Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 131 The child is gone

Chapter 131 The child is gone
When he received Xue Yinuo's call, Tan Junzhan had already set off for Sen and the villa.

As soon as the connection was made, the anxious and slightly anxious voice of the person on the other end came directly: "Tan Junzhan, where is Yingying now?"

"Guan Hong, weigh your identity first. My wife still can't control me!" Tan Junzhan was too lazy to argue with him, and cut off the phone in the time he didn't spare.He stepped on the accelerator, and the horsepower increased.

The other end was silent for a long time, and Tan Junzhan almost mistakenly thought that the other party had hung up.

Who knows, suddenly he said a word: "Yingying is very likely to be in danger now, Pu Xinyu already knows."

Know something?
Tan Junzhan slammed on the brakes and stopped in the blink of an eye.He made a sudden move, so that no one behind him expected it.One by one walked around him, approaching his car window, just about to spit in greeting.However, they were stared back by his changing eyes, and everyone immediately left without saying a word.

"You tell me clearly!"

The only secret that the two of them are hiding is actually that one, so there is no need to reveal it, even Tan Junzhan knows it all.

"I was looking for information about Yingying's physical condition, but this woman Pu Xinyu peeped at all of them. If I hadn't accidentally read her text messages that day, I'm afraid I'm still in the dark."

There was boundless hatred in Guan Hong's voice. If a couple could do this, divorce would not be far away.But, what does this have to do with him?

With all his mind on the distant Xue Yingying, there was no more nonsense about talking about Jun Zhan, and he started the accelerator and set off again.

It is indeed hard work to carry a baby in your stomach, not to mention the pain of giving birth that is almost top-notch!

Thinking about it, she was more able to appreciate the hard-won of the child.

However, after thinking about it, this is the crystallization of her love with Ah Zhan, and all the hard work is worth it.

She vomited until the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark, and she just felt better.

Just as she circled her hands, she began to wash herself carefully.It was at this juncture that a crazy woman who didn't know what she was trying to do rushed in and hugged her whole body tightly, not letting her move.

"Go away!"

There is still that nauseating taste in her mouth, can't she be cleaned up and come back again?

The other party must have dropped the hearing aid on the way, and they continued to restrain her without moving.

There was really no way out, so Xue Yingying had no choice but to slowly push her away one by one.

Unexpectedly, at this time, another man who she couldn't face directly also came in.

One head is bigger than two!

"Yingying, don't believe his nonsense! This guy is with Benson, and his purpose is to use you and the child as a threat to talk about Jun Zhan!" Pu Xinyu took the first step to answer successfully.

However, Xue Yingying wasn't stupid enough, it was obvious that there was a loophole in what she said.

Her amber eyes narrowed slightly, "Then how do you know?"

"I, I, I—" stammered, and then there was no more words. Obviously, she didn't seem to expect that Xue Yingying didn't find trouble with Bessymer in the first place.

"Still, you are an accomplice!" The last sentence was a favorable attack, so that Xue Yingying would not let the enemy who offended her take advantage of it.

Benson's appearance seemed to be a deliberate rescue for her.

"She's right! I kidnapped Xue Yingying just to threaten Tan Junzhan. Organization K has never taken advantage of him. Now I'm the only one left. I want to see if he has any How much cold-blooded? Can he be cold-blooded enough to disregard his favorite wife and his own flesh and blood that will be born soon?"

The words that Benson spit out pierced every piece of flesh and tissue all over her body.Every time the knife was cut, she had to spurt blood once.

"You—shut up!" Xue Yingying yelled out with a pale face.

At this critical moment, say that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here—someone who was in the middle of their discussion will show up directly!
"Let her go!" Tan Junzhan was worthy of being a dignified prince, and he let out a violent roar, which really shocked a group of people.

Xue Yingying pushed her shoulder blades upwards, and soon pushed her away from Pu Xinyu's control.She had only one thought, and that was to throw herself into Tan Junzhan's arms.Ever since she was pregnant, she has become extremely timid, and at this moment she just wants to seek a little comfort.

However, it was clear that one of them was really panicking and scrambling.

Pu Xinyu stretched out his hand to grab it, but I don't know why.

She grabbed and twisted, intending to pull Xue Yingying back.

The two pushed and pushed each other during the dispute, but she accidentally pushed Xue Yingying to the corner of the sharp sink because of a mistake.

"I, I, I... really didn't do it on purpose. Yingying, are you... all right?" Pu Xinyu's voice did appear to be panic-stricken, but unfortunately, there was a flash of cunning in her eyes Xue Yingying never missed the glimmer of light.

The pain in the abdomen began to appear in the upper body one by one.

Moreover, around the lower body, between the inner thighs, there seemed to be signs of warm liquid slowly falling down.

