Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 133 Open Your Mouth Wide

Chapter 133 Open Your Mouth Wide
Tan Junzhan can understand the mania in her heart, at this moment, he can't be by her side, it deserves a thousand cuts!

He quickly came to her bed, bent down, and a light kiss was about to fall on her plump forehead.

To his surprise, she turned her head away.

But her eyes had long lost their luster, and she stared straight at her eyes with no focus: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

The tone is too quiet, which is really unacceptable, she would rather let it all out, so as to feel better!

For now, talking about Jun Zhan also has the same idea.

"If you come back, remember to bring what I want most. We should sort out this relationship." She was not as sad as before, and her calm appearance made people suspicious.

Everyone knew what she wanted, but he couldn't afford it and didn't want to.

Tan Junzhan couldn't afford to delay her illness, so Tan Junzhan had no choice but to put her words aside, and left.

As soon as her front foot left, the emotions she had borne for a long time suddenly exploded.

"Ninny, my poor child, cry and cry! After the rain, there will be a rainbow again, and things will pass."

Lin Qiao's soft comforting voice blended in with her gradually broken cry quite subtly.However, the combination of the two has always been unpleasant to his ears.

And who are the main reasons for all this?
When he thought of those people, he unconsciously felt angry.

Her terrified and panicked voices continued to flow in his ears, and gradually squeezed into his ears, which also made his eyes become more ruthless.

Pu Xinyu!And Benson!

These two numbers are the first candidates to capture, as for the other, how could he let go?
He began to hear the sentence when he first started.The reason why Benson kidnapped her was mainly because he used her as a threat?Benson has already left the K organization, isn't the purpose of his behavior just for Bessemer?
Simply unforgivable!
A strong fist hit the white wall directly, he couldn't control that emotion!
Talking about grandma's sudden situation, but she just passed out in a hurry.Waking up within a few hours, Tan Junzhan fulfilled his promise, even though the other party didn't care at all.

When he came in a hurry, he didn't even change his clothes.

However, even under such circumstances, he was so embarrassed that she was still blocking him from the door.

As soon as the door was unscrewed, a soft pillow flew directly in front of her.And for a long time filled the air, came from her angry shout: "Go away—"

From childhood to adulthood, as her best protector, Xue Yinuo, at this moment time has already transformed into the sun god.

After Xue Yinuo came out, the two arms crossed each other on top of each other.

Later, he was really frustrated by Tan Junzhan's eyes.In the end, he had no choice but to spread his hands helplessly in front of his eyes: "Jun Zhan, you go away first! Let my daughter be quiet!"

Give her time to be quiet?So who will rescue him?

Since he appeared, her situation seemed to be worse than before.

Helpless, he had no choice but to stand at the door and talk to her through the door panel: "Daughter, I lied to you, it was indeed my fault, I admit it! Regarding this matter, Bessemer also has an inescapable responsibility. The three of them , I will capture it alive with my own hands, and I will never let it go lightly!"

Xue Yingying really believed in his superb ability, but his attitude far surpassed everything else. Where did he get his ability to turn right and wrong?

Before the confinement is over, she will be blown up by him.

With a sweep of eyes, Lin Qiao has already cleaned up the side with his hands and feet.

Xue Yingying couldn't vent her anger, so she had no choice but to speak out in a vicious tone: "This matter has nothing to do with Bessymer at all, don't make false accusations!"

"Xue Yingying, you have to be clear, he is Bei Ximo, not Dang Zimo." As soon as this topic was brought up, the two seemed to have to fight, and the atmosphere suddenly froze frighteningly.

Her breath was blocked in a panic, and it was obvious that her blood was blocked in her throat.

This man simply can't open any pot and lift any pot, making trouble!

"You... I don't want to talk to you! Tan Junzhan, you who are obsessed with your obsession, we are divorced! I, Xue Yingying, hate people to deceive you the most in my life. You really did a great job. You have lied to me five times Many months. If this incident hadn't happened, would you have tried to hide it from me until the birth of the child?"

She spoke smoothly in one breath, without even a single pause in the whole process, which is really amazing!

Now is not the time to praise, Tan Junzhan just said: "I..."

Xue Yingying deserved to be an expert at grabbing words, and she opened her mouth to cover his voice: "Tan Junzhan, I beg you, please let this go. Before I leave the hospital, I don't want to see you. When I get out Yuezi, I only accept your divorce agreement and come here with others, and I don't need to talk about other things. Now, get out!"

With such a tough tone, she estimated that she could only get rid of the entire capital, and she was not afraid of his anger.

Look at this posture, he who was awarded the Super Dad a while ago, why did he stick to it with all his heart?

