Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 118 Intricate Character Relationships

Chapter 118 Intricate Character Relationships
Now, her lower abdomen is slightly convex, so how can this be explained if she is not pregnant?

"Azhan, I..."

After a short period of time to adjust her mentality, Xue Yingying finally recovered.

"I want your explanation, you also saw her belly." Tan Junzhan's attitude was quite firm, and he continued to hold her tightly in his arms to calm her restless heart.

Unexpectedly, Director Fang just smiled lightly and said: "Actually, this kind of situation only happens to a few people. If you care about current affairs, there were similar cases abroad a while ago. From the naked eye, the pregnancy has been more than five months. And there was more than one child. Later, she went to the hospital for maternity leave and found out that she was not pregnant at all."

There is a very small chance that she was really hit by her?
Xue Yingying still couldn't believe everything, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Show me the B-ultrasound results."

Director Fang handed it over without hesitation. It seemed that she would not be able to cheat.

As a result, she held it in her hand, and she kept sweeping it back and forth, but when she came up, there were three big characters written clearly - Xue Yingying!

This final conclusion is unquestionable, even if she struggles again, it seems to be of no avail.

"Azhan, I'm sorry!"

This sorry, she owed him, and even more so, everyone.These days, she has been busy working for her, but now it seems that the bamboo basket fetching water is in vain. How should she explain to the old people in the family?

The conclusion that she was pregnant was not obtained by her alone. How can she be blamed for this?

Tan Junzhan looked away, with his big palm upward from his waist, he controlled his strength a little, and stroked the back of her head: "There must be something wrong with the connection, I will check it out."

"Chief Tan, I'm here today anyway, let your wife do a full body pre-pregnancy checkup! You will definitely have a baby in the near future. I'll help check if her physical condition is suitable for having a baby." Director Fang With a faint smile on her face, it is easy for people to let go of their guard against her.

The same goes for Xue Yingying.

She turned around and said lightly to Tan Junzhan: "When I came out just now, I saw you talking on the phone. I will go in first. You can continue to deal with business. Don't delay because of me."

"Director Fang, I will trouble you next time." Xue Yingying has always been a sensible and obedient person in front of her elders, and she won the favor of the elders instantly when she opened her mouth.

With a smile in his eyes, Director Fang made a gesture to invite you into the urn, "You're welcome, please come in first!"

With a bang, the door of the examination room was closed again, and there seemed to be a faint sound of locking.

It was also this sound that made his heart become extremely restless.

Huo Ran stood up, just as he was about to step forward and knock open the locked door.

Suddenly a voice came out from the side, shouting loudly from far and near: "No, my daughter is in danger!"

Pregnancy is the first experience in her life, Xue Yingying has no comparison.

The examination room seemed quite cramped, and it was a bit out of line with what she had expected.

Maybe other places have this kind of equipment too!
Xue Yingying comforted herself so much, so she didn't pay much attention.

"Go lie down on the stretcher and take off your pants, don't worry too much!"

I don't know what's going on, but her smile does have a healing effect, but Xue Yingying is full of various discomforts.It was as if he hadn't bathed in a month, and his back was itching so badly that he wished he could use a third hand to scratch it.

Coming here, she is like a small animal on the chopping board, who can only be slaughtered by the other party.

In the severe winter season, the heating was not turned on in this small examination room, and Xue Yingying couldn't help but keep the air conditioner on.It happened that there was a scattered thin quilt lying beside the pillow, and she just used it to keep out the cold and cover her belly.

It was an inexplicable feeling that even though she was sentenced to death in public, she still seemed to be able to feel the existence of the fetus in her womb.

Director Fang held a glass of water in his hand and approached slowly.

However, Xue Yingying spoke out at the right time in an extremely uncooperative manner: "Doctor, why can I still feel something in my stomach?"

"That's your psychological effect." Director Fang's tone was quite calm, and he was also extremely patient, and his face would not sink in the slightest because of her few questions.

When he finally came to her, Director Fang put the water glass directly in front of her, "Are you afraid of pain? The examination later may be very painful. It is best to drink this glass of water. I mixed some sleeping pills in it. "

The sixth sense in Xue Yingying's heart is always quasi-spiritual, and this time the sixth sense broke out again.

She firmly believed in her inner feelings, and immediately shook her head, politely thanking the other party's kindness: "It's okay, I'm used to playing in the small mountains, and I can stand the pain the most."

When ordinary people hear this, they will naturally stop, but Director Fang in front of him seems to be different from normal people.

The timing of the discovery was a bit late, until now, what else could she do?

The moment she finished speaking, it was as if Director Fang's second personality had begun to emerge, and he would soon become another person.

The way Director Fang looked at her was like a sharp blade, slashing every piece of her body fiercely.

Xue Yingying's brain was of course alert, she squeaked, and she quickly pulled up her pants.

Not caring about not wearing shoes on her feet, she hurried towards the door.

Before she got close, she vaguely heard noises outside, that voice... Isn't that voice her best friend Xia Xuanfu?How did she come here?

This question has not been resolved yet, Xia Xuanfu's words from outside came to her sporadically, "...Director Fang is Fang Yi's aunt and also Su Qian's real mother..."

She really doesn't know the weather outside, but she knows that the sky above her head must be cloudy, and a violent storm will soon begin.

Xue Yingying needs some time to sort out the intricate relationship between characters before she can fully digest it.

Director Fang?Fang Yi?aunt?Just by looking at the surname, you can think of this relationship.

The entire Fang family has been uprooted, so how could she hate herself less?

Who in the entire capital no longer rumors that Xue Yingying is the main cause of this confusion?

And Susie was abused a while ago, and she still has to be blamed for this.

"Did you hear all those words?" Director Fang quietly approached her ear.

Xue Yingying was so frightened that she froze all over, without any hesitation, she groped around casually, as if she wanted to find something to hurt her opponent.

When Director Fang found out about her age, he chuckled: "Xue Yingying, today is your death date."

Immediately afterwards, without giving any time to prepare, she flew straight up.

Grabbing Xue Yingying's jaw fiercely, she poured tea filled with "sleeping pills" into her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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