Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 137 Dang Zimo and Bessymo

Chapter 137 Dang Zimo and Bessymo

"Damn it, which bastard moved my car?"

As soon as Xue Yinuo came back, he was chattering and cursing, and he didn't stop along the way.

He drove the car to the location agreed with Xue Yingying, but looking at the entire parking lot at this moment, where is there half a human eye?
Where did it go?

Xue Yinuo would not mistakenly think that she was joking with him, and immediately took out his mobile phone.

Damn, there was a ringing sound slowly coming from the rear seat!
There was really no way out, so he had to choose to rely on foreign aid.

But it was this behavior that made him angry again.

Xue Yingying's current legal husband is Tan Junzhan, she disappeared, Xue Yinuo had to inform him.

However, after he found Tan Junzhan's name from the address book, he put the fuselage close to his ear and listened.After a few seconds, the phone was connected, but who is this delicate female voice?
"Hi, hello! Are you looking for Jun Zhan?" Biduan couldn't hear any response, and she then jumped out a few more words.

Now, Xue Yinuo's hearing was very clear.

This product is no one else, it is clearly even the rhyme!
Thinking about the conversation between Xue Yingying and Jiang Yinshi not long ago, it turns out that cheating refers to such a pass!
Since the appearance of this woman, the relationship between the three of them has become precarious.Until the end, under her arrangement, it was finally shattered, and they have been strangers ever since.

If it wasn't for the combination of Xue Yingying and Tan Junzhan, the three of them probably wouldn't have had the chance to sit together and have a good chat.But now, why is Tan Junzhan messed up again?

The plan in Xue Yinuo's brain became more and more firm, the marriage must be divorced!

He stopped talking, hung up the phone quickly, and had no choice but to use his personal connections to conduct a close search.

Even if the entire capital is turned upside down, she must be found!
Some people often say that if you forget a relationship, you must replace it with a new one.

But Xue Yingying didn't agree with that, and she would only fall into another vortex of pain, which was undoubtedly equivalent to a vicious circle.Therefore, she has never advocated this kind of behavior.

Slowly opened her eyes, since the miscarriage, her physical condition has become weaker and weaker.Even the simple movement of getting up was much more difficult for her than usual.

With her hands barely behind her back, she tried to sit up.

However, a large hand came behind her and placed a thick pillow on her back.Immediately afterwards, a soft and thick cotton coat was covered.

It's not a familiar body odor, nor a familiar feeling, she knows he's not that him.

So, she said coldly - "Thank you!"

"I have to say, you look a lot like her!"

"You are—" The unfamiliar voice made Xue Yingying turn her head subconsciously.The eyeballs kept flickering, who is this gentle middle-aged man in front of him?

His eyes fell on her face tenderly, but what was unusual was that this behavior did not make her feel disgusted.When he looked at her, he always felt that he was remembering someone through her.

Perhaps it was this feeling that kept Xue Yingying from repelling her.

"Hello, Ms. Xue. I am Bessymer's adoptive father. You fainted halfway, so he took you home." The man in front of him had an amiable look on his face, which made her feel relieved in her heart in an unfamiliar environment. Do not know why.

There is a kind of person who makes people feel at ease even if they have never met each other before.

The man in front of me has such charm!

Xue Yingying didn't feel any embarrassment at all, and she didn't even have the idea of ​​fleeing.In front of him, his eyes were full of sorrow, and she only wanted to get stories about him from him.

"This uncle, what's your name?" Xue Yingying's eyes were bright, and curiosity was written all over her face.

The middle-aged man just smiled slightly, and his Chinese accent was always awkward: "You are about the same age as Bessemer, if you don't mind, call me foster father."

Does she have the same name as Bessemer?
She doesn't want it anymore!
If someone with a heart finds out, she will definitely be telling stories out of nothing, and must say that she is in collusion with someone from the K organization.

"Then I'll call you Uncle, it sounds safe!" Xue Yingying decisively found a way out for herself.

"Like, really like! Even this personality is alike, it's exactly the same!" The uncle's eyes kept wandering around her, and he never stopped.

Just when Xue Yingying was in embarrassment and didn't know what to say, Bessiemer unexpectedly appeared at the right time and rescued her from the crisis.

"Father, you should be clear, she is not her, the age difference between the two of them." Bessemer came over with a bowl of hot porridge in his hand, and then sat down beside the bed calmly.

He picked up the spoon in one hand, and after scooping up a spoonful, he blew away the billowing heat.He didn't feel relieved to hand it to her mouth until he couldn't see the white gas in the end, "Eat it!"

"How do I know you haven't poisoned yourself?" After Xue Yingying finished speaking, she closed her lips tightly again, trying not to give him a chance to be tough.

Bessimer was vomited to death by her, how could ordinary people have her attitude, and they don't know what's special about her?This point, even he himself is not very clear!

Therefore, he can only choose to accommodate again and again.

