Chapter 121
Accepting the baptism of everyone's eyes, the two were walking slowly.

Look at that woman over there with such a sweet face, those who don't know will have the illusion that the two of them are stepping into the hall of the wedding banquet at this moment.

However, the man who was in obvious contrast to him had fake oil paint on his face that hadn't been washed off.Just like this, how dare he come to eat in this kind of restaurant?

Xue Yingying was having fun alone, so of course this kind of hilarious moment must not be discovered by everyone.

Because of forbearance, Tan Junzhan wanted to go wrong, and he said in a low voice: "Haven't seen enough of the good show?"

"What, you're jealous again?" The corner of her mouth curled up, and she looked at him embarrassingly.


As soon as he made a sound, she impatiently hooked his neck and kissed him.

"Shao Ting, why are they... so bold?"

With this sound, Tan Junzhan finally understood her bold action after a long absence.When the play got to this point, he continued to make it as realistic as possible.

Pressing down with his fingers, he tried to press her head towards him.

"There are no vacancies in other places, so let's go here!" A cold voice from Han Shaoting came from the next row of seats just as the fierce battle was going on here.

It is indeed worthy of Tan Junzhan's soldiers, the cold posture is exactly the same.

After finally tasting some meat, under the angry reprimand from the little guy's strong eyes, he had no choice but to restrain his behavior below.

Now, her plump waist is already very obvious, and she is halfway through her pregnancy in October, so there is no reason why he can't bear it!

In the end, she got out of his control, and in order to avoid his beastly behavior again, she had to dodge far away, preferably in a place where he couldn't reach it.

She had just shifted position, and the fuselage in her handbag immediately rang.

"The bubbles in the sun / are colorful / like me who was cheated / are happy..."

Before going out, my dear baby mobile phone is returned to my hand.I haven't touched my mobile phone for several months, and it will be a little difficult to find it in a while.

The man sitting in front of him didn't know what stimulated him, and he just stood there, feeling like he was struck by lightning.But the sky is bright and the sun is bright, and there are complete lightning protection facilities here, how is it possible?

Forget it, it’s better to do it yourself to have enough food and clothing, it’s more reliable!
Xue Yingying continued to fight with her head buried in her handbag, but fortunately, the other party finally gave her time to calm down.

Not in the handbag, probably in another handbag.

As a big man, Tan Junzhan just couldn't imagine that she would have to prepare a big bag and a small bag.

Her fingers nimbly continued to fiddle with the big bag. In order to have a clear view, she simply spread all the things in the bag on the table and began to search one by one.

Sure enough, she finally found her precious mobile phone.

There was just a bright light on the phone screen, she hung up quickly, she didn't want to be the focus of everyone again.

After it was over, she was afraid that the other party would be angry, so she quickly replied a message, and the edited content happened to be the seat number where she was sitting.

Not long after, a modern girl full of youthful atmosphere was smiling at the two of them.

Xue Yingying was afraid that she would reveal her secrets, so she pulled her sleeves hard, pulled them off, and sat down beside her.

She tried her best to suppress her voice: "Xuanzi, don't tell me that you plan to go there like this?"

Xia Xuanfu didn't take it seriously, and flicked her messy and slightly curly hair full of languid breath, and kissed her with seductive red lips: "Why not?"

Xue Yingying really wanted to pry it open, what was in her head.

She was stunned to resist the urge to kill her best friend, and then said the following: "I know you have no good idea, here, take it, I will prepare it for you."

Xue Yingying packed up the things on the table again.

Xia Xuanfu stared blankly, and it took him a long time to regain his instinct to speak: "Sisters, what are these things? Maternity clothes? Cleansing oil? Flat shoes? Are you planning to make me pretend to be pregnant?"

With several rhetorical questions in a row, Xue Yingying had long thought that she would have such a reaction.

After clearing her throat, she began to explain: "Han Shaoting's blind date is also an official daughter, and his situation is not much different from his, but I heard that his personality is a bit bunny. When you pass this domineering posture, the other party squeezes tears , don’t you become a sinner? Therefore, you have to be weaker than her, so that you can win everyone’s sympathy.”

I really didn't see that she still has the ability to analyze things!
Xia Xuan couldn't help giving her a thumbs up, but time waited for no one, if she didn't make preparations, those two would probably have to leave.

"Sisters, wait for the good news of my triumphant return!" Before leaving, Xia Xuanfu blew a kiss.

Seeing her best friend leave, Xue Yingying had the courage to approach him.He didn't say a word during the time when they communicated before, could he be sullen?
Her soft body rubbed back and forth on him, and she said softly and coquettishly: "Why, now I finally found out that I have a dark character like a witch, and now I am thinking about how to get rid of me? I don't care, you have planted the seeds anyway, think If you want a divorce, there is no way!"

