Chapter 117 False Pregnancy

Ever since she found out that she was carrying a baby, Tan Junzhan immediately transformed into a 24 filial husband, a role model that all men in the capital should learn from.

Even with Han Shaoting's jokes, Tan Junzhan didn't get angry, and continued to make up his mind to accompany her to the maternity checkup.

It's been quite a while since Susie's incident, but fortunately, no one has made any noise recently. Xue Yingying and the fetus in her womb lived in peace.

——Five principles of happiness: no hatred in heart, no worries in mind, simple life, giving more, expecting less.

This is Xue Yingying's current life creed!

The days are flat and comfortable, and the long river of time flows slowly forward.

In a few months, it will be the most anticipated day for every household - the Spring Festival.In the coming year, the little guy in my stomach will be able to celebrate the new year with the two of them!
Xue Yingying put her hands on her slightly protruding belly, her eyes involuntarily showed a great maternal brilliance.

Just arrived at the Women's Hospital, before the correspondent Xiao Chai could speak, Tan Junzhan took a step ahead and turned his eyes to see her like this.

As a new father, he actually became nervous, his heart seemed to be stuck in his throat, "What's the matter? Talk!"

After he finished speaking, he stared at her meaningfully, with sporadic fire in his eyes.

Xue Yingying looked at it, and smiled on one side of her head: "It's okay! I can't believe this will be a reality."

Because she had lost it before, she never had any hope in this matter.The greater the expectation, the feeling of falling from the peak to the depths of the canyon will be unacceptable.

"What are you thinking about? You should get out of the car for an inspection."

Talking about Jun Zhan's words, Xiao Chai immediately understood his intention and was about to untie the seat belt on his body.

Then, Tan Junzhan gave an order to cut off his follow-up actions: "Don't be too busy! After the inspection, I'll take my daughter for a walk around, and you go back to the prickly pear first."


Under Xue Yingying's repeated insistence, he finally didn't do the act of hugging her upstairs, otherwise he would be regarded as a monkey again.

And that monkey, who else but her?
The obstetric examination at the Maternity Hospital was on the third floor, but as soon as she entered the hall, she was forced to accept eager eyes from all directions.

Xue Yingying possessed absolute self-confidence, and those angels in white clothes gathered in groups of three and four were talking about her.

Logically speaking, the object of their attention should not be the first and most sought-after golden bachelor in the capital - Tan Junzhan, right?
Oh no, to be precise, should it be him who was promoted to super dad just a step away?

Tan Junzhan is definitely good at investigation. Xue Yingying stood silently at the elevator entrance, and he actually smelled the unnaturalness in the air.

"The women's health care hospital actually raises some free food!" No name was named, but the person must know it well.

These words were undoubtedly an invisible slap, which made them all blush.

One of them couldn't hold back, "Xue Yingying, you... a vixen... a child... no asshole... um."

The moment she opened her mouth, the people around seemed to know what she wanted to say, and quickly covered her hands.But that person was resolute and tried to speak in various ways, so the words were a little vague.

"You guys let go and let her talk!"

Tan Junzhan is not an idiot either, a few key words here and there are already enough to connect her meanings.

Xue Yingying's IQ is not that bad, but one thing more is worse than one thing less, and she plans to accumulate blessings for her child!

She grabbed his cuff anxiously, and quickly stopped his urge to step forward to teach him a lesson, shaking her little head back and forth.

I really lost to her!

Those people also saw her obstructive behavior, and quickly said in unison: "Tan chief, wife of the chief, I'm really sorry! She didn't do it on purpose, let's take her down to teach her first, I'm really sorry!"

People say that, what else can the two of them do?
Coincidentally, with a ding-dong sound, the elevator doors slowly opened towards the sides.

Xue Yingying didn't even think about it, she started to step in.

However, before the toes touched the carpet inside the elevator, a big palm clasped her tightly around her waist.

what's the situation?
Xue Yingying finally became sane and looked down.

Looking closely, her back was almost covered in cold sweat.

If it weren't for his sharp eyesight and quick hands, she would have stepped on the ground and fell directly to the bottom.The women's hospital seems to have three basement floors, so I can't be smashed into a flesh!
She couldn't imagine the result.

There was a rough male voice, close to her ear, panting heavily: "Xue Yingying, where did your brain grow?"

These words sounded a bit rough, but Xue Yingying could hear the concern between the lines immediately.

There was a strong pull at the waist, and her whole body leaned against him, and fell in his direction.

At the elevator door, there are not many places only for handrails.

