Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 122 The Boyfriend Lost

Chapter 122 The Boyfriend Lost

"You said that love is like a cloud/It must float freely to be beautiful/I finally understand the reason for breaking up/It can also be so beautiful..."

A few simple lyrics brought Xue Yingying's memory back to the past.

Ah Sang's songs always leave people with a sense of melancholy, but Xue Yingying is still in awe of a TV series that was so popular back then.

"The love for you has been quiet, I made up my mind from the beginning—"

This line is about Lin Yueru in the play. She loves so humblely that she doesn't even dare to reveal her feelings.But at the last moment of life and death, she was able to sacrifice her precious life, just to allow the man she loves so much to have a chance with the one she loves.

There is a touch of sadness in the song, but Xia Xuanfu can interpret it very well.

Could this be because, at this moment, she is in harmony with each other?

Xue Yingying was startled suddenly by her own thought, this is unlikely, right?

Tan Junzhan has excellent hearing, she let out a slight gasp, and he immediately embraced her with his long arms, blocking all her emotions one by one.

"Don't make a sound." His warm lips pressed against the base of her sensitive ears, and the hot air sprayed her all over.

"Xia Xuanfu, haven't you had enough trouble?"

There was a sound of thunder at the bottom of the flat, and someone seemed to be angry and about to break through.

Xue Yingying felt nervous, she just wanted to get up to help comfort her, she didn't expect things to get out of hand.

After that, the big palm clasped her waist tightly, as if it was a treasure of geomantic omen, he couldn't withdraw his hand.

His best friend's safety is at stake, yet he dares to stop her?
It is simply unforgivable!
She turned her head and stared at him quickly with resentful eyes, as if implying a stern warning - if you don't let go, don't blame me for taking action!

Tan Junzhan chuckled: "Isn't he just a stranger? Are you making such a fuss?"

"Stranger?" Xue Yingying's voice suddenly raised. How could he make up such a close friend?
The moment he was about to throw fire, Xia Xuanfu took the initiative to stick close to her, glanced at her leisurely, and immediately there were crystal drops of water in his eyes.

The moment she spoke, her voice was as dry as if it had been choked with a foreign object: "Mrs. Chief, everyone says you have a good temper, and now I believe it. You can stand up to a stranger, but it's a pity that my stomach The kids here are not so lucky."

Having talked to this point, Xue Yingying's brain turned, and after thinking about it, she understood what these two people were up to.

Isn't it just acting?Who said she wasn't good at it!
After several years of getting along with girlfriends, the two of them sang the double reed, which is called a tacit understanding.

He raised his eyes and glanced at her big belly, reckoning that it must be five or six months like his own.

Immediately, Xue Yingying became motherly: "Your child is not young, has he ever taken maternity leave?"

The two pregnant women got together and just happened to be able to open up the chatterbox.

The woman on the opposite side is best at disguising, when Xue Yingying recruits a waiter to give her a seat.She glanced out of the corner of her eye, just in time to see a trace of impatience slipping through the eyes of the person opposite.

When it comes to acting, of course you have to be realistic!

Xue Yingying turned around, faced the opposite, and smiled slightly: "My sister, I think you look so virtuous and virtuous, so you shouldn't care about it?"

She throws out that modifier, how can the other party say no?
"How could it be? I think this young lady must have misunderstood Shao Ting, so sit down and have a good chat."

This is quite satisfactory, but the people on the side have no intention of acknowledging it.

Ever since Xia Xuanfu appeared, Han Shaoting's gaze never left her body.But, look at that terrifying gaze, dare to love is not a good end!
Thinking of him, First Young Master Han, who roams the various places in the capital and is famous outside, who would have thought that one day he would fall under the hands of this girl, it is really troublesome!
Seeing that she was about to pour a sip of iced Coke into her mouth, his eyes were dark and he rushed forward to snatch it: "Aren't you pregnant? They are all iced, so I quit them all."

As soon as he said this, he immediately regretted it.

Don't the two have any adultery?What is this move?

Xia Xuanfu did not ignore the regret in his eyes.

In an instant, she immediately withdrew her hand, and kept groping back and forth with both hands.When she bowed her head, the profile of her face seemed to add a lot of grievance.

"Han Shaoting, you said you wanted to escape, but you were destined to end up..."

Unexpectedly, she said such words again, Han Shaoting immediately looked at her with a few swishing chills.

On the other end, Xue Yingying happened to have a mouthful of warm milk in her small mouth.When you're up and down, your best friend comes to make such a rowdy behavior, should she spray it or swallow it?
She is clearly not a Libra, but she also suddenly suffers from difficulty in choosing, what should I do?
Tan Junzhan was born to be her savior, his big palm crossed her back, and he controlled his strength to pat lightly: "Drink slowly, be careful not to choke."

