Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 129 Disappearing out of thin air

Chapter 129 Disappearing out of thin air
When he opened his mouth, he was immediately praised and recognized by everyone.

A voice helped call the shots: "It doesn't matter whose wife she is, sisters here. You may have become mothers long ago, or you may not have this step until later. We all go through this stage, can't you give someone preferential treatment?"

This statement immediately won praise from everyone.

Xue Yingying thanked her softly, and then went all in, fearing that she would not be able to control her in front of others, and would discredit Tan Jia.

Tan Jianguo himself doesn't like her very much, if because of this, things are completely messed up, what will be her final destination?More importantly, she didn't want Tan Junzhan to be caught in the middle, making life difficult.

For any male, the women's toilet is always a restricted area, and no one dares to step forward and enter without incident.

Even though he was anxiously waiting, Tan Junzhan was still outside the door, receiving the eager attention of everyone.After all, isn't this the one who made it up?

This girl, fell into it and still can't climb up?
Tan Junzhan rolled up his sleeves and raised his hand to see, he immediately became unhappy.

It's been about ten minutes since she went in, why hasn't she come out yet?

At this time, a middle-aged woman who walked with one foot up and one down, came out of the men's room, and then went straight into the women's room again in a blink of an eye.

Because she pushed a pusher with both hands to enter, and two large trash cans were placed on the flat surface.The stench from time to time has attracted everyone, without exception, to turn their heads and breathe heavily towards the day when the fresh air is distributed.

In about three to five minutes, she came out soon.

Tan Junzhan's patience quickly wore off. He watched the man come out and stepped forward. He opened his mouth and asked, "Is the man inside alright?"

"People? You can't even see a ghost, stop joking with my old lady!"

Snorting and laughing lightly, the middle-aged woman only listened to this as a joke.Later, after she finished sorting out the garbage, she pushed the trolley and wanted to go downstairs to clean up the next floor.

How can this be?

Tan Junzhan is going to go in and find out by himself.

With both feet facing forward, the corners of the clothes behind were tightly clenched.

He turned his head and saw that it was the young girl who was separated by him.

Worried about the people inside, his voice was chilling: "Let go!"

"Prince, I really can't hold back anymore, let me in first! I admit my mistake about what happened just now, I really shouldn't have done that, please don't remember the villain's mistakes, sir, let me go !"

With her palms folded, her cheeks were filled with sincere regret.At the same time, his legs were stacked together, not to mention how embarrassing he looked!

However, Tan Junzhan is not a person who loves fragrance and cherishes jade!
With a muffled snort at the tip of his nose, he only threw out two words: "No way!"

With a big wave of his hand, he shook off the opponent's pull and went straight inside.

The worries that were worrying before are not a problem at all now.

Is the life of one big and one small important, or the reputation in front of me is more important?Which is more important, Tan Junzhan can analyze thoroughly from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, it was so quiet inside that there was no sound at all, it was a bit too quiet.

His heart suddenly hung on a thread, and he said aggressively, "Xue Yingying, come out!"

There were several calls in succession, but there was still silence inside.

Did something really happen to her?

Tan Junzhan still couldn't believe this fact. Someone dared to openly do something under his nose, which undoubtedly challenged his authority and patience!
Anyway, there was nothing inside, so he directly opened the closed doors one by one, and started the most stupid search method.It's a pity that when we got to the last room, I really didn't even see a ghost.

Just as he was returning disappointed, he finally found some clues on the ground.

She was indeed missing, but her fuselage was left on the tiles.

A bent leg, he picked it up and had a look.

After the phone screen lit up, the nearest contact was actually Xue Yinuo who was working far away in the criminal police brigade.Before he could click on the specific information content, another freshly released message had arrived.

In the past years, he really didn't know what to be afraid of, but this second he has controlled the throbbing feeling in his heart.

He has kept the gun in his hand for many years, and his fingertips are trembling slightly in fear.

Trembling, he slid to unlock it, and the clear and clear characters jumped directly in front of him.

——Talking about Jun Zhan, half an hour of forest and villas, no time to wait!
The message came from an unfamiliar number, and the content was simple and clear.But it fully shows that she is indeed in the opponent's hands.

There is no longer any time for hesitation. At this time, only by joining forces with the police can we rescue her most quickly.

Tan Junzhan finally clicked to open it. Before she could glance at the photos of the last chat record between her and Xue Yinuo, he called back directly to inform the other party about it.

Once the phone was cut off, he carefully observed the specific content of the message.With one eye and ten lines at a time, he couldn't help but swept downstairs with anger before shooting for a few seconds.

