Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 123 Thank You For Your Hurt

Chapter 123 Thank You For Your Hurt
The annual Spring Festival has finally come as scheduled.

On this day, according to the usual habits, the family had to go to Tan's house to get together.

Of course, Ms. Pu Xinyu, whom she dislikes the most, is also indispensable here.

Thinking back to those years... oh no, it should be recalling the previous few months, and I don't know which couple had to play hypocritically in front of her, the bloody divorce dispute between husband and wife.

It's been a long time, why do they continue to appear on the same plane?

Chi - it's so funny!
Xue Yingying held a cup of hot milk in her palm. She was pregnant with the eldest grandson of the Tan family, and the old couple on top were very precious, and milk was indispensable for a day.

A group of people were busy downstairs, and no one allowed her to intervene.In case any action makes the child unsafe, who can afford it?
As for Tan Junzhan, who has been by his side all the time, I don't know where he is busy right now!
As a soldier, and even the chief person in charge of Manthorn, he is busy with work, so she can understand him.Other military wives never see their husbands for a few days.In contrast, she really deserves to be satisfied!

Lifting the bottom, her lips touched the liquid in the cup lightly.

It seemed a little too hot, and she held it in the center of her palm again.

Looking up, her vision is no longer limited to the hall.

There is a beautiful scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. Based on the previous tire slipping incident, Tan Junzhan directly ordered the gardener to transplant all the plants in the garden into "Treading Snow and Seeking Plum Blossoms".

It's one of her personal favorite breeds, and she never mentions it to anyone.

After standing for a long time, her legs couldn't bear it, and she was about to turn around and leave.

As soon as she turned around, she almost bumped into the man who was close to him by a few centimeters, and she called out softly, suppressing her voice.

In order to avoid him, she had to fall backwards.

"Be careful—" Big Belly fell to the ground, that was no joke!

The man reached forward with one fingertip, ready to wrap his arms around her.

Unexpectedly, his hand just touched her wrist, and he was about to pull her to stand up, when there was an angry curse from behind him: "You adulterers, you fuckers, give it to me!" !"

It's over-

The only thought that came to Xue Yingying's mind was not because she had a guilty conscience, but because as long as the other party made a move, her child's safety could not be guaranteed, and she dared not take the child to risk herself.

"Pu Xinyu, this is my chat room, it's not your turn to play wild!" The male voice of Jiyu came out at the right time, and Xue Yingying almost had to worship him from the bottom of her heart.

Just for Tan Junzhan's title, she jumped up and down several times, and now she made up "Timely Rain", she didn't care whether he accepted it or not.

Under his stop, Guan Hong finally supported her safely.

In terms of his current status, he couldn't cross the line, Guan Hong had no choice but to withdraw his hand quickly, and said in a daze, "Yingying, how are you doing recently?"

"A pair of eyeballs, that's for you to look at."

Xue Yingying walked forward with a smile in her beautiful eyes, and soon approached Tan Junzhan.She pretended to take the man's arm, and smiled sweetly: "Guan Hong, thank you for your hurts, and finally got a happy marriage."

"All day long, there will always be trouble!"

this sound...

Don't think too much, who can be guessed by listening to the tone?
Apart from Tan Jianguo, her father-in-law who hated her the most, would there be another person?

Xue Yingying held her mouth and smiled slightly.

The other party doesn't want to see her, that's his problem, but she is still polite, just like today.

"Elder-in-law, happy new year!" Her voice is like a stream of sweet spring water, flowing into people's hearts, always refreshing.It's a pity that someone doesn't feel this way.

With a flick of his sleeve, Tan Jianguo said coldly, "As long as you don't show up at Tan's house, I will be happy."

Listen to this, what kind of logic is there?

Even if he was stuffed with the children and grandchildren of their Tan family, he was still like this.In this tough battle, Xue Yingying suddenly lost confidence, and the smile that had been evoked on the corners of her lips gradually cooled down.

A pair of old ancestors who arrived later happened to hear this. Both of them had bad legs and feet, and the crutches in their hands just hit the ground, making a series of not-so-pleasant sounds.

"Niezi oh Niezi, it's such a misfortune for the Tan family to have a descendant like you!" This is the sigh from the old man Tan.

Husband and wife are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut through gold, and they are not idle when talking about grandma.With trembling legs and feet, with Tanyan's support, she finally got her muscles beside Xue Yingying.

She looked at Xue Yingying, her eyes sparkling: "Ying girl, it's the old woman who is sorry for you, but gave birth to such a wicked person! Hey——"

"Grandpa and grandma, what are you talking about? Father-in-law is right in his criticism. I spent New Year's Eve at Tan's house. Of course I have to go back to my own home for the Spring Festival."

Xue Yingying was quite understanding, and she just understood his run-off as such.

Those present, no one knew his hostility.

As if waving her hands, Xue Yingying smiled sweetly, and it was hard to see that her mood was affected.

"Tan Junzhan, I'm going back to my natal home first. It depends on the situation tonight. If I can't screw my brother, I guess I'll have to stay at my natal home for a while."

According to Xue Yinuo's extremely protective mentality, this period is estimated to last for a lifetime.

Besides, how can Tan Junzhan rest assured that she will go back alone?

Before the elders could speak, he casually grabbed the winter uniform, took her hand and walked out.

"Jun Zhan, it's fine to spend the night at Naniu's house tonight, the key is to make her happy." In Jiang Yinshi's heart, no matter who it is, no one can compare to Naniu's importance, for some reason.

"Ninny, what happened just now..." Chief Tan spoke hesitantly, which really didn't look like a man should have.

She turned her eyes and thought about it, the old man with that kind of conduct, only thinking about driving his daughter-in-law out, probably he is the only one in the whole world!
Thinking of this, she immediately expressed deep sympathy and gave her eyes of deep concern.

Correspondent Xiao Chai has been a driver for many years, and Tan Junzhan feels that he has no time to go back to his hometown to accompany his parents all year round, so he took a few days of annual leave this year.

Tan Junzhan has a very good ability to focus on two things, holding her hand tightly with one hand.He locked his eyes tightly in front of him, but those words were clearly saying to her: "Don't make me smirk! If you are sad, right now, my shoulders can be used for you to vent. When you get to Xue's house, don't show it."

"Are you afraid of my brother?" Xue Yingying asked back, with a half-smile in her eyes.


I want I will lose you!
Seven short words, but he just opened his mouth and couldn't say it.

Xue Yingying didn't understand his troubles, but an external sound - the ringtone of the mobile phone just saved him.

(End of this chapter)

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