It was amused by her words, when did he say such a thing?
Freeing up his hands, he rumpled her hairstyle even more out of shape, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said solemnly: "It should be our turn to play!"

"Then- let's go?" A small face was full of joy, she followed his movements and got up together, ready to implement the next plan.

When other people are pregnant, how many of them only gain weight, and the rest are the same as usual?

Chief Tan has only one thought now, which is to fatten her up quietly, but this is a tricky thing.

Appearing in front of outsiders, a certain person reappeared in the world with a paralyzed face.

"Ah, it's really you——Han Shaoting?"

Xue Yingying has always been at odds with him. The main reason is that his name is out of the picture, and he cannot give his friend a stable future life.Now, the tone seems so intimate, which makes the corner of Han Shaoting's mouth twitch inexplicably.

In all likelihood, she was planning to bully someone. He reckoned that he hadn't provoked this aunt recently, so the fire shouldn't be on him, right?
"Not welcome?" Tan Junzhan's standard is a concise and concise style, looking down at the man in his arms who looks unhappy, these three words are thrown out coldly.

There is boss suppression ahead, how dare he refuse?
"How come? Boss, our seat is quite spacious, why don't you squeeze in?" The other party's request for a seat was sincere and obvious, and out of politeness, he had to say a few polite words.

With a muffled sound, Tan Junzhan sat down with the little man in his arms, without the slightest demeanor that a latecomer should have.

Calling the waiter casually, he ordered her usual favorite dishes on the table.

It is obviously the next table, but now it is this table, the waiter will be a little confused for a while.

Xue Yingying hurriedly said: "When we first came, we saw that the guests at the next table seemed to be in a hurry and left. The money was on the table. Let us help pass it on."

Speaking of this, the waiter immediately understood.

One feature of this restaurant that should be commended is the speed with which the food is served.Only about 10 minutes before ordering, the waiter started serving the food.

The pair of Xue Yingying has always been an excellent example of showing affection in front of people.

People say that a woman is the queen of ten months, so of course she has to take advantage of this opportunity to make good use of this man!
"Ah Zhan, I want to eat shrimp!" There were countless lights in her eyes, and she blinked her eyes.

Undoubtedly, Chief Tan naturally started to peel off the shrimp skin, and then fed the clean shrimp meat into her mouth.

The person on the opposite side looked really greedy, of course it wasn't coveting food, let alone admiration for Tan Junzhan.Xue Yingying has been a little jealous since she was a child, if the other party really had such an idea, how could she have the heart to put on such a good show?
"The prince is really kind to his wife!" The man recognized the identities of these two people at a glance, and the envy in his eyes was not concealed at all, it was his yearning for the future.

With delicious food in her mouth, Xue Yingying didn't stay idle, taking advantage of the effort of swallowing, she finally talked about this matter: "Sister, I see that you are a good match for Team Han. When are you going to have a banquet?" ? If the time is right, I will let my baby be your flower girl!"

"It depends on what Shao Ting wants?" When it comes to this topic, the woman usually bows her head in embarrassment.

Han Shaoting didn't respond at all, and just stuffed food into his mouth.

The atmosphere seemed a little frozen, but fortunately, a protagonist who didn't know where he died finally appeared.

"Han Shaoting—"

As soon as she appeared at the door, she immediately descended in front of everyone in the posture of Meng Jiangnu crying over the Great Wall.

Xue Yingying followed the source of the sound, and the scene that finally fell into her eyes made the corners of her mouth twitch.If these sisters don't change their careers to become actors, it's really a waste of good resources.

Look at the hand that is flying in the air, it seems to be shaking slightly without any support.

As she continued to look away, her lips that were originally bright red and red turned pale pale in a blink of an eye. What's wrong with that?

With her like this, when she shouted Han Shaoting's name, everyone's eyes immediately focused on her.

The eyes that looked like the eyes of a knife were undoubtedly using a knife to goug out the flesh from his body.

"Xia Xuanfu, get the hell out of here!" It was the first time for Young Master Han to be treated like this in public, where should he put his face?

The woman sitting by the side also showed the attitude that a mother should have, and her tone was approachable: "My sister, I think there must be a misunderstanding between you and Shao Ting! You come here first, let's communicate well?"

One sings the red face, and the other is responsible for the bad face, what a perfect match!

Xue Yingying didn't make a sound, but she wanted to see how far her best friend could go.

It's a rare good show, she must learn to appreciate it!

(End of this chapter)

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