Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 114 I am your leader

Chapter 114 I am your leader

Ever since she recuperated at home, Xue Yingying never imagined what kind of posture she should appear in front of Wei Sen!

Staying at home was really frustrating, she tried to talk about it, but in the end she succeeded in persuading Tan Junzhan.

In a great mood, she finally appeared in the office.

But the colleagues in the room seemed to be looking at her with unfriendly eyes, and they felt vaguely sympathetic.

What happened?
Following this line of sight and turning around, she discovered the problem.

Damn, when did this man appear behind him, the whole back of the soul?
Her breathing suddenly intensified, the sound of her heartbeat suddenly increased, and there was a dull sound in her chest - bang bang bang.

She kept patting her chest with her hands in exchange for a brief moment of calm.

After a while, her heartbeat finally returned to normal, and she glanced at him: "Wei Zu, what happened last time..."

"Last time? Get out of the way, don't get close to me during working hours, and hurry to work!" Wei Sen deliberately said with a sullen face, slowed down his speech, and spoke word by word.

He is clearly a living human being, so he has to make himself nondescript?
Xue Yingying expressed incomprehension in every possible way that he deliberately pushed her away, but still respected his choice.Shrugging helplessly, she looked for her seat.

As soon as she sat down, she was dumbfounded, and just realized that there had been changes.

Is this still the site she left before?
In these days, where can I work without the necessary office equipment such as a computer?

Moreover, do you have to get her position to a corner?It seemed that everything was just to highlight her specialness, and partitions were erected on both sides around her, deliberately separating her from the outside world.

Which stinky... guy's idea was this?

Pregnant women should not be angry in the first place, let alone upset.But now, this arrangement undoubtedly stimulated her to do so!
When I was angry, a colleague happened to pass by accidentally.

Yingying got up quickly and asked, "Xiao Xu, please tell me, who moved my seat?"

"This... By the way, this seems to be Wei Zu's order. If you have any opinions, it's better to ask him." Then, he took advantage of his long legs and ran away without a trace.

I look so scary?

Finally, glancing at the clean and empty desktop, Xue Yingying felt depressed.

The computer was missing, the communication equipment—the phone was also missing, what kind of class did she go to?
Unable to bear it anymore, she went directly to the so-called "culprit".

Trying to calm her anger, she smiled as much as possible, after all, she didn't reach out to hit the smiling person.

After obtaining the consent of the other party, she entered inside.

Before she could stand on her feet, she began to express her high opinions: "Wei Sen, don't rely on saving my life to influence my work."

"Xue Yingying, with me, I only accept obedience. From now on, you get out and don't come in again!" Wei Sen didn't bother to look up at her, and continued to work on the matter at hand.

Not a complete man!Saved her life!
Thoughts like these came to mind one by one, Xue Yingying knew in her heart that she shouldn't argue with him, but the facts forced her to do so!
Her mind was overwhelmed by this thought, so she grabbed his sleeve anxiously.

At the same time, the door was opened from the outside, and a soft voice came from outside the door.

"Wei Sen, this is your medicine, drink it while it's hot!" Huang Ying said with a nice voice, but where did this woman come from?
Xue Yingying's figure flickered, and she was about to turn her head to take a peek.As soon as he turned his head, he bumped into someone who came.

At some point, she came to the edge of the table.

Being hit by Xue Yingying, the small utensil in the woman's hand fell to the ground with a clatter.Not all the dark brown concoction was poured on the ground, so what about the rest?

The big palm on her waist exerted force again, and Xue Yingying almost couldn't help crying out.

The reason is simple, the remaining liquid unexpectedly fell on the whole body of the man in front of him, especially the redness and swelling on the wrist was more obvious.

Once or twice, why does this man do this?

"Be quiet!"

The short three words are usually quite simple.But it seemed extremely difficult for Wei Sen to speak up.

Xue Yingying tried her best to suppress the restlessness in her heart, and took a deep breath.Regardless of his obstruction, she snatched the fuselage of his desk beforehand, and hurriedly notified the hospital.

"Xue Yingying, I'm your leader." Gritting her teeth, she said these words again, but her tone was weaker than before.

Staring at his face carefully, Xue Yingying refused to let go of every subtle expression of his.

The medical staff hadn't arrived so quickly, so she had to choose self-help behavior first.She was pregnant, so she had to send others, especially the one who stood still and did not respond.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and get some cold water!" Xue Yingying was in a hurry. If she hadn't considered her current physical condition, how could she have sent someone else, especially this silly looking woman in front of her? Woolen cloth!

Dare I ask, is now a good time to be in a daze?
Surprised by her words, the woman finally came back to her senses, but put on an arrogant air: "Hmph, who are you talking to!"

Success, how dare you put on airs with this kung fu, you don't know that human life is at stake!

"Auntie is talking about you, what's the matter!"

After being suppressed for a long time, the original character in his bones finally began to appear, and the arrogant tone came out directly.

Xue Yingying has never been a good stubble who can be bullied by others, and the other party refuses to be responsible for her actions.She had to choose to deal with the aftermath, and now is not the time to be angry.

Wei Sen couldn't stop dripping beads of sweat from his temples, he held his mouth and was about to speak.

Seeing this, Xue Yingying hurriedly said: "From this second, I will be your leader, and you must obey me. Shut up and save all your strength. Wei Sen, try to stand up and put your hands on On my shoulder, I will accompany you to the bathroom."

According to her current mobility, tossing and tossing back and forth, time will definitely be wasted.In desperation, I can only come up with such a way!
This is the final outcome of seeking help in vain!

But the woman was not satisfied, and suddenly bounced like an electric shock.

She stepped forward, tightly hugged Xue Yingying's movements, and stared at her in protest: "You are not allowed to touch him!"

This tone, this appearance... Could this be Wei Sen's girlfriend?

Xue Yingying sized up the woman across from her suspiciously, and for a few seconds of sluggishness, she just gave her an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Pulling away her hand vigorously, the woman grabbed her wrist without thinking, and her next move was to push it out desperately.

Ah, her child!
(End of this chapter)

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