Friends who picked up this letter:


If possible, I hope you can forward this letter to Xue Yinuo, captain of the Criminal Police Brigade. I would like to express my thanks here!
My name is Pu Xinlian, and my mother always hoped that I would come out of the mud without being stained.However, my background determines that I can't do it.I look similar to Sister Xinyu, because my mother only had me after being forcibly occupied by him.

My mother lived most of her life, and she only had two wishes in her life.One is that I hope to have an official title, and the other is that I can recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors.

Because of this, I embarked on a journey to find my relatives, and at the same time began to dig my own grave.

The anti-wolf spray that Xue Yingying received was replaced by me long before delivery.Moreover, the photo incident the next day was also captured by me.

I am deeply sorry for all this, all actions were instigated by my best sister Xinyu.

After entering the beast camp, I was also the one who fiddled with the bouldering wall.At that time, Pu Xinyu and Fang Yi had colluded together.In order to fulfill my mother's wish, I had no choice but to act against my conscience.

In the Sleepy Night Bar, I was also secretly notified of Boss Qian's appearance, otherwise, how could it be a coincidence?
Let's talk about a fact that none of you can expect, Xue Yingying was kidnapped by the K organization, also because Pu Xinyu had hooked up with Benson and the others long ago.

Pu Xinyu is greedy for Guan Hong wholeheartedly, but the relationship between the two is not as deep as you imagined.

When you read this letter, it is estimated that I am long gone.Some people may not believe my one-sided statement. When she instructed me, I had written or recorded evidence, and all of them were left in my room. Welcome to come and collect evidence!

Finally, please pass on a word to Xue Yingying for me!

I really feel sorry for her!
I didn't intend to do this, but reality finally forced me to do so.If I could choose my life, I would rather just be a member of the bitter family.

I don't ask your forgiveness, but I hope you don't blame my mother, she is a poor woman.If possible, I hope you can bring Pu Xinyu to justice.

"woke up?"

When I was in a daze, I suddenly heard such a suit in my ears.

Xue Yingying forced herself to wake up, the surrounding area was completely white, and besides the white wall, there was nothing else.

What the hell is this place?

Xue Yingying curled up subconsciously, trying to shrink herself into a small shrimp.

Her mind began to recall wildly, about the last scene before the incident.

A tacky floral top, a white cleaning mask, a small beige square?

Because she was wearing a mask, she couldn't see her face very clearly, but her sporadic memory remembered that there seemed to be two small moles on the left side of the other party's collarbone.

This feature is obviously able to fight against Pu Xinyu!
Could it be that she really came back to hurt herself?

Xue Yingying didn't dare to continue thinking about it, it was too scary!

"With me, do you still want to think about other men?" There was still too much depression in the male voice.

Xue Yingying didn't make a sound, but she was too lazy to pay attention to him.

But this attitude is obviously pushing her into the fire pit, and there is no room for her to turn around.

With a jerk of his elbow, he raised his hand, feeling that his arm was about to swing over.

Xue Yingying didn't dodge because of it, and continued to stand in place calmly.

"Why don't you hide?" The other party was taken aback by her behavior, and didn't make another move.

Raising her eyes lazily, she glanced at him indifferently, her mentality was quite good: "Isn't it because you tied me here that you made up your mind a long time ago, and I can still decide? Don't be ridiculous! Wait until you play enough Remember to let me go back. I'm a little tired, so squint your eyes for a while!"

He can guarantee that the entire country, oh no, it should be the entire earth, will never find a pregnant woman with such a good attitude like her.

She really isn't worried about the baby in her stomach?

It's hard to ignore the five-month pregnancy!
He kept stroking his chin back and forth, and the interest in the man's eyes deepened: "I have lived with a lot of women at this age. However, I am the first one with a big belly. I don't know how it tastes like?"

It is one thing to have a good mentality, and another to be fearless in the face of danger.

With Xue Yingying's kung fu, how can she have other thoughts to rest sadly!
She raised her hand slightly without changing her face, and hooked her white and tender fingertips towards him: "Then he will be waiting for you here!"

With a delicate tone, as a girl born and bred in the capital, she has learned it well, but her heart has long been sour, and she can't spit it out.

However, men seem to like this.

Seeing how anxious he was, he tore off a few clothes on his upper body, and the prosthesis, which was obviously different from his right arm, dangled in front of her eyes.

Let her lose her virginity to this kind of person?Don't even think about it.

Nizi dared to use such a trick, and she had long wanted a countermeasure in her heart.

Xuanzi said it well, the man's thoughts can only be squeezed in one place.The brain works so well, but the stuff below it doesn't work.If they all rush down, their IQ will not work.

(End of this chapter)

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