Chapter 132 Wait for me

This is Jiang Yinshi's voice, but there is a weak tone in his tone.

However, Xue Yingying's subsequent reply seemed so calm, without any warmth in every word.She said: "I only want him!"

Her words were firm, and no one could shake her determination.

As soon as they approached the door of the ward, the scheduled conversation started immediately.

Xue Yinuo sympathized with him, slapped him on the back, and pushed him directly into the fire the next moment.

This is what good brothers do!
But don't forget, he is not only Tan Junzhan's good buddy, but also Xue Yingying's good brother.

The palms and backs of the hands were full of meat, and he resolutely chose the most tender palm meat.

The door was swung open.

Everyone in the room looked over eagerly, but no one spoke first.

Tan Junzhan is now riding a tiger, he can only bite the bullet and walk in.

Before this was even close, a certain little woman snuggled up on the bed quickly got up, not caring about her fragile body.

She threw off the thin quilt without saying a word, and knelt down on it with her legs bent, showing the tendency to try to crawl over.

Xue Yingying tried her best to raise her head, and she was looking at him with dark eyes.

The two stared at each other for nearly a minute.

Her lips were trembling, and she finally said: "Ah Zhan, tell me, I'm just dreaming now. My child... he's still here!"

Word by word, she said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

In the end, as if she couldn't accept the truth of all this, she faintly wanted to cry.

Sporadic lines of tears had already fallen on her face, but Tan Junzhan never spoke again.

It is impossible for anyone to accept this kind of thing.

Not to mention the long-awaited, day and night, day and night, he pictured her in his small appearance before he was born.

However, at this moment, which she was eagerly looking forward to, everyone looked sad and concubine.

Surrounded by too quiet sounds, Xue Yingying's fingertips unconsciously stroked her flat belly again.

Once upon a time, oh no, just a few hours ago, her place was even bulging, and the little guy inside kicked her calf fiercely, as a way to greet her and brush up her presence.

Why all of a
how come!
She clenched her hands into fists and tightened involuntarily, and the result of excessive force was a rattling sound.But this is not to be true to others, but to bury her self.

It's her fault, she shouldn't.

The timeline should start rewinding back to the day before the two met.

At the beginning, she would rather take a murder weapon and choose to hurt him than let his bully behavior succeed, and then she should not be forced to agree to his proposal to get married.

Then, everything after that will never happen again.

However, is there really such a thing as regret medicine in this world?

All her sad expressions appeared in his eyes one by one.

Every subtle expression was magnified in front of his eyes one by one, so deeply rooted in people's hearts, especially his.

Moving his feet, he planned to step forward and hold him in his arms.Seeing her mournful and sad appearance, how could he be in a good mood?
Who knows, at this moment, there is someone who still doesn't forget to do the blow?
I remember that there is a character in Water Margin - Black Whirlwind Li Kui.

The speed of the coming person is as fast as the wind, and it is absolutely well-deserved that it can be called a whirlwind.

However, the eyes he shot straight over were like sharp blades, and the voice he spoke was even more chilling: "If you can't keep the child, it's because you are not capable. You are not qualified to be my daughter-in-law!"

Listening to this tough tone, could it be that she was the one who sneered at Jun Zhan?
Just a joke!
"Don't pay attention to him! We'll go home after you get better in a few days." Tan Junzhan chose to ignore Lao Tzu's speech, and he spoke very gently.

However, the little girl Xue Yingying no longer chooses to accept his gentleness these days.

"let go!"

Nizi's heart turned slightly, she dodged and directly avoided his approaching hand.


Jiang Yinshi couldn't help yelling, and couldn't bear to see the young couple quarreling.

It's a pity that all plans were abruptly destroyed by the next sentence of the person next to him.

"It's gone, just right, it's not normal to be born anyway. Rather than Jun Zhan deliberately concealing it and causing psychological burden, it's better than it is now!"

What does this mean?
Xue Yingying, who was secretly hurting herself, quickly raised her head and stared at the man who said this with piercing eyes: "Commander Tan, please speak clearly!"

Anyway, he doesn't want to see her, she has to weigh the difference in status clearly.

But this question had to pop out, and she couldn't help it.

"Dad, you shut up!"

Tan Junzhan really couldn't bear it, did he have to give her a fatal blow at this time?

Everyone is silent, the purpose is to deliberately conceal the past, he is fine!

Before Jiang Yinshi stepped forward to complain, the two old men had already started to take action.

Mr. Tan waved his mahogany cane directly, and threw it over with a sentence of "sinister".Since ancient times, the action of "bringing filial sons under the stick" has begun.

Ever since they learned that her child had been lost, the two ancestors had aged a lot, and they seemed to be showing their old appearance at the moment.

The two of them are old, and their only wish in life is to hold their children in their arms, so that even if they go to the Nine Springs, they can still face their ancestors with a smile.

And now, what is all this?
Tan Jianguo didn't run away, and he, who was straightforward, went so far as to use the crutch that the old man swung at him.

A mother always has a feeling of protecting the calf, no matter how great the child grows to, she still can't bear it in her heart.

Seeing him being beaten by his wife like this, she, who was not so agile in her legs, even walked forward tremblingly.

She was about to reach out her hand to stop her, but before she could speak, her entire palm was tightly covering her heart, and then her body went limp.



"Old woman—"

Waves of extremely anxious voices rang in my ears, and everyone rushed there in unison.

However, Xue Yingying was always the calmest one in the field.

It can be said that she is cold-blooded, and it is okay to accuse her of being ruthless, but she will continue to behave in her own way and do her own way.

As if everything that happened in front of her was none of her business, she lifted the thin quilt and quickly got inside, only a small head was exposed.

"Ninny, I... grandma..." Jiang Yinshi was in a hurry, and all the words were incomplete.

But her expression is still not salty: "Oh, then you all go! My family is taking care of me here, so don't worry about it."

"When grandma's condition stabilizes, I will come to accompany you. Wait for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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