Chapter 138 Traitor
The recent pattern of her life, she was indescribable.

After going back home to recuperate, a group of people still got up to visit.There are still some people among them who are not liked by her.

Even so, life is still going on in an orderly manner.

A whole month will pass soon, and during this period of time, he has never heard from him.

This is the first time this happened to him.During the time the two were together, it can be said that they were almost stuck together and rarely separated.

She was able to understand, all thanks to her father Xue Ke.In childhood, the father and daughter always got together and separated more, and she was more or less aware of the nature of their profession.

However, although she could understand, she was still aggrieved and panicked in her heart.

A foul breath was choked there, and she couldn't dissipate it.

After she was confinement, the rest of the Tan family, except Tan Jianguo, came to invite her home many times, but she stopped them one by one.

That was not her home, how could a spacious and prosperous residence be her place of humility?
The whole family joined forces, and her lips were almost worn out, but her stubborn attitude was still firm.

Hey, no matter what, it is estimated that only when Jun Zhan comes back can he successfully release her.

Time, this long and slow river, will always flow forward and never lag behind.

Without the protection of Tan Junzhan, the great Buddha, she walked alone among the thorns, and was pointed at by others behind her back.

Xue Yingying continued to walk like a normal person, not paying attention to it at all.

Ding Keke had already received the news the moment she appeared in the prickly pear, and sneaked over quickly, just happened to bump into this scene.

"You guys, what are you muttering over there?" Even though Ding Keke is small in stature, his voice is really not to be underestimated.

The few people who were discussing in full swing probably didn't imagine that she had such a good voice, and they were immediately frightened and froze in place, without further words.

After losing her child, she sees everything indifferently.There is no concern in my heart, and I don't even take the sarcasm of a few people to heart.

Xue Yingying grabbed Ding Keke who wanted to stand up for her, and her tone was usually calm: "Let them go!"

"Hmph! Let me tell you guys, don't think that the boss can bully sister-in-law just because he's not here..." Ding Keke seemed to start protecting the calf, nudging her behind.

That picture is really amused. How could she cover Xue Yingying with her petite stature?

It's a great feeling to be protected by someone, but why is it not him?
Xue Yingying was secretly sad again!

Just after her miscarriage ended, her closest husband disappeared for nearly a whole month, how could others not laugh at her like this?

"What about my sister-in-law? It's really an indelible stain in his life for the boss to have such a wife!"

After one person finishes talking, the other starts to keep up, like a relay race, and there can never be any interruption.

"I heard that the chief is on a mission, right? It is said that it was Comrade Xue Yingying who set off right after she had a miscarriage!"

Xue Yingying managed to hold her breath, and met the eyes of those people with serious eyes: "Smart people don't talk foolishly, if you want to die, you have to let me know."

Hearing in a cloud of mist, do you really think you are talking about heavenly scriptures?

"Xue Yingying, you can pretend to be confused!"

One of them pressed on step by step, stepped forward, his eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to tear her into pieces.

She couldn't understand more and more.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ding Ke stretched out his hand and wanted to push her away.

However, the other party didn't let her get what she wanted. Instead, this action pulled her aside, and finally found a chance to compete with Xue Yingying.

In the entire capital, now, who is no longer waiting to see Xue Yingying's jokes?She is considered a blessed person, at least she can enjoy the title of Jun Zhan's wife for nearly a year.What is even more enviable is Tan Jun Zhan's attitude towards her, the affectionate and loyal dog who loves her alone.

May I ask if they don't take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, when will they wait?
The woman in front of him is probably Tan Junzhan's admirer.

Look at this man-eating look, how can I feel sorry for him.Did he cheat, or did he have an affair with a bad boy?

I really can't figure it out!

So, Xue Yingying straightened her upper body, her eyes met the man resolutely, and her tone was extremely firm: "Please tell me!"

"Express? Ah bah! You can marry the boss, but you don't know what methods you used to get it?" The man spat all over her face.

Xue Yingying erased them one by one, but she refused to say, why did she stay here and not leave?


Turning around, she hooked her hands towards Ding Keke, "What are you doing here, let's go!"

Ding Keke originally thought that the two of them were going to have a quarrel, but who knew it would develop like this in the end, she stared blankly and didn't react.

"Oh!" She was stunned for a few seconds before trotting all the way to keep up.

It's hard to catch an opportunity to make some ridicule, how can that person let it go?

Therefore, before Xue Yingying had gone far, she began to talk with her back: "Xue Yingying, you are a stinking traitor, collaborating with the enemy and traitorous! The prince, he has never seen him doting on any woman so much! Why do you have to be so arrogant? Treat him?"

However, what the other party said immediately shocked her.

As a result, how could this be the case?
The sky was bright and the sun was bright, as if her world was thundering and lightning, suddenly a bolt of blue light flew down directly, hitting her at once.

From the fingertips to the toes, there seemed to be an uncontrollable electric current flowing around her body, which made her restless.

Traitor?Collaborating with the enemy?

What did she do that caused everyone to misunderstand?

Xue Yingying didn't want to explain. Everyone thought so in their hearts, and it was determined that someone maliciously did it.So with a few words on her mouth, can she explain it clearly?
Stop delusional!

Xue Yingying's mentality is not bad. After what she said, her expression remained calm: "Oh, what about the evidence? If it's not hard evidence, it's slander. Can you guys bear this kind of accusation?"

"Evidence? Hehe! You can go to that man Ding Keke and ask for it." The other also stepped forward to talk, but this sneer seemed to be mocking.

Xue Yingying turned her head to look, in her mind, Ding Keke was always single.She has a good admiration for Lei Ting, but the other party's attitude has always been lukewarm, as if he doesn't take her seriously, although there are a few heart-warming behaviors occasionally.

Could it be him?

Opening her mouth, Xue Yingying wanted to spit out that word.

Unexpectedly, at this time, people who should not be here will flash past.

"Bastard, let go!" Xue Yingying kept struggling.

(End of this chapter)

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