Chapter 124 The Narcissist

However, what made him suspicious was Xue Yingying's attitude.

The ends of her two beautiful eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together, and she still couldn't relax them, and she didn't even plan to connect them.

Tan Junzhan looked at it strangely, and reached out his hand to pick it up for her.

It's a pity that as soon as his hand came over, Xiao Nizi immediately raised her head, and a greasy smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth: "It's Chinese New Year, how can your new son-in-law come to the door empty-handed? Come on, I'll go pick out some gifts with you .”

There seemed to be a cloud of miasma in her eyes that couldn't dissipate, and he could see everything clearly.

Husband and wife should be honest with each other. Since she didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't force her to do so.

"No, you stay here and don't go anywhere!" He spoke in a standard command tone.

"Obey, sir!" Xue Yingying pretended to be naughty and breezy.

Confused by her behavior, Tan Junzhan turned over and got out of the car in a hurry as if pinching a stopwatch.

From the corner of her eye, she was always stuck on his body, until she got into the shop at last, and she finally let out a long breath.

The noisy man's cell phone kept ringing for a long time, and he was a stinky guy with no face at all!
As soon as this idea came out, Xue Yingying herself was defeated. How could it understand this thing? Isn't it just the enemy's master who is manipulating it?
A ball of anger was quenched in the bottom of her heart, she quickly slid to unlock it, and her anger clearly returned to the other party, with two loud characters: "Asshole!"

"The tone is full of anger, why didn't I see you become haggard?" The frivolous male voice gradually spread along with the receiver of the fuselage.

The way he speaks is as if he is clearly visible in front of him.

Just because he has a face similar to Ah Mo?
Fuck off!

Xue Yingying didn't bother to pay attention, "Bessiemo, aren't you afraid of being found out? The last sentence, please disappear from my world as soon as possible."

"You still care about my safety? I'm very touched."

He intentionally misinterpreted her original intention, causing her to become very angry.

The world is so beautiful, but she is so irritable, it must be done!
Xue Yingying forced herself to adjust her turbulent breathing, and then responded in a neutral manner: "What do you, Bessiemo, do to me? Don't hang up in three seconds, be careful, I will find someone to investigate your IP directly."

"Proud little guy, you are the only one who can tempt me. One day, you find that you want to leave Tan Junzhan, and you are welcome to fall into my arms at any time."

It's okay to talk about Tan Jianguo who doesn't want to see her anyway, but now he pops up again. It's clear that the two of them are working together in light and dark, right?

Xiao Nizi's attitude is extremely firm, seeing a certain man come out with a fruitful fruit in his hand, she just wants to cut the mess quickly and end everything that shouldn't exist.

"Go away—" The mixed emotions finally merged into this one word.

Unexpectedly, the other party just laughed in a deep voice: "There is a photo MMS for you, remember to check it, it is a New Year gift! Take good care of the baby, I am still waiting to be the stepfather of the child."

"Go away! Go away!" After two roars, the other party finally cut off the phone knowingly.

Mobile phones are an indispensable and necessary member of urban life.But at this moment, Xue Yingying wished she could live in seclusion in the mountains and never see it again.

beep beep-

There was a new message coming in, Xue Yingying couldn't control the inexplicable traction of her fingers, she slowly stretched towards it, and then picked it up.

After sliding to unlock, she clicked on the information to view it.

At first, it was just a casual glance, but after a few seconds, her whole body jerked and sat up quickly.

This yellowed photo is indeed a few years old, but the young woman leaning on the side of the foreign cool guy looks exactly like her?
If the photos of the two of them were put together, if it weren't for the yellowing marks, the two of them would definitely be mistaken for a pair of beautiful sisters!
Xue Yingying's brain was working quickly. Ever since she was a child, she had never seen old photos of her mother Lin Qiao when she was young.When she was young, she once asked this question out of curiosity.

The memory is far away, but she still remembers her mother's answer at that time—was it because you burned it when you played with fire when you were a child!
Is this really the case?

At this moment, Xue Yingying was deeply suspicious, and was eager to go home to ask for clarification.

She was about to get up, adjusted all her emotions, and didn't want the man to see anything unusual.

At this moment, sitting in the passenger seat, she noticed something strange in the rearview mirror, and her pupils dilated.

Tan Junzhan is a person who prefers off-road vehicles, and he usually drives by himself is definitely an improved version of off-road vehicles.

With such a huge car parked in front of you, how could the people behind not see it?Moreover, the closer the opponent is, the faster the speed will be.

This undoubtedly shows that he must be aiming at her!

Xue Yingying had no choice but to twist the car door hard, not caring whether she could stand with her feet on the ground, after all, running for her life was the most important thing.

At the same time, all the things in Tan Junzhan's hands were flung aside, and he ran towards her with the wind under his feet.

Five or six months pregnant, if you stumble, what will happen?

Fortunately, it was still time for him to arrive, with his big palm on her waist, the two quickly stood firmly in place.

As for the culprit of the instigator, the car that was traveling too fast turned the steering wheel temporarily, the body twisted, and flashed away in an S-shaped route.

A limp person fell into his arms, Tan Junzhan had no choice but to suspend his plan to chase after him.

He comforted her first: "Did you read the license plate just now?"

Hearing this, his little head lifted up slightly, his brows and eyes were all in a daze: "Ah Zhan, a person missing an arm and a leg can still drive on the road?"

How could she admit a mistake with that face?The nightmare when she was four years old seemed to coincide with everything she experienced as an adult, and she could never forget it.

Thinking about it now, I can still tremble all over.

"Benson?" This is the only person who can be seated right.

She nodded dumbly, and then she shook her head violently: "I'm not sure, I don't see anything unusual on the outside. But that face, I..."

"Those, don't think about it, let's go home first. Just go back to your brother's house!" Tan Junzhan clearly distinguishes subjectively that her brother's house is not her home, and he indoctrinates her with this idea all the time.

"You threw away all the things that came to the door? You are a prodigal son!" Speaking of going home, Xue Yingying's head was on the side, just in time to see his actions after the atrocity, and couldn't help but punch and complain.

As the saying goes, throw away the watermelon and pick sesame seeds.

But, in his heart, she couldn't be measured by money. What could be worth her fraction?
"The gift is gone, you can buy it again. Girl, don't underestimate yourself!"

When Xue Yingying heard this, she felt very happy.

Sweet talk, what woman doesn't like to hear it?
She resolutely decided to go shopping with him again. She couldn't come to the door with a damaged gift, right?

(End of this chapter)

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