Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 115 Prenatal Education Video

Chapter 115 Prenatal Education Video
There was only one thought in Xue Yingying's mind. During the time when she could not stand on her feet, she couldn't help but protect her slightly protruding belly with her hands.

This child was indeed in many disasters, but as a mother, of course she tried her best to protect its safety.

The whole world in front of her was spinning, she couldn't see the road ahead clearly, and she couldn't even find a place for her feet to rest on.

Today, her child is destined to leave her?

Xue Yingying couldn't accept this cruel fact, just when her whole body was about to throw herself forward, a big hand grabbed her wrist tightly.

One forcefully slammed her into his arms, and then hugged her tightly.

The male voice was very nasal, low and deep, but filled with endless warmth: "Ninny, I'm here!"

this voice...

Xue Yingying was embraced very tightly by him and placed in his arms.

Even so, her ears were still filled with the chilly male voice.

It was from Wei Sen: "Susie, you are dead this time!"

It was still impossible to guess his thoughts, and the fear before was still choked in his heart, which could not subside for a long time.Xue Yingying couldn't calm down in her heart, her arms moved like vines, turning left and right tightly around his arms.

Even if the raging fire blazes, even if the flood floods and beats the waves, they can't be separated!

"Azhan, I was wrong."

She shouldn't insist on coming to Thorn, otherwise, the pile of things in front of her would not have happened.

Xue Yingying said timidly, Tan Junzhan is still in the mood to blame?My mind is full of distress and it is too late to comfort me.

Taking time out to glance at the woman lying limp on the ground, his eyes shone with a cold light, and his tone was even more chilling: "Ding Keke, you can do what you want here, small punishments and big warnings!"

"Yes, boss!"

Standing behind Ding Keke, despite his small size, his volume was really loud, and his crisp voice filled the entire office.

Dare to bully her sister-in-law, probably too courageous.Isn't it just a small punishment and a big commandment?She will naturally follow the orders of the boss to act.

As for the means of punishment, it is up to her to decide.As long as the goal is achieved, the boss doesn't have the time to intervene in the specific plan!
One hand wrapped around the other fist, and from time to time it made a terrifying rattling sound.Hearing this sound alone, he probably lost most of his gallbladder.

The woman sitting paralyzed on the ground, seeing her approaching with eager eyes, backed away unconsciously, and said tremblingly, "You, don't come here!"

"Regret now? Don't you think it's too late?" Although she had a smile on her face, it seemed that the meaning of the words and the expression had two meanings.

What will happen next may not be suitable for fragile little ones to watch.

Tan Junzhan freed one hand to protect her head, pressed it into his arms, controlled her slightly plump waist with his big palm, and walked away quickly.

To be honest, he has a very high recognition of Ding Keke.

She does have good abilities, if not for this, how could she have been placed in the beast camp to protect Xue Yingying?

Among the thorns, Wei Sen deserves to be called No. 1 with a cold heart and a cold face.

Tan Junzhan has always looked at the face of a zombie, with a face of ice all year round, but when facing his subordinates, he occasionally shows a little concern, but the way is different from ordinary people.

As for Wei Sen, who had an accident, he never cared about anything after that.Just like this time, Susie clutched his trouser legs tightly with both hands, and couldn't stop pulling, and Lihua begged for mercy in a rainy voice: "Wei Sen, I really didn't mean it, you, you help me!" Me?"

"help you?"

Wei Sen couldn't help but snorted coldly, "Are you helping me or hurting me? Susie, I made it very clear. I can't give you the happiness you want, so you should let it go as soon as possible. This time, no one can help you." You, Xue Yingying, is not an ordinary person. Even if you are not a man with thorns, you should have heard of her name."

"Xue Yingying...can't you?"

At this moment, Susie finally came to her senses.

What Wei Sen said is true, who in the entire capital has not heard of the name Xue Yingying?In the past six months, she has become the No. [-] celebrity, and this limelight is of course due to her man!
Talking about Jun Zhan's importance to her, Susie repeatedly thought of the Fang family where the trees fell and the monkeys were scattered a while ago, and there was no blood on the white cheeks.

Her upper and lower lips moved a few times, and she felt extremely powerless.

He was the only one who could help her in front of her, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and beg for mercy again.

However, Wei Sen's body and mind were united, and he simply ignored everything completely.

He was walked with the help of medical staff and said nothing.The woman lying limp on the ground didn't have the skill of observing words and emotions at all, and thumped and grabbed his trouser legs again and again.

The old ancestor said that there are only three things, but how could he continue to tolerate her for the third time?
No more hesitation, he suppressed the pain, and directly raised his kick, kicking people away several meters away: "Get out!"

Ding Keke regarded this scene as if it was a good show.

The good show is about to end, and it's time for her to appear.

