Chapter 139

Among the thorns, there have always been more wolves and less meat.

Even though Xue Yingying was already a wife, she didn't have the charm of being a wife at all.In particular, she had just lost her child, and she was physically and mentally exhausted, forcing her to look even more haggard. Compared with her plump appearance a while ago, she was almost the same person.

This also caused some recruits to fail to recognize them in the first place.

The man in front grabbed her by the arm and walked wildly all the way.The difference between men and women is revealed at this time, and she has to trot to follow.

While trotting, she was struggling desperately.But the strength between men and women is really clear, she tried her best, but he still couldn't shake it.

The two of them passed by, and a few recruits followed them with their eyes.

As a coach, Han Shaoting had no choice but to put on a majestic expression: "What are you doing, where are you looking? Believe it or not, I dug it all out with a knife, and I won't be able to see it even if I want to."

"Captain, is it necessary to be so cruel? Let's just look at a beautiful woman, seductive!" A certain male soldier said this, his eyes continued to linger on the figure who had left long ago, completely nostalgic.

Han Shaoting was so angry that he swung his leg and kicked the opponent's ass: "I told you to look at the beauty, you deserve it!"

The male soldiers on Yishui'er's training ground were all laughing happily and couldn't restrain themselves.

The injured man seemed a little aggrieved, and said angrily, "Captain Han, why are you only targeting me?"

"Why? Do you still dare to ask me why?"

As soon as he asked this, Han Shaoting raised his tone several times for no reason: "Do you know who the woman you peeked at just now is?"

"Who is she?" The voice of swallowing saliva forcefully, the other party was terrified, and it is estimated that his status would definitely not be low if he could say this.

Finally realizing something, Han Shaoting finally relaxed a bit: "Listen carefully, that woman is the boss's woman, my sister-in-law!"

"Ah, isn't she a traitor, is she hanging out with the boss of Organization K?" The man patted the back of his head in puzzlement. With this kind of woman, the boss still wants her?

"Until the boss admits it, she is still our sister-in-law. If you have the ability, wait for the boss to come back and talk to him!" Han Shaoting's admiration for Tan Junzhan is like a surging river, endless.At this moment, he has not returned from his mission, so he has to take on the responsibility of taking care of his sister-in-law.

"Captain Han, I just said it, don't do it!" The boss didn't know how he died when this happened to him.

See how promising he is?


Han Shaoting snorted coldly, and then continued to order: "Everyone stands by and supervises this one thousand push-ups, and no one is allowed to get up!"

"Yes—" Agreeing firmly, they will be happy and free if they don't need to train!

Han Shaoting did not forget that Xue Yingying was dragged away by Wei Sen.Really worried, he had no choice but to follow up, insisting on fulfilling his duty of protection.


With a push, he closed the office door.

Immediately afterwards, he was finally able to loosen his grip on her wrist, and sat down on the swivel chair full of anger.

Except for the idea of ​​divorce, Xue Yingying was indifferent to everything, lacked interest, and didn't bother to tease him.The redness and swelling on her wrist hadn't subsided yet, so she, a guy who was not loved by anyone, naturally had to carefully massage herself to slow down the swelling.

He didn't say a word, she didn't say a word, the whole scene just froze there, unable to continue.

In the end, Wei Sen couldn't bear to ask questions, which was the final ending.

"Tell me, when did you get involved with people from the K organization? Time and place, tell me one by one!" Benson stayed on the seat all the time, without getting up.

When Xue Yingying heard this, she seemed to understand something.After contacting the person just now with a few words, the brain suddenly became enlightened.

So that's what happened!

She simply connected all the things together, but there was one problem that she didn't want to understand.At this point in the matter, shouldn't he appear, why is there still no news?

After moving her hands for a few seconds, she finally raised her eyes to look at the man not far away. There was no smile on her brows: "What about others? Don't say you don't know either!"

Without his authorization for this matter, how could Benson interrogate her here?
"He can't get in touch with the chief." Wei Sen told the truth, but he didn't have the confidence in his heart.

"Wei Group, I don't care whether you believe it or not. I, Xue Yingying, will never admit to things that I have never done, and no one can force me to submit!" Xue Yingying's attitude is resolute, stronger than that stubborn stone.

Wei Sen moved his mouth, just about to say something.At this time, there was a loud noise outside as scheduled.

what happened?

Xue Yingying peeked at the past, everyone has a curious attitude, and she is no exception!

Unexpectedly, when Wei Sen heard the voice of someone outside, he quickly got up, grabbed her wrist, and wanted to hide her under the table.

He would have such a good idea?Rare!
Xue Yingying curled her lips into a smile, and her foot was always firm.

