Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 130 Don't Be Stupid

Chapter 130 Don't Be Stupid
Xue Yingying's eyes brightened immediately, waiting for the other party's hungry wolf to prey on him.

A slap can't make a sound, and it won't help if she is anxious alone.

All I saw was that she smiled harmlessly, and licked her white and tender fingertips towards the man: "Come on! I'll wait for you right here."

With an exceptionally charming voice, the other party must be tricked, right?
However, things were far beyond her expectations.

A bloody body indeed flew forward, and his hands were also constantly moving up and down.However, in the next second, when she was about to perform the kicking action, he skillfully separated her legs.

A strong thought, calling it bad!

Xue Yingying was about to withdraw it, but he didn't allow it.

After traveling with the leader of the K organization for many years, the man in front of him had already formed a pair of rough palms.It's rare for him to get what he wants, so he naturally has to enjoy it to the fullest.

It's a pity that the sky didn't do what people wanted, and he hadn't had a good time yet, and a guy he didn't want to see flashed up immediately.

How could he tolerate her resistance, and he squeezed her chin tightly with both hands.He was about to kiss her, to have a good taste of what it's like to be a woman who makes Chief Tan want to stop.

Then, the tightly closed door in the empty villa was lightly removed by someone who came.

"Benson, you are so excited! One arm and one leg, isn't that enough lesson?"

Don't turn your head, you can guess who it is just from the words.Besides, her neck was suppressed by him, so she couldn't move at all.

What a shame!
The strong thought in her heart surged up again, if he wasn't Dang Zimo, why should he care so much about herself?

From childhood to adulthood, apart from Xue Yinuo, who was related by blood, only Dang Zimo was left with selfless devotion to her.As for Tan Junzhan, he didn't show much kindness to himself. In his childhood memory, he seemed to have nothing but shamelessness.It's a pity that at that time, her mind was full of No. [-] bull who got into the alley, and she didn't know how to look back.

Dang Zimo——

After finally getting rid of him from his mind, he was hooked up by these two guys again.

Since the incident of breaking an arm and a leg last time, Bessie and Benson have severed their relationship and have no contact with each other.Unexpectedly, the subsequent meeting would be such a scene.

Benson is still unrepentant about the previous ending, and he is still firmly suppressed by the half-bellied Xue Yingying.

He continued to approach her closely, taking a deep sniff with the tip of his nose, the bridge of his nose almost stuck to her face.

As for her, except for Tan Junzhan's body odor, no other men are allowed to get close to her, otherwise she will start to react.

Like this moment——


An uncontrollable nausea began to spread from the stomach.It rushed to her throat all at once, and she didn't want to restrain it.To be honest, she was really grateful for the baby in her belly, and she was always trying to help her when she was in trouble.

How could any man be interested in her at such a moment?

After bursts of sour taste, it was rare for him to run away without disgust!
And Benson is the same, he wrinkled the tip of his nose, and popped out three words in disgust: "Go to the bathroom!"

Even without his instructions, she would go by herself.

Xue Yingying tightly covered her small mouth, and she was planning to run to that place.

However, Bessemer suddenly raised his voice: "Slow down!"

Still let people stop?

Xue Yingying didn't bother to care about it, her physical needs were more important.

As if seeing that she had made up her mind, Bessemer quickened her pace and ran over.Sweeping his eyes towards the ground, he happened to see the cotton mop that Benson had prepared in advance, and then he fiddled with her pair of jade feet.

"The month is not too young, and I don't know how to pay attention!" His tone was full of pampering.

The corners of her eyes twitched uncomfortably, Xue Yingying didn't want to get involved with him too much.Quickly broke free from his arms and fled far away, heading straight to the bathroom.

"Good nephew, are you really in love with her? In view of our past friendship, as long as you beg me, I can consider giving her to you after I enjoy it. I heard that you don't mind wearing a cuckold!"

The former Benson seemed to no longer exist. He was able to joke freely in front of Bessemer, without any timidity.

"you dare--!"

His handsome facial features were slightly distorted. All these changes were brought about by a woman named "Xue Yingying".

"What am I not afraid of? I'm already a person who died once, and there is nothing I, Benson, am afraid of now."

There was a weird smile on the corner of Benson's lips. He casually picked up the jacket he had untied on the ground, and buttoned it one by one: "It's you, Bessemer, who has always been careless, has a strong weakness." , what do you think I should do with this?"

"In a word, let her go!" When it comes to this point, there is no point in detours.

Benson's eyelids trembled slightly, then he chuckled and said, "Why? What if I refuse!"

very good!

Ever since he was rescued by his adoptive father, no one dared to provoke him easily in front of him.

"Evidence of your collusion with Pu Xinyu, use this as an exchange." Bessiemo is not stupid, although today's number is an unfamiliar number, and the number is still temporary.But as soon as he changed his mind, he could guess seven or eight things.

Who knows, Benson didn't buy it at all, he raised his eyebrows lightly: "Evidence? If you really have the ability, just show it! I want to see, who is the first one in this capital?"

Organization K is the number one concern of the capital's military and police.If he came here for a while, he would be the first to suffer!Because of this consideration, he did not show the so-called evidence in the first place.

One side is the responsibility that a man should have, the younger brother and the adoptive father who adopted and educated him.On the other side is Xue Yingying who can't see any future.

At the two ends of the scale, which one is the most important, he was a little dazed at this moment, and he couldn't tell clearly.

At critical moments, there would always be a person who would come to disturb her and make him temporarily forget about it.

From outside the door, a person rushed in directly after stumbling.

She ran extremely fast, and she was like an arrow stretched on a string, she couldn't stop.

Seeing this direction pointing directly into the bathroom, Bessiemo only heard her bluffing and screaming: "Yingying, don't do anything stupid!"

There was a sense of tension in my mind, which spread bit by bit.

He was only focused on negotiating with Benson outside, and he didn't take into account that she would probably do all kinds of stupid things in order to survive!

Without saying a word, he followed him and plunged in.

(End of this chapter)

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