She choked Susie's movements with her hands, raised her head and said to the patient: "Wei Sen, I would like to express my gratitude to the boss for the sacrifices you made for your sister-in-law twice in a row."

"As a prickly man, this is nothing."

Wei Sen was lying on a stretcher, his tone slightly flat.

However, Ding Keke is not an easy woman to deal with, and when he opened his mouth again, he became depressed: "Wei Sen, don't think about things you shouldn't have. You can't afford to provoke the boss, and you can't afford to give your sister-in-law a future."

"Don't hurt my reputation, it's just her? Huh!" The dead duck is stubborn, probably like him.

Ding Keke understood it, and didn't bother to poke it.

However, the woman who was so frightened that she collapsed was still unwilling to let go, "Wei Sen will not take a fancy to her."

"Could it be that he will fall in love with you? The naive young lady!"

When Susie was excited by her, she was able to stand up. What a sign!
"What exactly do you mean?" The tsundere young lady has never been able to stand other people's arrangements.

The punishment hasn't been carried out yet, how can Ding Keke let her mess around?
Don't underestimate Ding Keke's ability. He looks young at his age, but he can be regarded as an expert after all.

Looking back and forth, she finally found a belt in the room.Looking at the style, it is estimated that it should be Wei Sen's personal belongings.

Ding Keke held the thing in his hand and pressed closer step by step.

Susie noticed this behavior immediately, and subconsciously backed away slowly: "Don't come here!"

"Still hiding? Wei Sen's body belt is really cheap for you. Don't worry, after the punishment is over, I will give you this as a jujube."

With a sinister smile on his face, Ding Keke didn't know where he got his bad thoughts.


Susie's comprehension ability is not bad, and she understood the meaning of her words in a blink of an eye.

Give me a slap first and then a jujube?What a great idea!

The capacity of the brain is too small to accommodate too many things.

Xue Yingying automatically and selectively ignored others, and sat next to him in the carriage.

He, as the chief, is also the main person in charge of the prickly pear.It's understandable to be busy at work.But from time to time, he took out his mobile phone, and his slender fingertips kept jumping back and forth on the keyboard, like a dancing elf fluttering and flying beautifully.

Even though she understood in her heart, she still couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart, and finally asked, "Who are you in contact with so frequently?"

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that the entire carriage was covered by a strong smell of aged vinegar.

"What, is it delicious?"

Tian Tan Jun Zhan, who was saying this, continued to dance lightly without pausing.People who don't know will mistakenly think that he is having a hot fight with a certain goblin.

However, fortunately, he finally raised his jaw and looked towards her with a faint smile on his face.

"Who cares if you love to talk or not!"

The little guy is also a person with character!

She only said some things once, and it was his right not to answer, and it was her own right to ignore him, and no one had the right to interfere.

With her hands off his waist, she leaned against the door.

As soon as she withdrew her hand, Tan Junzhan noticed that her boisterous little temper was on her upper body.

As early as the beginning of her pregnancy, Ms. Jiang had informed him that during her pregnancy, her mind became extremely sensitive, and she tended to think about things, and she must not screw her up.

Smiling slightly, he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed it on his thigh.

Xue Yingying writhed in every possible way, unwilling to cooperate.

There was no way out, so he had to hand over his mobile phone to show his innocence.

"Here, see for yourself!"

Tan Junzhan once made an oath that he would not hide anything about this kind of matter, and the husband and wife should speak frankly.

Will he be so kind?

Xue Yingying didn't quite believe it, she still took it in her hand to have a look.

The first look was focused on the recipient, how could it be Ding Keke?
This result surprised her, and she was the only one contacted according to the boarding time.Curious, she clicked on the information bar to check everything, but the content inside shocked her.

"This is..."

The content is almost entirely based on low-resolution photos, and it can be vaguely seen with the naked eye that the protagonist should be Susie who tried to hurt her before.

Under her serious gaze, Tan Junzhan took back his phone.

This time, instead of continuing to send messages, she made a call and pressed the hands-free button at the same time, which happened to let her hear clearly.

"Ding Keke, report the information!"

This tone seemed to be as serious as a military exercise.

It was as if three waterfalls of sweat had fallen from Xue Yingying's forehead!
Ding Keke on the other side is full of energy, just like a little girl who hasn't played enough.She replied with enthusiasm: "Yes!"

"Ninny, do you want to watch the video?" Tan Junzhan suggested this with great interest.

Ding Keke wanted to answer, but was interrupted by these words.

Upon hearing this constructive suggestion, she was more enthusiastic than Xue Yingying, holding the fuselage in her hand, she commanded: "Who, why don't you hurry up and help me! This woman is afraid of heights, get her up, and let's go free a few more times." Falling body, so as to give prenatal education to the baby in sister-in-law's stomach."

Which big belly woman dares to use this kind of prenatal education?

(End of this chapter)

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