Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 127 Illegitimate Daughter

Chapter 127 Illegitimate Daughter

"Xinyu, this girl looks strangely familiar, so why don't you introduce me?" Xue Yingying raised her eyes lazily, and the words that came out of her mouth seemed a bit tasteful.

Ever since they got married, the old friends have long been out of tune.

Pu Xinyu spoke immediately, but the words that blurted out were a bit chilling: "Her? I don't know her very well, and it's the first time I've seen her now."


The tail sound showed an upward trend, and it was obvious that he didn't believe it.

Xue Yingying's whole body leaned close lazily, talking about the future of Jun Zhan's arms to prevent him from pursuing.After giving him an OK gesture, she turned around and played with a few white and tender fingertips playfully.

"The first time you met, you were able to hide and watch secretly. Could it be that you have the legendary voyeurism?" After talking to her heart's content, she finally raised her head pretending to be surprised: "Xinyu, this is Illness, you need to be cured. You are not as well married as I am, but can Dr. Guan Da not even afford the money for seeing a doctor?"

Stimulated by these words, Pu Xinyu was so angry that he wanted to go crazy on the spot.

But Xiao Nizi hasn't played enough, maybe she was influenced by Xia Xuanfu a while ago.

Facing someone directly in front of her, she spread her white and tender palms, showing a painful expression: "Stop talking! I know, you will regret it to this day. But if you give it another chance, you will still be the same. Money is not a problem , as if I were sponsoring you..."

Unexpectedly, it was not Pu Xinyu who lost her temper first, but another woman.

Some words were really unbearable, she clenched her hands into fists and strode forward.

The two hands suddenly stretched forward, and she clenched Pu Xinyu's neck tightly, never letting go: "Sister, I am your biological sister. Even if we are not born of the same father and the same mother, but After all, I'm also Daddy's daughter!"

Hearing this, several people finally understood a little bit, dare this person be an illegitimate daughter?
In Xue Yingying's world view, everyone is equal and will not be slightly different because of the so-called differences in status.

If it continues, it is sure to kill someone.It is more appropriate for the evildoers to be dealt with by other people. Naturally, they must be handed over to the relevant departments for execution.

With this in mind, she was about to step forward to dissuade that man from his reckless behavior.

But before she got close, the other party immediately raised her voice and exclaimed sharply: "You, Xue Yingying just stand there and don't move, I have something to tell you."

I don't know where she conjured a knife, the blade is really sharp and sharp!
Xue Yingying was so frightened that she froze in place, she couldn't make fun of the child.

She managed to gather herself together and smiled slightly, trying to calm her heart: "Put down the knife first, and speak slowly if you have something to say."

"Talk slowly? I still have that time, do I still have that chance? Hehe, don't be ridiculous!" It is estimated that she was stimulated by Pu Xinyu's behavior, and she no longer believes in the future and all strangers.

Her eyes were always staring in horror, and she was no longer as energetic as she should have been in the past.

Recalling the moment when they met for the first time, she looked at others arrogantly, this should be the demeanor she should have in life.And her most trusted elder sister, Pu Xinyu, shattered her dream with her bare hands in an instant.

It's not so much that she is afraid of Xue Yinuo, but that the person she wants to hunt and revenge should be Pu Xinyu, her closest sister.

There are some words that she can't vomit quickly.

After struggling a lot in her heart, she finally wanted to blurt out to let herself feel relieved.

With twinkling eyes, she fixed her eyes on Xue Yingying's side, and the pain and gratitude in her eyes were double superimposed.

Looking at each other, Xue Yingying suddenly lost her mind, as if she saw an old shadow of herself in her body.

Lost, shocked, hesitant, until the last feeling of indignation.

And she had Tan Jun Zhan's rescue at that time, but who is going to rescue the younger sister in front of her?
"I can understand all your feelings now. As people who have experienced it, we need to have a good chat. Listen to my advice, put down the blade, and turn around. I, Xue Yingying, always mean what I say. Don't look at the two big men next to you. Yes, don’t you have to follow my wishes in the end? You two are giving me a hard time!”

She was talking dry-mouthed, but those two men seemed to be fine, waiting to watch the show.

Xue Yinuo was influenced by it, and finally gave an echo.

His face sank: "I will give you a chance to explain the crime."


"Brother, have you had an occupational disease?" Xue Yingying snorted and said this immediately.

Thinking back, what he said must have frightened the little girl who was looking at him in front of him.Holding her mouth, she was about to say a few words of comfort, but she didn't expect the man to speak by himself.

"That's right, I'm here to plead guilty." The expression she showed was indeed quite miserable.

But Pu Xinyu, who was under the sharp knife, did not know what stimulated him, but suddenly started to struggle.

