Chapter 125 Daughter Red


Xue Yinuo just talked to Xue Yingying on the phone the night before, and she once said that she might not come over in the next few days.Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, he saw her standing outside the door with a smile on his face, and he was in a good mood all of a sudden.

"Brother, Happy New Year! The things are behind, you can also help to carry some!" The pregnant woman is a shield that protects her wherever she goes, and she walks inside as soon as she takes a step.

"Smelly girl, it's different when you're married, and your elbows are turned out." Xue Yinuo put the things inside, and immediately showed a heartbroken look.

Knowing that he was faking it, Xue Yingying still comforted her and said, "Who said that?"

She quickly took out four movie tickets from her bag, and waved them in front of Xue Yinuo: "Brother, this year's luck is not bad, and the Spring Festival coincides with Valentine's Day. How rare is the double festival! I've prepared the movie tickets, Together?"

"Four? What's the deal?" Once she said this, Xue Yinuo vaguely felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously took a small step back.

Knowing this, the corners of her lips curled up beautifully, and she took out one of them and stuffed it into his hand: "Here, this one is yours. Of course, parents are not interested in the Valentine's Day movie. Ah Zhan and I I haven't seen the whole movie together yet, and you—there are three unfilial acts, and the greatest thing is to have no offspring. You haven't even found the mother of the child, and I, the younger sister, will decide for you today!"

"Smelly girl, do you still know that I am a brother? No big or small!" Xue Yinuo made a gesture and wanted to teach him a lesson.

As soon as he raised his hand, Tan Junzhan held her in his arms, and raised his jaw full of fortitude: "She is now my family member. How dare you?"

"No matter how many children she is the mother of, she is always my sister." The two seemed to be getting serious, their eyes looked at each other, and there was already a fierce fire in mid-air.

"Talk..." As a typical housewife, Lin Qiao is good at making soup with her hands, and she is indeed not in the same style as Jiang Yinshi.

Knowing that the Xue family did not really accept him, Tan Junzhan chose to speak up: "Mom and Dad, you can call me 'Jun Zhan'."

"Jun Zhan, Nannuan and Yinuo are just playing around, and they have loved her since they were young, when did they really do it? Don't mind!"

After tossing and tossing for a while, the home-cooked dishes of ordinary people are finally on the table.

As the new son-in-law came to the house for the first year, Lin Qiao of course gave a smiling face: "Jun Zhan, these are home-cooked dishes. We didn't know you came back with your daughter, so we didn't prepare much."

"Mom, don't meet outsiders either. My daughter has always been thinking about your craftsmanship, so I plan to come back and stay for a few days to let her satisfy her hunger." After speaking, Tan Junzhan stared at her with eyes full of expression.

The only hope of the Xue family is that he can spoil her and love her, just like how they treat her.

Now, he has indeed done it, and the barrier should naturally be eliminated.

Tan Junzhan fulfilled the promises he made at that time, which made Xue Ke, a strong man, start to become addicted to alcohol.

"It's rare that the three of us get together today, and we must not return home drunk."

He took the initiative to bring up a vase of daughter's red, and when he opened it, the intoxicating fragrance filled the whole living room, it was indeed top-grade.

Tan Junzhan is indeed a native of the capital, but it doesn't mean that he has never heard of it.

The famous aged wine - Shaoxing Huadiao wine, also known as Nur Hong.

It is a practice handed down from ancient times - bury the daughter in the soil when she is just born, and then take it out when the daughter is married, so that she can dig out wine and treat guests to drink.

As soon as the wine jar was opened, the strong aroma of wine came to the nostrils.Tilt the bottle over a certain arc, pour the fine wine in the altar into the wine glass, and the transparent and clear amber color is particularly eye-catching.

This color...

It's a pity that as soon as Xue Ke picked up the wine glass, a sporadic liquid appeared in his eyes involuntarily: "Hey, time waits for no one! The little girl who was only so big back then is actually a mother!"

My family has the mentality of a young girl growing up. Xue Yingying's father, Xue Ke, has always been unable to calm down. He couldn't accept that the precious daughter he had brought up with great difficulty was married into a wife in a blink of an eye.

"Hmph, it's really cheap for you!"

She was also Xue Yinuo's favorite, and in a blink of an eye he gave Tan Junzhan a circle on his chest.As for her due benefits, how could he not pursue them?
So, Xue Yinuo began to ask aggressively, how could he care about the dining table here, which is only for eating: "Tan Junzhan, right here, right now, I must give my daughter an explanation! I have received the certificate, and the child is only a few months old It's time to come out, but what about the banquet? Our Xue family is indeed not as rich and powerful as your Tan family, but she is an innocent girl who followed you, why don't you give her a name?"

When it came to this, Xue Yinuo became more and more angry.

He married his precious Yaomei, but he still didn't follow the normal process, but he didn't know that rumors had already spread outside, all of which were negative news that was not good for her!
"Xue Yinuo, even daughter Hong can't shut you up?" Xue Yingying couldn't help but roll her eyes. Does her brother have to talk about this today?Don't even look at what day it is!

