Chapter 128
The feet were moving, but unfortunately she was absent-minded.

Originally scheduled for four people to go together, because of this incident, it was finally reduced to a couple's trip.

Came to the bustling movie theater, glanced at her solemn expression from the corner of the eye, and Tan Junzhan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Still thinking about what happened just now?"

"No." She opened her mouth, nothing but denial.

Even though the surroundings were extremely lively, she still felt that the surroundings of the two of them seemed to have calmed down, a kind of calm before the storm.

In order to change this situation, she raised her chin and tried to smile lightly at him: "I just feel a little empty in my stomach, so I feel uncomfortable. Or..."

After speaking halfway, she immediately stopped talking.With her head lowered, her eyes were fixed on her five-month-old stomach, as if something had happened.

Her behavior caused Tan Junzhan to pull his heart hard, fearing that she would feel uncomfortable.Her expression seemed to be frozen, and she stared at it without blinking.

Therefore, he hurriedly spoke like an order: "What's going on? Talk!"

"Just now...he seems to have kicked me, and that action is so strong!" Xue Yingying said with an incredible feeling, there was no sign before, but suddenly it happened, she quite doubted whether it was her own delusional disorder attack.

However, according to the calculation of this cycle, it is true that this kind of movement should have occurred.


Tan Jun Zhan's excited reaction was far more exaggerated than hers, and the joy seemed uncontrollable.

He leaned close to her body and dragged her into his arms.

He hugged her tightly, and after wrapping his big palms around her waist, he held her tightly with one force, wanting to go out: "Go, go to the hospital first!"

"It's just fetal movement, don't make a big fuss." Xue Yingying subconsciously shook off his hand and went to the hospital for this reason. What would others think if they knew about it? It's like a royal body?
Besides, it's not a good thing to waste free movie tickets, right?

Xue Yingying immediately shook the note on her fingertips, and her other hand was tightly wrapped around the hem of his jacket, shaking it back and forth: "Ah Zhan, the baby has absorbed so well, it seems to be a little fussy again. It's almost time for the show , you can help me buy some popcorn first to satisfy my craving, okay? I have to solve my physical needs, and you will wait for me here later. "

"Gather outside the bathroom door! Girls, remember to be safe. In the event of an emergency, remember the number 1 button on your phone!"

Needless to say, she understands that the number 1 button is his number!
I don't know when it started, it was clearly a cool guy who seldom talked, but now he has completely become a chatterbox.

Who knows the huge changes before and after?
Xue Yingying shook her head and thought with a light smile, she didn't dare to let him know what was on her mind, she just nodded her head as a promise!
Even though she knew that today was a once-in-a-lifetime double festival, she still didn't dare to imagine that the bathroom would become so hot.The queue at the lady's door is estimated to be hundreds of meters long, or even more.

What the hell is going on?

As a pregnant woman, with the increase of the month, various problems on the body will also appear.

The child in the abdominal cavity grows day by day, and its growth will inevitably compress some internal organs of the mother's body in the later stage.Among them, the bladder is the most serious.

Seeing the team gradually moving forward, at a speed comparable to that of a snail, she really couldn't stand it and stomped her feet.

Xue Yingying looked impatient, she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of others.

It was really a helpless move, troubled by one of the three emergencies, she staggered forward slowly.

As soon as she walked to the door, she still hadn't said a word, but a few people behind her were strongly dissatisfied: "Why do you dare to jump in line?"

"Sister, please do me a favor! The child is so oppressive." The two hands were folded together and rested on the lower abdomen.She seemed to be unable to hold back any longer, and her face flushed instantly.

It's a pity that the other party is still aggressive: "Child? I didn't sow the seeds. Why should I let me go? Get out!"

The other party has no scruples about her status as a pregnant woman.

It seemed that someone came out from inside. In order to be the first person to enter, the young woman made a movement and pushed Xue Yingying directly, causing her to lose her footing and fall backwards.

Out of survival instinct, Xue Yingying stretched out her fingertips and wanted to grab the opponent's sleeve.After all, it has been more than five months, do we have to watch it pass by?
However, the other party didn't have any remorse for his behavior, and continued to push her back, with the purpose of pushing her to the ground.

Suddenly, there were a few whispers that were obviously amplified: "Ah, look, that man is the prince! Could it be that this pregnant woman...ah, isn't she the prince's wife? This person must be the prince. Dead!"

Chattering discussion, sound into the ears.

It's a pity that Xue Yingying didn't have such a good leisure time to listen, the child is important!
It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, when Tan Junzhan came back from buying some popcorn, as soon as he approached here, he saw this scene happen.

Pressing with one hand on the popcorn that was not covered by the top of the box, his feet seemed to be teleporting at the speed of teleportation, and he was close to her in the blink of an eye.

Freeing up his remaining hand, he hugged her into his arms, lightly hammering her back with his strong arm, and his gentle tone was indeed rarely shown in front of others: "Don't be afraid, I'm here right now?"

"I, I, I..." The tip of her tongue hiding in her mouth couldn't stop trembling. After a long time, she still couldn't straighten her tongue out and utter a complete sentence.

With this scene in front of my eyes, everyone's physical problems seemed to be liberated, and no one had time to rush into it.However, Tan Junzhan couldn't help but spare the woman who caused the trouble.

"You, leave it to me!" Chief Tan's face was sullen, and he pointed his hand viciously at a certain position.

At this moment, the young girl who was walking on tiptoe was so startled by his words, her whole body jumped up very well.

God, the cold-blooded army king is indeed not built!

It's terrible!

A burst of strong thoughts meandered up her lower abdomen again, even if she wanted to say something nice to her, Xue Yingying was powerless.

With her hands folded on her lower abdomen, her voice sounded dry and forbearing: "Ah Zhan, we really have to pay attention to the order of first come, first served. But, I really can't bear it."

"Everyone here, this is the wife of someone I am talking about. Due to the inconvenience caused by the pregnancy, I hope everyone can understand!" It was the first time that Tan Junzhan spoke softly to others.

(End of this chapter)

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