


Tan Junzhan was speechless, and he didn't want to think about who caused this!
Ignoring it, his hand on her waist continued to tighten, so tight that she wanted to shake her fist and complain to resist this atrocity.

"Yaokun, we have the final say on this matter. Jun Zhan is a precious baby girl. If you want to apologize, you should go to him." Jiang Yinshi spoke in a neutral tone, asking the junior to continue to maintain that action, she I can't bear it.

Zhao Yaokun is still very welcoming to her, Yan Yan has always had a good impression of him.It's a pity that he married that kind of woman a long time ago, he is really jealous of talents!

Tan Jianguo didn't express any opinion, but his lips moved up and down, and he took steps as if he was ready to come.Jiang Yinshi said "Don't come over" and cut off his follow-up actions in an instant.

Zhao Yaokun was not idle, he followed Jiang Yinshi's advice and walked quickly to the sofa.

Continuing to stand tall and straight, he stared at the two people above him with burning eyes, and at the moment he was looking at himself in a leisurely manner.

After seven years, I finally came to this step. The feeling cannot be expressed in a few words.

Zhao Yaokun was holding a breath in his chest all the time, as if he was in sea water, and the messy seaweed entangled him tightly, and he never let go.

Dull, depressing.

Until now, he seems to have realized the reason why Tan Junzhan dismissed Lian Yinyun.But at this moment, she was a responsibility that he could not shirk.

"Jun Zhan..."

The old brotherhood was almost broken because of a legato.

Tan Junzhan was about to strike up a conversation, but the little man in his arms made a move.

The slender fingertips kept scribbling circles on his chest, Tan Junzhan grabbed it, and stared at her with twinkling eyes, because this was a small gesture before she wanted to speak.

"Zhao Yaokun's misfortune was caused by you alone. This time, I let her go for his sake." Xue Yingying was so emotional that she was promoted to her mother's job just a short step away.

Her advice was exactly what he was thinking about.

Tan Junzhan never thought that the two of them would be able to get together.

Tightening his arms, the head of Tan said calmly: "Yaokun, this time, for your sake, I don't have to pursue it. If you dare to commit the crime again next time, I will definitely not be merciful. You come to intercede." It's no use either."

"Next time? Hmph, I don't have the face to speak again." Zhao Yaokun couldn't help but sneered.

Xue Yingying was curious in her heart, where did these two people go?Judging from the birth profile, it doesn't feel like a normal couple.

Could it be that Yanyan really has a show?

She has never remembered Tan Yan's bullying behavior since she was a child, and now she is even more worried about Tan Yan's future life events. Is this the first step to be promoted to Huanglianpo?
ONO, she doesn't want it!

When Zhao Yaokun heard this, a smile appeared on his brow, and he quickly thanked him: "Tan... Ah Zhan, thank you!"

"It's my daughter who intends to forgive you regardless of past suspicions." He resolutely pushed all this on her.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yaokun's reaction turned out to be extremely weird, which was really unpredictable.

Xue Yingying thought that the prime minister could pull a boat, so she didn't bother to argue so much with him.

She couldn't help rubbing her belly, and suddenly raised her voice and yelled towards the kitchen: "Brother, you didn't burn the kitchen upside down, did you?"

"Smelly girl, you still don't believe in your brother's level?"

While talking, Xue Yinuo, who was holding a plate of delicacies in each hand, finally appeared, facing her and said angrily.

"Is your eldest nephew making trouble in his stomach? How dare you attack me!" She didn't have the imagined weak posture, and her hands on hips really felt a bit like a dominatrix.

It was rare for her to be full of energy, Xue Yinuo smiled sarcastically, and ignored her again.

After the cooked delicacies were brought to the table one by one, he invited everyone present to sit down one by one.

In the end, he invited Lian Yinyun who was at a loss to sit down together.

With a smile on his face, he was teased by Xue Yingying in his early years, and the handsome and handsome boy wants to learn from the gloomy old man, neither fish nor fowl.

Looking at Lian Yinyun, who didn't belong here at all, his three-dimensional thin lips immediately raised a just right arc: "The matter has been discussed, can it be said that even the young lady doesn't like the craftsmanship of the subordinate?"

Did these polite words really come out of her brother's mouth?

Xue Yingying watched happily from the sidelines.

"How could it be?" At this moment, Lian Yinyun knew what it means to be stuck on a tiger.

This place is in Tan's family, and Xue Yinuo is Tan Junzhan's only brother-in-law, and he is also a brother, so closely related that it is unimaginable.At this moment, if she had the guts to refuse, the forgiveness that Zhao Yaokun had not easily won before would be in vain.

With a bitter face, she had no choice but to sit down.

However, when she saw the table full of dishes, she suddenly realized that this was just a grand banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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