And Wei Sen's tightly pursed lips showed that he was in a terrible mood at the moment!

"Xue Yingying——" three loud characters popped out from between his teeth.

"Weisen, thank you for your concern."

As soon as she said this, the foreign intruder had already pushed open the door of the important office.

Sweeping his eyes coldly, he happened to see the movement of the two people's hands clasped together, and said coldly: "Xue Yingying, please come with me!"

"Lei Ting, do you dare? She is my sister-in-law. If the boss comes back suddenly, I think you should explain it?" This is Ding Keke who broke in afterward. She probably ran after her and was still panting heavily at the moment. Woolen cloth!
"I only follow the procedures, it doesn't matter whoever comes! Go away!" Lei Ting didn't soften his heart because of her words.

Ding Keke's hurt eyes appeared, she didn't expect him to be such a person.But in order to protect sister-in-law, she has been holding on to his strong arm and refusing to let go: "Lei Ting, if you take sister-in-law away, we are really doomed!"

"I'm a businessman, don't use this to force me!" His heart was cold, as if frozen in a thousand-year-old ice, and it would be difficult to break the external vigilance.

From the tone of his voice, it is estimated that the good things between these two people should be close.

Regardless of the considerations, Xue Yingying finally put aside Wei Sen's tugging hand and walked straight in Lei Ting's direction.

She raised her lips and smiled faintly: "I'll go with you, don't blame them!"

"Sister-in-law—" Ding Keke's eyes were full of mist, and he just looked at her side with misty eyes, and the excitement in his words could not be restrained.

Before Xue Yingying left, she approached her and wiped away her tears with her fingertips: "Silly girl, I will be fine. I believe that the superiors will give me justice."

"You and Lei Ting should be on good terms too, I'm still waiting to drink your wedding wine!" Xue Yingying is not stupid, every couple has their own way of getting along with each other.Before she left, she leaned close to Ding Keke's ear and whispered.

"Sister-in-law, you—" Ding Keke was made shy by her.

"It's all in silence!" Xue Yingying pretended to be inscrutable, then followed Lei Ting's footsteps and walked out, waving her hand to express her well.

Lift your eyes and look up.

A small smile unconsciously rose from the corner of her mouth, recalling the past.Her father was known to be strict with her since she was a child, but it seems that this is the first time in the small black room.

She was locked up at home, and she was more or less in her room.And here, apart from a small world with her head turned 95 degrees, what else can she see?

"Xue Yingying, are you finally willing to confess?" She turned around and looked into the distance, always making such a voice that didn't appeal to her.

She pulled the corner of her mouth and maintained this position: "I have to admit something I haven't done? Make it up? Hahaha, if I had this good ability, I would have published a book and become a writer!"

Xue Yingying said mockingly.

The other party had never seen this kind of person before, and due to her extraordinary status, they couldn't torture her, so they had to let time drag until she finally spoke up.

She has indeed been interrogated several times since she was taken away.

Several dear friends asked back and forth, but they didn't get the slightest clue from her mouth.In the end, he was defeated and had to arrange her to come to this place.

"Open the door, I want to see her!"

That voice was not the male voice she had been looking forward to for a long time, but from Wei Sen.

It's so late, what is he doing here?
How boring is Xue Yingying? From the daytime sun to the center, and then the sunset, until now when the bright moon is in the sky, her eyes are circling around that small world.

It was the first time she found that his majesty was so easy to use. As soon as he spoke, the other party opened the door.However, like a living dead, she lived in that small place motionless.

She was clearly afraid of the dark the most, but she didn't turn on the light and let herself be in the darkness.

Wei Sen didn't want to see her like this, so he flipped on the switch, and the whole small dark room instantly lit up.

"Xue Yingying, have you had enough trouble? Just because of a child, you started to torture yourself like this?" Wei Sen jumped out angrily.

She still didn't respond normally, and she hugged her knees with her hands: "Are you sure you understand me?"

"No, I don't understand. But I know one thing, your family needs your company now!" Wei Sen then explained his reason for coming.

After hearing these words, she finally gained motivation, and her eyes lit up: "What did you say?"

"Your father, Xue Ke, had a car accident and is still in the hospital. I think you need to go out!"

go out?But that's not that simple!

It was only now that Xue Yingying started to feel troubled in her heart.

As if seeing her difficulties, Wei Sen continued to speak, as if he was a savior: "Let's go, I'm here to help you deal with it, and I won't let you have trouble."

"Then... Wei Sen, I don't thank you for your kindness. I will come to thank you another day." Since he said so, she has no reason to shirk.Step down a little, and immediately dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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