What happened?
"You illegitimate daughter, stop talking nonsense here."

"I'm talking nonsense? Pu Xinyu, didn't you instruct me to do all of this?" After all, the girl was young and energetic, and she couldn't resist her psychological offensive.

Once she was impatient, she just gave someone an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The hardest part of the human body is the elbow.Therefore, the police uncle will always tell all female compatriots to use this trick when encountering bad guys.

Who knew that Pu Xinyu would make such a secret trick here!
When she didn't have time to raise her hand, she rushed forward with an elbow, and the sharp blade in her palm naturally fell to the ground, only to hear a clear "bang".

The two sides just looked at each other, and they really deserved to be a family. All behavior patterns are exactly the same, and the same tacit understanding is full!
With a bending movement, the two heads collided, but this did not stop the dispute between the two sides.The two hands continue to come and go, fighting each other, and they have to fight to the death before they are willing.

Knife, the most beneficial life-saving weapon.On the other hand, it is also a deadly wounding weapon.

Because of this, this game is so exciting and attracts attention.

It's a pity that Xue Yingying couldn't see her brothers and sisters fighting each other.In her point of view, all people are equal, is it necessary to fight for the title they deserve?

Clearing her throat, she was about to speak to dissuade her.

Fortunately, the man next to her seemed to know her next step like the back of his hand.

With one movement, she pressed her head into his arms, preventing her from seeing things she shouldn't see.

This behavior is really considerate!
Xue Yingying subconsciously smiled softly.

At the same time, he finally issued an order in a cold voice: "Who is going to snatch it again? Stop it all for me!"

It's just that, for a certain point, he seems to have never been able to make it.In other words, no one present could have imagined such a possibility.

In terms of certain interests, who cares about his status as a dignified prince, naturally saving his life is the most important thing!
"Why?" Pu Xinyu is one of the models of this kind of people.

Immediately, Tan Junzhan's face quickly darkened, densely covered with gloom.

The two women who were still in the process of robbing were naturally not found.But at this scene, Xue Yingying, who was hiding in his arms and looked up at him secretly, happened to see it!
A red light flashed in his heart, and before she gave a warning, his speed was faster than lightning.

In addition to the action, he still freed up one hand to hold her outward ear firmly, "That's all!"

Xue Yingying couldn't hear a few simple words very clearly.However, for the next sound, even though he deliberately tried to cover it up, she could clearly feel the lingering aftertaste.

Under the violent impact, Xue Yingying's whole body trembled slightly.

How long had it been since she heard the horrific sound of a gunshot wound? If it wasn't for this rehearsal, she would have mistakenly thought that she had passed this hurdle.

After Tan Junzhan's movement, the woman Pu Xinyu was able to calm down, and the original snatching action was suddenly suspended.

However, unexpected things followed.

It turned out that the two were holding one end of the knife tightly.And because of her sudden letting go, the sharp side pierced straight into the young girl's chest.

For a moment, bright red blood flowed all over the ground.

The occurrence of all this is probably not what Pu Xinyu thought at first.

Seeing that the situation was critical, she trembled and staggered back: "I, I, I didn't mean to, I..."

Looking at the sporadic bloodstains covered by her again, Pu Xinyu couldn't bear the fear in his heart anymore.Without any further text, she turned around and ran away.

Presumably, this running speed is definitely the best result in her life.

"Sister... cough cough cough!"

The young girl forced herself to raise her arm, and after only one word came out, she began to cough violently.With the aggravation of coughing, the bright red liquid from the corner of her mouth gushed out all at once.

Pu Xinyu was indeed able to leave her siblings and escape, but she definitely couldn't do that.

It's not good to stare at the other party, she is so anxious in her heart!
Lifting the corner of the skirt with both hands, she sneaked past in a flash.While running, she did not forget to tell Xue Yinuo: "Brother, hurry up to 120, life is at stake!"

"I, I can't do it anymore. Xue, there is something I want to tell you all the time—" She was choking on blood, and she spoke intermittently, but the hand was gripping hard.

What is she trying to say during this period of time?

Xue Yingying didn't give this opportunity, and cut off sharply: "From this second, don't speak again, save your strength. The rest of the words can be said after you recover from your injury."

"No, I can't, I, I'm afraid, I can't wait for that moment... Cough!" Coughing several times in a row.

In the end, she didn't know where the strength came from, but she held Xue Yingying's wrist and straightened her upper body, and finally said a few words: "Xue Yingying, I'm sorry! My criminal evidence is in the middle of the wallet, I'm sorry for you , don't implicate my mother."

"it is good--"

Finally getting her forgiveness, the man closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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