Chapter 134
Talking about her family can be regarded as treating her preferentially. This ward is too peaceful, but occasionally there will always be a few good people who like to sneak to the door to observe Xue Yingying's appearance secretly.

Who the hell was able to hook up with Tan Jun Zhan, the crown prince? According to outside rumors, it seemed that the thin thread of this marriage was firmly in Xue Yingying's hands, and he had no intention of leaving.

What's the deal with this good trick?
It is estimated that he is also here to secretly learn art now!

However, Xue Yingying has at least gone through several months of training, and the results of receiving the goods are not small.With that low voice, do you really think she didn't listen?

Stop dreaming!

The few people outside still didn't understand the sound, so they probably looked at each other.In the end, they came to a unified opinion, that is, their footsteps were deliberately light, and they planned to escape desperately. Anyway, it was impossible for her to go down to arrest people while lying on the hospital bed.

It's a pity that when they turned around, they ran into another head-on.

The collision was unexpected, and a few of them started screaming.

Something happened?
Xue Yingying raised her voice and said, "A few people outside, if you have something to say, you can communicate face to face. Escape? Simple, but the monitoring on the top is not so simple!"

In her current situation, she was really not easy to get angry.And the first two, look at that movement, how can they spare time to teach others.

She has seen through how to get enough food and clothing by herself!

I don't know what happened to the outside world, but those people were pushed in, with worried expressions on their faces.

Xue Yingying swept over the bitter little faces one by one.Until the end, she suddenly shot at a face that shouldn't have appeared.

Her eyes suddenly tightened, and she didn't show any unhappiness in her heart.

She slightly raised her eyebrows in a calm tone: "Zhao Yaokun, you brought him here?"

Xue Yingying's words diverted everyone's attention.

In fact, Zhao Yaokun's relationship with his wife has been attracting attention all the time, and several nurses are also staring at him.

However, after accidentally meeting Xue Yingying's smiling eyes, they quickly lowered their foreheads, without the courage to be curious.

"Zhao Yaokun, you should know your current identity."

Lian Yinyun's tone is light, it seems that it is as rumored outside, generous and courageous, not petty at all, it is not at the same level as someone.

A few timid people raised their eyes slightly, projected them over cautiously, exchanged glances with Xue Yingying, and immediately lowered them again.

This trick is so clever ah?

All of a sudden, Tanyan remembered her purpose of coming here today.She pushed the man in front of her hard, and hurriedly flashed back to Xue Yingying's side.

Then, she squatted on the ground, desperately picking at the foreign object in her throat.

Originally, Zhao Yaokun had almost grasped that thing, but she was tossed back by her reckless behavior.

Physical discomfort and sister-in-law's reputation, Tan Yan cares about the latter.

Xue Yingying saw everything in her eyes.She couldn't get out of bed with her body, so she had to choose to command others: "Zhao Yaokun, you can be regarded as brother Ah Zhan. His only sister is suffering like this, don't you care?"

"I..." Zhao Yaokun hesitated, turning his head to look at Lian Yinyun as if in trouble.

The conflict between the two has not been resolved, so should we add another one?
Xue Yingying is someone who has experienced it, and she knows which two are the eye-catching couple.

"What are you afraid of? I'll take care of it here! You hurry up and go." Xue Yingying sincerely has the demeanor of being a mother, and with a wave of the end, she chooses to chase her away directly.

"Ummmmmmmmmm (I don't want)...cough cough cough—" Something was in her throat, and she didn't speak neatly.

She has some persistence, but no one can shake Xue Yingying's fixity.

"Want me to see you off in person? Okay, I'll come down right away." Xue Yingying made a gesture of getting up, her fingernails had already grabbed the corner of the bed, and she was about to get out of bed.

Tan Yan was terrified by her actions, her head shook like a rattle, and her mouth was whining.

Xue Yingying is similar to Tan Yan, the two have been separated for only a few months, and their ideas have always been in sync.

She knew the other party's worries, so she said with infinite emotion: "Relax! I'm fine, just my current physical condition. If others want to hurt me, what are they trying to do? If you are really worried about me, you should leave immediately. Take Come on, I'll wait for you here."

In fact, she was right.The child was lost, even if Yinyun wanted to touch her, it seemed that there was no great need for her.

Due to time constraints, Tan Yan wished to fly to the operating room now and return immediately after the end, but this was just a fantasy.

She tugged on Zhao Yaokun's clothes a few times, as if implying him to leave quickly.

"Zhao Yaokun, time waits for no one! 'There are flowers that can be broken, don't wait for the flowers to fall and break the branches'." At this moment, Xue Yingying was in a good mood and began to chant poems.

I don't know if he understood, but she was quite satisfied with his behavior anyway.

Grabbing Tan Yan's hand, he took big strides and left outside the door without stopping in the middle.

Ever since he pointed her nose at her and yelled at her, Tan Yan has learned to avoid suspicion, and this time is no exception.

The little brain wobbled violently, she struggled for a long time, and finally freed her little hand from his palm.Panting heavily, her shoulders relaxed slightly.

However, she hadn't relaxed for a long time, and she didn't know which muscle in his brain was wrong, but he reached out again and wrapped her little hand tightly in the palm of his hand.

He clenched it tightly again throughout the whole process, and despite her desperate struggle, he just refused to let go.

In the end, he still imitated Jun Zhan's recent demeanor, and the word "good" popped out of his mouth.

Thinking back not long ago, he didn't have such an attitude, but now the two people's positions are completely reversed, it seems that there is something going on!
Xue Yingying was so happy in her heart!
It's a pity that before she was happy for a long time, the nurses in the middle of the ward started discussing in front of her: "It seems that the gossip is really reliable, the prince's younger sister is actually a mistress, and she has a relationship with a married woman." Husband hooked up together!"

"Lian Yinyun, you came here today to tell me this?" Xue Yingying didn't bother to watch this good show.It is obvious that it is Yan Yan and Zhao Yaokun, but in fact, she is as clear as a mirror in her heart.

"You guys go down first!" Lian Yinyun ordered in a cold voice, and those people left obediently.

Before you go out, you still don't forget to close the door!

The room finally returned to silence, and even Yin Yun finally opened the skylight to speak honestly.

"Jun Zhan, he belongs to me. You two have different fates, that's why there are many disasters, you should know it!"

Fate?Ha ha, this rhetoric is really funny!

A new human being living in the 21st century, how could she believe this stuff!

(End of this chapter)

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