Now she is not in the right condition, and it is useless to say too much!
The so-called bystander is clear, Xue Yinuo naturally saw it very clearly, stretched out his hand to stop Tan Junzhan's reckless behavior, and whispered to him: "You two are a legal couple, and the marriage certificate is still in the hands of the two old people. Here, what are you afraid of? The girl is only angry for a while, and it will be fine after a while, you just calm down and don't come out. Mom and I are taking care of her here, why are we treating her badly?"

Xue Yinuo was right, how could Xue's family treat her badly?But his father, in this situation, the deep-rooted thoughts are still difficult to eradicate!

"Then I'll hand her over to you. A few days ago, my superiors assigned me a task. I'll leave for a while. Please take care of her, my daughter!"

Speaking of leaving, he was still worried.Deliberately unscrewing the door, revealing a small gap to peep inside.

Without his appearance to bother her, her expression looked extraordinarily flat.Eat when you want to eat, sunbathe when you want to sleep, the asteroid continues to rotate according to its original trajectory!

To take care of?

This sentence is really amazing!

Xue Yinuo didn't bother to be serious with him, so he patted his shoulder, and there was a touch of concern and warning in his eyes: "Good brother, pay attention to safety during the mission. Remember, there is still a girl here waiting for you to go home."

"Understood, she is my mission, born with it."

After explaining the matter, after he said this, he strode away and chose to leave.

From that day on, Tan Junzhan did not appear again.Xue Yingying even got no news about him from Lin Qiao and Xue Yinuo.

And because of her face, how could she have the nerve to ask again?
This day, she was nestled in bed, sullen all by herself.

Damn stinky man, if you ask him not to show up, he is really obedient this time!
Do you really think you are a good grandson?I don't see you being so obedient on weekdays!
As she was thinking about it, she felt restless.

At this time, a small head came in from outside the door.

She estimated that she was afraid that she would kill a lot of people because of talking about Jun Zhan, so she rolled her eyes cautiously: "Sister-in-law, do you welcome me?"

"Everyone is here, can I drive them away?" Xue Yingying spoke sullenly, her whole body motionless.

Xue Yinuo was busy with work, and Lin Qiao came here more frequently on weekdays.

When Kan Tanyan appeared on stage, she walked over with a smile on her face, opened the door to welcome her, "Are you here to find my daughter? I happen to have a class in an hour, so I'll leave it to you to take care of me here!"

"Okay, Aunt Lin, I will never disgrace my mission." Tan Yan has been in touch with Xue Yingying a little bit these days, and her temperament has become a little bit lively.

After Lin Qiao left, she sat down on the bench not far from the bed.

At a glance, the fruit here is quite rich.

She picked up a washed apple with the skin on hand, and she dangled it in her hand: "Sister-in-law, would you give me an apple? I'm almost starving to death!"

"Am I like a stingy person?" Xue Yingying asked back.

Shrugged, "How is that possible?"

Tan Yan stuffed it directly into her mouth and smacked it. Before she could finish chewing and digesting the contents in her mouth, she was so frightened by Xue Yingying's words that her esophagus was almost stuck.

"Yanyan, tell me the truth, what happened to you and Zhao Yaokun?"

In fact, she asked a little more cryptically.

"Cough, cough, cough——" Because of these words, Tanyan coughed hard, and directly squeezed her hands between her throats.But the thing is stuck there, and the feeling of being unable to get up and down is really uncomfortable.

A white and tender little face was so reddened that it was almost suffocating!

How could Xue Yingying care about her death order not to get out of bed at will?
Without saying a word, she threw away the warning words, and directly planned to turn over and get off the bed.

Fortunately, at this moment, a party actually opened the door and entered from the outside.

The two of them can be heard talking from a long distance, even the throat-stopping sound of Tan Yan.

Zhao Yaokun's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly threw away the hands of the people around him. He rushed towards her regardless of his appearance, and finally stopped in front of her.

Condescendingly looking down at the flushed cheek, he looked distraught, put his right palm on her mouth, and said anxiously: "Open your mouth!"

"Woooo (don't)..." Tan Yan expressed her emotions concisely and forcefully.

"It's up to you!" Zhao Yaokun didn't know what kind of cramps, he didn't care about her non-cooperative behavior, so he directly did it himself.

With only a strong jaw, he forced her jaw to open.Afterwards, he actually still disliked her, because he said so - "Open your mouth wider, and swallow me..."

One of the words is not very clear!
A few nurses' ears were tightly pressed against the door panel. This could be regarded as a big breaking news!

Zhao Yaokun had an affair with the prince's sister?
This news is too exciting!
"A few outside, why don't you come in and observe?"

(End of this chapter)

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