I don't know whether to show my true feelings or put on a show.

Contrasted with Han Shaoting's fury, Xia Xuanfu flattened his pale lips aggrievedly: "I know you are destined to be a prodigal son, and your footsteps will not stop because of me. But the child is innocent after all, and I don't want to deprive him of his birth." s right."

"You want to blackmail me?"

Han Shaoting turned his eyes and thought, and could only think of this possibility.

Xia Xuanfu shook his head and gave a negative answer: "No, I just want to inform those who come after me, don't try to hang yourself on a tree like you. This sister, I have learned from the past, you must be careful !"

Looking around at the three people in front of him, the boss is willing to accompany those two people to mess around, there must be fraud in it.

Tan Junzhan was pondering what was going on inside, and his own bell was playing.

His instinctive reaction was to pick it up quickly: "This is Han Shaoting, the captain of the Thorn Falcon Commando, please give instructions."

"Han Shaoting, listen to the order. The boss has a time limit of 10 minutes, and evacuate quickly." On the other side is Lei Ting, a cold-faced ice man.

He agreed indifferently, and cut off quickly.

Eyes meeting the man opposite him in mid-air, Han Shaoting finally understood the boss's intention, which was obviously to help him escape this blind date.

But do we have to make this field?
Forget it, without thinking about other things, he directly grabbed Xia Xuanfu's wrist, who seemed to be a foodie.Before walking away, he didn't feel apologetic in his tone: "Who, I'm not good enough for you. I'll explain it to my family later. Let's go first!"

Young Master Han's actions were swift and swift, but Xia Xuanfu was a drag.

"Why do you decide on me? Bastard!" When cursing, she opened her teeth and claws, intending to bite.

He had already lost all his face before, so how could he let her succeed?
No more hesitation, he led a certain woman to walk with a standard princess hug: "Just because I am the father of the child in your belly."

Xia Xuanfu was choked up by his words, isn't she shooting herself in the foot?

Live it!

These two people are clearly a pair of living treasures, it would be a pity not to be together!

As for the extra person in the group of five, he was born redundant, so it's no wonder that Han Shaoting couldn't remember the name of the person.

Xue Yingying secretly rejoiced in her heart, but she didn't show this feeling.

But the other party was not easy to deal with, she opened her mouth to say goodbye, the woman said calmly: "I have been secretly in love with Han Shaoting since I was a child, how could I not know Xia Xuanfu? Besides, I also know that she has a very close relationship with you, Xue Yingying. "

"Oh?" In terms of pretense, Nizi is no worse than her.

There is a good saying - "The disadvantage of having sharp edges and corners is that it is very convenient for others to chew on you."

Occasionally, I have nothing to do to play COSPLAY to try something new, and it seems to be quite good.

"So, don't try to play tricks in front of me. Han Shaoting, he is destined to belong to me!" Her tone was firm, and after she said this, she just walked away.

Being posed in public, how could a girl like Xue Yingying be willing to accept it, she had to get back.

Fortunately, Huang Tian paid off, after searching her eyes hard, she finally found something that could be used.

"Five, four, three, two, one—" Xue Yingying counted secretly in her heart. After the countdown was completed, she immediately raised her voice and said, "Hey, the lady who went on a blind date with Han Shaoting just now. We are indeed with Mr. Han. I know each other, but you two just patted your ass and left without paying the bill? And, ah, don’t you plan to have your boyfriend?”

The two questions in succession immediately pushed her to be the first choice for everyone's attention.Looking at the entire hall, she seemed to be the only one standing there.

All eyes moved to the past, and Xue Yingying held up the object in her hand.Although the things are still quite miniature, but the neighbors approached directly, and it happened that all the pictures fell into their eyes.

"Oh my god! These few photos with bare upper body showing strong eight-pack abs... Isn't it the recent trend on Weibo, 'My abs can be your washboard, how about marrying me'?"

There was an inexplicable scream, and immediately there was a frenzy of nympho rushing in.

The wind was so strong that the woman standing in the center was not spared to leave.

Chief Tan's eyes are like knives. After a few passes, he can't wait to tear the photos into pieces.

—Where did it come from?
His eyes were full of killing intent, as if he was asking questions.

He hooked his hands, and he listened attentively: "Are you jealous?"

You need a beating!

This is not a good place to tidy up people. Xue Yingying put it away when she saw something good, and smiled sweetly: "I'm not kidding you, these are left before Xuanzi left. I have real things to watch, why hide those Stuff? Besides, your figure is much better than the photos!"

Finally, it pleases his mind. There are many people here, and there is a lot of carbon dioxide exhaled.

Chief Tan didn't choose to stay any longer, and secretly fled with her in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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