Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 136 Lightning and Thunder

Chapter 136 Lightning and Thunder
The capital is a municipality directly under the central government, so it is not too big, but it is not small.However, if you really want to meet someone, it may not be easy.

Xue Yingying stayed in the hospital for more than a week, and if she didn't go out, grass would grow all over her body.

Unable to withstand her pleadings and acting like a baby all the time, Xue's family finally agreed to take her home to recuperate.

However, at the same time, a problem was ahead of them——Jiang Yinshi refused to agree.

This day, Xue Yinuo went upstairs just after completing the discharge procedures, and it happened to be this scene.

"Sister-in-law, Jun Zhan is really sorry about this matter. You go home with mom and let me take good care of you." As a woman, Jiang Yinshi is well aware of her pain.

However, Xue Yingying responded lukewarmly: "Mom, I just want to tell you the truth. Where did he go?"

She said it in a fit of anger, but did he really take it seriously?Then she let him die at that time, wouldn't he never appear in front of her again in this life?

It's ridiculously generous!

"Ninny, you are also a military wife. Even if they are sons or husbands, they cannot tell their relatives their whereabouts. You should be aware of this!" Jiang Yinshi is still trying to persuade her, even if her mouth is dry, she Also continue to insist.

Being clear and understanding are two different things. If he can stabilize her heart, she can still be considerate.However, Lian Yinyun's words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't get rid of them.

Thinking of those words, she was completely upset and irritable.

Waving her hands as if to chase away mosquitoes, she said without emotion: "As a military wife, I should have understood. It is true that military marriages are inseparable, but if you have evidence of the man's infidelity, that's a different story!"

"No, it's absolutely impossible." Jiang Yinshi shook her head firmly, then she immediately calmed down and guessed righteously: "It's a rhyme, right? Girl, don't believe her nonsense! They We didn't just meet each other recently, if we want to be together, why did we go so early?"

"Okay, talk about Jun Zhan!"

Xue Yinuo is known as the emissary to protect the sister, so if he doesn't check it out and take charge of it, how can it be successful?

This turmoil is not over yet, but the limelight is in full swing over there!
Before Jiang Yinshi finished persuading, Xue Yinuo spoke again, pointing the finger at him: "If you have money and power, you can play with my daughter? Aunt Jiang, please tell him a word so that he will stop dreaming! My daughter has a huge market , without him, there are still people pursuing him!"


Without waiting for the other party's reply, Xue Yinuo took a step forward and started to order, his tone was cold and he really looked like someone.

Damn it, why did you think of that smelly man again!

Xue Yingying smashed her head in resentment, just because she didn't live up to expectations!

A group of people walked far away, only Jiang Yinshi was left in the empty ward and shouted heartbreakingly: "Ninny, you are really the only one in Jun Zhan's heart, you have to believe it!"

But how many people can hear this?
No one likes to gather together in the hospital during Chinese New Year.

Therefore, looking around, the surrounding area is empty and there are not many vehicles.

After Xue Yingying got out of the elevator door, Xue Yinuo said in a deep voice: "Stay here, don't run around, I'll drive here."

So, carrying a pile of daily necessities in his hand, he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The temperature on a cold day can be imagined, especially in the underground garage in the north. A gust of cold wind is blowing in, and the biting chill can even be imagined.

It's not the first time I've encountered a life without a man to take care of me. It's really useless!

Xue Yingying was so cold that she curled up, shivering uncontrollably.

And Xue Yinuo left too hastily, he wanted to take her home early, but before he left, he forgot to give her a warm coat.

She has been under the care of Tan Junzhan for nearly a year, and the independence she started at first seems to have disappeared long ago, worn out!
Time is a terrible thing. It can change many people or things, as well as some deep-rooted little habits.The long time of getting along has caused her to change, and she has regressed back to become the she who could not survive without him a few years ago.

This fucking day is really useless!

The cold wind continued to shoot cold arrows inwards, firing three or five at a time, making it difficult for her to parry in an instant!

Xue Yingying turned her head to look around, but she couldn't see Xue Yinuo's car. Where did he go?
Really unable to bear the temper, she took a step and started looking around. Isn't it a problem to be alone in the same place?
As soon as she took a step forward, she felt a thick woolen coat fall on her shoulders.

what happened?

She wouldn't mistakenly think that Xue Yinuo was deliberately tricking him, could it be his appearance?
Xue Yingying was startled and turned her head full of joy.Unexpectedly, she returned disappointed, and all her disappointment was displayed on her face, without any concealment.

"Why, you don't expect me?" The visitor had a smile on his lips, and stared at her indifferently.

Everyone who is on your mind is not seen, and people who don't care about it always appear one by one. What kind of world is this?

God just has to make trouble with her!
With a cold glance, seeing the thick coat, she won't be buried!

Tightening the coat tightly with her hands, she finally choked out those few words: "Thank you!"

"It's really rare!" The man said with a hint of ridicule all the time.

She didn't think this was a good place to chat, frowning.She finally spoke the truth: "You, Bessemer, quickly disappear from my eyes."

"Kick me away when you're done using it?" The smile on Besimer's face was really annoying.

With Xue Yingying's current physical condition, she was too lazy to argue with him.

Once angry, there will be a faint pain in the lower abdomen, probably the sequelae of miscarriage!
Clenching her hands tightly in that position, her complexion was endlessly pale, and there were many bean-sized beads of sweat oozing from her forehead.But when she opened her mouth, she said that kind of brazen words: "I am this kind of person, you can get out!"

"Oh, then what about my clothes? I'm afraid you won't be able to afford even a small change if you leave Tan Junzhan. Why don't you consider making a promise with your body?"

Should a man who speaks in such a tone deserve to be beaten up?
However, Xue Yingying has more than enough heart but not enough energy.

After staring resentfully, she had no choice but to take off her coat straight away, and then threw it aside.

However, as soon as Bessiemer saw her move, he strode up directly, grabbed the coat and wrapped it around forcefully again: "You're playing with your temper? Be careful there's no candy!"

Because of this sentence, Xue Yingying's eyes suddenly tightened, and her tight hands grabbed his.

It looked like she had something to say, but the next second, she passed out before she could speak.

At that moment just now, the two looked at each other, and it was obvious that there was lightning and thunder in the magnetic field.

It is true that Bessemer has feelings for her, but where does that scene seem to have happened?
(End of this chapter)

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