He stuffed it directly into his mouth, and he swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

"How about it, should you believe it?" There was a fire in his eyes, but it was just not easy to explode in front of her.

The little girl Xue Yingying finally let go of her pass and nodded.

However, when Bessiemer continued to spoon it down, she, who was not easy to serve, issued another order: "Yeah, what are you doing, you want to kiss me indirectly?"

Girl, I am really at a loss!

She should have spoken the rest of the sentence.However, in his cold eyes that did not show weakness to Tan Junzhan, she had no choice but to rot in the abdominal cavity.

Well, she admitted that the two were not the same in every way.

The uncle sat on the sidelines watching the interaction between the two, and finally couldn't help laughing out loud: "I've come here recently, and I've heard something about you. Bessimer and I don't mind your second marriage. If you come back single, I hope you can Consider him. My adopted son is one of the best young talents in our area."

"Uncle, to use a saying in our country, you call it—Wang Po sells melons and boasts!" Her metaphor is really vivid, simple and easy to understand.

The middle-aged uncle seemed to have an approachable attitude. He suddenly stood up and said softly: "You guys talk first, I'll help you get a new spoon!"

When he walked away, the smile on Xue Yingying's face froze instantly.

"Have you figured everything out?" From the moment he appeared in the underground garage, he was probably preparing for this meeting.

Bessemer couldn't grasp the focus of his words: "But don't you have a good conversation with your adoptive father?"

"Mandarin is pretty good, but you are not a native! Bessiemo, in a word, I don't want to see you!" Xue Yingying said directly without shy away.

However, the best thing about Bessimmer is this one, simple and straightforward enough!

"A man's psychology is that he will care more about what he can't get. This law knows no borders." While talking to her, Bessemer didn't even forget to blow off the high temperature inside the porridge.

The time seems to overlap a bit, the two people who are similar, the side faces are even more similar, as if they were carved out of the same mold.

Thinking back to that year, she was most embarrassing when she was hospitalized.

In small clinics in townships, all the equipment is the lowest end.There is not even a decent supermarket around, and it is even harder to find a stall where you want to buy a bowl of hot porridge.

Back then, Dang Zimo searched every household in the entire township, but he couldn't find the most needed ingredient—preserved eggs.

And her favorite hot porridge is the preserved egg and lean meat porridge, isn't it?

Dang Zimo knows her taste, just as she knows Tan Jun Zhan's habits.

In order to meet all her needs and be able to be perfect within his own ability, he has the following behaviors.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, he ignored the advice of the villagers and chose to go down the mountain on foot.The journey back and forth would take at least three hours, just to help her buy a few worthless preserved eggs.

After all the ingredients were prepared, he was unwilling to use his hands to others. Under the command of several experienced aunts, he finally started cooking for the first time in his life.

Among them, the sharp blade would cut off his finger if he was not careful.While serving up the hot porridge, his hands were burned several times without paying attention.

Even so, he successfully completed the task.

His mind was so tightly tied to her that he couldn't manage even his body was covered in mud.

Holding his debut work in his hand, he came to her bed.

Fortunately, she finally woke up, he blew away the hot air one by one, and then handed it to her mouth.

Although Xue Yingying's body is weak, her eyes are not that bad, and she has insight at a glance.

July day, summer day, even if he was dressed in layers, how could he hide the injury on his fingertips?
He cooked it so badly that he didn't know how much salt he sprinkled on it.Even so, under his feeding, Xue Yingying finally got rid of everything.

Now, the scene reappeared, and her heart seemed to return to that moment.

For a moment, she was full of emotions: "Ah Mo, why, why did you treat me so early?"

This sentence, she owed him.

Being a substitute, no matter who it is, is unwilling.

The same is true for Bessymer, a man who is proud and arrogant can no longer compete with Tan Junzhan, and now even a man whose whereabouts have not been determined knows how to make a fuss?

With a snap, he slammed the porridge on the table: "Xue Yingying, look clearly, I'm not your party member Mo!"

"I know, you will never be able to compare with him!" This girl knows how to use aggressive methods when speaking.

"You—" Bessemer was extremely angry, and a burst of fire rushed straight to his forehead.

Xue Yingying glanced leisurely: "You want to be broken? Okay, let me go, and you will be out of the sea of ​​suffering!"

After all, I just want to leave!

The two interacted and fell into the eyes of the uncle one by one.

He walked over, put the spoon in Bessymer's hand, and said as someone who came here: "She is not suitable for you now. After feeding her, you can send her back!"

"Father—" Bessemer's words shocked him.

The uncle smiled knowingly, and then approached Xue Yingying: "I am very happy to meet you today! You look a lot like my late wife. Bessim brought you here just to let me see her true face. Don't take it to heart. Wait for me Just let him take you back, I hope we will have a chance to meet next time."

"Uncle, take care!"

Xue Yingying's answer finally brought the meeting that shouldn't have happened to a successful conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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