This situation seems very familiar.

Oh, by the way, isn't that what happened to her first pregnancy?
The same human push and push, still the same person, could it be that she really can't tolerate her child so much?
In the end, she managed to see the condition of her lower body, which was exactly the same as what she thought in her heart.

her child-

With only this thought in her mind, she couldn't take it anymore, all the light in the world in front of her eyes was extinguished, and she fainted.

"Pu Xinyu, I will settle the old and new enmity with you together. Just wait and see!" Tan Junzhan no longer cared about everyone, took a big stride, pushed aside the stationary person, and hugged him horizontally Abandon her and leave quickly.

The door of the emergency room.

The Xue family was the first to arrive. They did not expect this scene to happen in the end.

Then among the Tan family members who rushed over, the two ancestors also rushed over.

As soon as they arrived at the scene, the two of them immediately bowed 45 degrees to Xue's family.

"In-laws, it's our Tan family who didn't protect Ying girl well. I'm sorry!" If it wasn't for their age, the two of them would definitely have to give a standard ninety-degree bow etiquette.

But at this moment, the Xue family was terribly calm, and no one paid any attention to them.

Seeing this, Jiang Yinshi was very reluctant, and stepped forward to persuade her: "Mom and Dad, you two are getting old, you should go back and wait for news! Leave this kind of apology to me!"

"No! It's because I didn't educate my children well that this kind of thing happened." Grandma Tan's attitude was quite firm.

After all, she was getting old, and Lin Qiao was finally a little moved by letting her be like this for a long time.

She glanced at it coolly, and then said, "Don't rush to apologize! The doctor hasn't come out yet."

As soon as he said this, he appeared in a white coat.

As soon as he took off his mask, a group of people immediately surrounded him.

Tan Junzhan was the first to speak preemptively: "Second Uncle, how is my daughter... how is she?"

"You two are still young, let's ask for another one later! Even if this child can survive, he will not be a healthy one. It is a boy, a little sick."

Pat him on the shoulder twice as a gesture of comfort.

Not long after, Xue Yingying, who was lying on the hospital bed, was pushed out dying.His pale face made people panic when they saw it!
"Talk about Jun Zhan, we must have a good chat!"

The words "not healthy" and "a little diseased" were all over his mind, Xue Yinuo still couldn't accept it.How could two good-looking people be pregnant with this kind of embryo?Tan Junzhan always accompanied her to the hospital for maternity leave. Could it be that he didn't know about it?
Continue to think deeply, if the result is told to Gui Nan, how can she accept it?

Dragging him to the smoking area, a few fingertips were smoking a cigarette butt.

Xue Yinuo was furious to the extreme, he clenched his fists in grief and anger, and thumped directly on the glass door, he uttered the word ferociously: "Get lost——"

His posture at the moment of anger is really no more terrifying than Tan Junzhan.

"You knew it before it happened?" A wise man doesn't speak foolishly, he believes that Tan Junzhan is clear in his heart.

Pain quickly appeared on his face, without any hesitation, he bluntly said a word: "Yes."

This kind of thing can't be hidden from him, and Tan Junzhan doesn't want to hide it: "This is indeed my negligence of duty. If this child is not born healthy, I will not discriminate against it."

"Yes, you can't! But have you ever thought about your father? The dignified Commander Tan! My daughter is pregnant with the flesh and blood of your Tan family, and he can ruthlessly drive her out of the house. If you give birth to an unhealthy child, you deliberately Do you want a divorce, and let Nanna stay with that child for the rest of her life?"

Xue Yinuo pierced his heart every word, who let this be the truth!

That's right!

If it wasn't for talking about Jianguo, he would go his own way and insist on taking advantage of the Spring Festival to drive his daughter out of the house. How could this happen to her?
"Ah Zhan, let go! She is not suitable for you." Xue Yinuo's voice was full of infinite fatigue, and to be honest, he was also tired.

Tan Junzhan can't easily admit defeat, and on this kind of matter, he can't compromise: "My daughter, no matter whether she lives or dies, she is my wife for Tan Junzhan. Except for Xue Yingying, I will never marry Tan Junzhan again. "

This oath seemed a bit too much, but it was enough to show his determination.

Xue Yinuo couldn't find other reasons, so he had to look at him sympathetically: "You should be mentally prepared first, this time my daughter will definitely mention this matter to you."

"This kind of thing can't be slapped, and I won't let her succeed." Tan Junzhan's attitude was quite firm.

That's right, both of them are equally stubborn, and they don't know how it will end in the end!
Xue Yinuo finally patted him on the shoulder: "Go back first! The first person my daughter wants to see will definitely be you."

(End of this chapter)

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