After waiting for a few seconds, the elevator doors will automatically close.But her legs are weak, how can she make any effort!Tan Junzhan had no choice but to take the above action.

The two of them lay on the ground in unison, and made a dull movement, which finally attracted the attention of the people around them.

"Oh my god, it's the prince..."

Anyway, wherever he goes, there are bright spots, and she is not afraid that someone will not recognize him.

The one who exclaimed came forward with a stride, and helped the two of them up.

"This comrade, I really trouble you!" After Xue Yingying got up, she took the first step to express her thanks.

Tan Junzhan has a cold face and a warm heart, but this "hot" side is only based on the relationship between them.A stranger, if you want to get a word of thanks from him, don't even think about it!

"Enough said?"

Someone's furious voice filled her ears, Xue Yingying subconsciously shrunk her head and nodded.Then, to avoid his anger on the spot, she directly took his arm, rested her head on it, and said softly: "I'll investigate this matter later! Anyway, we're all in the maternity hospital, and there's no way to deal with it without a maternity check-up." He confessed?"

Tan Junzhan's eyes were serious, following the direction pointed by her fingertips, he finally understood.

Most of his anger dissipated in an instant, and he ignored the person who had already left, he had no choice but to walk upstairs with his arms around her waist.

Nowadays, there are too many elevator accidents. In contrast, it is safer to move your feet more.

She went in for the obstetric examination alone, and Tan Junzhan was stopped on the spot.

Xue Yingying smiled slightly, and comforted: "Isn't it just a prenatal checkup, and won't eat me up? You can rest assured!"

Her words will always play a soothing role, and Tan Junzhan stopped and followed in.

He was waiting outside, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He called Han Shaoting: "Go and put the maintenance and inspection status of the elevator in the Women's Hospital in previous years on my desk."

"Deling! Boss, what have you been through?" The teasing was very strong, and everyone knew that the child in Xue Yingying's stomach was not easy to survive, and things happened one after another.

"So free? Have you sorted out all the materials?" Tan Junzhan is not a good person, there is no way to take advantage of other places!
Han Shaoting was depressed, and suddenly an idea popped up in his mind, and he spoke: "Boss, Director Fang of the Women's Hospital must..."


Before Han Shaoting could complete a sentence, she walked out of it.It's just that something is wrong with this unusually tired voice!

Tan Junzhan was so preoccupied with her affairs that he didn't bother to express the last sentence, so he hung up without saying a word.

And Han Shaoting at the other end couldn't help laughing when he heard the beeping sound of hanging up.

Since having this sister-in-law, the boss's usual behavior and style feel like a different person.However, it shouldn't matter if you haven't finished speaking, right?

Han Shaoting comforted himself in this way, and then began to get busy with the tasks assigned by the boss, and over time he forgot that exhortation.

"what happened?"

Iron man still has a tender side after all, Tan Junzhan gently wiped away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes with his fingertips.However, the tone that blurted out was unsatisfactory.

The little guy remained silent, hugging his waist, and never let go.

Even though he didn't speak, he clearly noticed that there were traces of wetness around his waist.

I only went in once, and it looked like this when I came out. What's so tricky about it?
He has to make a trip, take a closer look!

Tan Junzhan just took a step, and a figure walked towards him.

The outline of this person looks familiar, but he can't recall it.

Chief Tan naturally wouldn't waste this precious time on this, he said coldly, "Who will give me an explanation?"

The little guy in her arms continued to cry, trying to get words out of her mouth, it was really difficult!
"It's really not a big deal to talk about the chief. You two are still young, and you will have children in the future." The visitor spoke lightly, as if it really seemed like a trivial matter.

Tan Junzhan frowned unconsciously, "There will be children in the future", so the creature in her belly is not a child?

As if he could see the question, the person explained again: "I am Director Fang of the Women's Hospital, and I have been in this industry for more than [-] years. Your daughter-in-law must have been misdiagnosed by other doctors. She is not No pregnancy, misdiagnosis may be due to false pregnancy at that time."

"Pseudo-pregnancy?" Tan Junzhan raised his brows slightly, and lightly tapped her back with his free hand to comfort her.

Nannan valued this child far more than he did, even if he didn't say it, he could feel it.Once someone tells her - you are not pregnant at all, who can accept this gap?

"Pseudopregnancy, because of the false pregnancy caused by eating certain things before, it is difficult even for doctors to distinguish. This time, if there is no fetus in her womb by B-ultrasound, it will not be discovered This is the truth." Director Fang said it was true, and Tan Junzhan had no reason not to believe it.

However, there is still a difficult problem lying in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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