Who knows, Tan Junzhan took pouring water seriously, and he answered solemnly.

"I've been making preparations in secret. At present, everything is ready and I owe it to Dongfeng. I wait until my daughter is confinement and I will have a drink. She doesn't want to take wedding photos with a big belly!"


Xue Yingying was startled by his words, and she couldn't close her mouth, as if her jaw was dislocated.

Tan Junzhan couldn't help laughing when he saw it. He stretched out his hand and lifted her chin upwards lightly, but a faint smile appeared in his eyes: "You don't believe it? I'll talk to you when I get home. After all, these are two personal matter."

There is really a way to say it, is it true?

Xue Yingying couldn't figure it out, why did he do this kind of thing secretly, which made her tear glands more vigorous.

"Okay, let's not talk about this during the meal time. You three eat well. Mom and I have some private things to talk about, so we will open a small stove." Xue Yingying was so stimulated by the photo of Bessie Mo that she couldn't wait to think about it. To know the truth of the matter.

She has been a caring little padded jacket since she was a child, and she likes to cling to Lin Qiao. The whole family knows it, so they just let their mothers talk.

As soon as she went upstairs, she lightly tugged on Lin Qiao's sleeve, pulled it into her boudoir, and began to fiddle with her growth photo album.

She couldn't stop being bitter before she started to do it.It has been almost a year since she left home, and all the furnishings in her boudoir are exactly the same as before she left, but there is no dust contamination. Of course, this is due to her having a good mother!
It was rare for the youngest daughter to have feelings for her upper body, so she directly gave Lin Qiao a big hug.The whole person is attached to it, and the tip of her nose smells the familiar smell of mother, and she is reluctant to leave.

Lin Qiao smiled lightly and pushed her away: "Still acting like a child? She's about to become a mother!"

"I don't! In the eyes of my parents and my brother, I'm always a child who can't grow up, am I?" The family spoiled her since she was a child, and her father was responsible for making rules and making a bad face, while her brother and mother were in charge of each other. This kind of spoiled her in a disguised form, but fortunately there was no problem with her conduct.

"Mom, my daughter really loves you!"

After all, Lin Qiao couldn't bear to part with her young daughter who had been in pain for so many years, so she freed her hand to stroke her head: "Ninny, you have to remember, this will always be your home."

"A Zhan and I will come back to visit you often when we are free! By the way—" Tiji talked for a while, and she almost forgot the business.Leaving Lin Qiao's arms, she started searching.

According to folklore, having a child will make you stupid for three years.But before the child fell to the ground, she felt that her memory was obviously not very good.

After searching inside and out, the thing I was looking for was stunned.

Lin Qiao couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Ninny, what are you looking for? Mom will help you find it!"

"It's just the photo albums I grew up with when I was a child. There are several thick ones. I remember putting them here." She quickly entered the password in her brain, and it was clearly located here, but the things seemed to have disappeared.

She was talking on her own, not paying attention to Lin Qiao's reaction at all.

There was no movement for a long time, Xue Yingying was a little suspicious, and looked up: "Mom, you don't look well? Are you catching a cold?"

"No, no." Lin Qiao stuttered a little, but quickly adjusted back, "I put that thing away, and I will look through it when I miss you. What are you doing with that thing?"


As soon as she opened her mouth, she immediately cut off the text, with many considerations in her mind.

In the history of growing up since childhood, no one has ever said that her appearance is inherited from one of her parents, and even directly said that she is not her own.However, her parents and elder brother couldn't tell her that she was not from the same family.

However, it is hard not to make people start to suspect the surprisingly similar faces?
This is nothing more than two kinds of conclusions. One is that the woman is the mother's family sister, and the other is that she is not their biological child at all?
She didn't dare to think deeply about the cruel latter thought, how could she not be her own, how dare she not be her own?

"It's nothing! I heard from Xuanzi that there is a software on the Internet that can generate the appearance of future children, so I want to try it out with my childhood photos? People are really looking forward to it!"

When she felt like being a mother for the first time, she had all kinds of expectations and worries.

"Okay, you wait, I'll get it for you."

After drinking and eating, Lin Qiao commanded the three of them disgustedly: "Okay, I'll clean up here, you youngsters, hurry up and take a walk outside to digest."

"Abiding by the order, my lord queen mother." Xue Yingying replied amusingly.

"One ghost!" Lin Qiao chuckled.

The movie theater is not far from here, and the two men had another fight for daughter red at noon. Would it be fatal to drink and drive?
For the current plan, Xue Yingying came up with a coup, and directly got it in the [-]th way, and it can also strengthen the body and help digestion.

Xue Yinuo thought of what was going to come out, so he walked quickly and chose to open the way.

And Xue Yingying happened to be getting tired of Tan Junzhan, she wrapped her arm tightly around him, and asked softly: "Ah Zhan, I don't know the gender of the child yet, do you like boys or girls?"

"As long as it's born by you, I like it!" Tan Junzhan raised the corners of his lips slightly, with a warm arc, not perfunctory at all.

"Poor talk—" But it was in her arms!

(End of this chapter)

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