Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 141 The Underground Bank

Chapter 141 The Underground Bank
Xue Yingying rushed to the ward, she was still supporting the wall with one hand, but her mouth was not idle, she asked out of breath, "Mom, Dad, how is he... Huh——"

"Ninny, you...why did you come out? You, you, for your dad to escape from prison, your dad will be blown away. Listen to mom and go back quickly!" Lin Qiao had no choice but to endure the pain even though he was heartbroken. Feel free to drive her away.

Xue Yingying turned her eyes away, and her eyes were completely occupied by the man on the bed.

Everyone says that a father's love is like a mountain, and his father's back will always be firm and stalwart.As a father, Xue Ke has always taught his children in the correct way, and did not let the two children go on crooked ways.

Xue Yingying always remembered in her heart that her father, who had always been taciturn, would inadvertently tell him more than once in front of Tan Junzhan that he must love her well.

Not long ago, he even took out the daughter red buried deep under the precious land, and shared it with them.At that time, how high-spirited he was, how could he look lifeless now!
How can something happen to her father?
Xue Yingying wiped away her tears, and asked softly, "Mom, I'm also a part of the family, so I'm so good that I can help. I didn't sneak out. Our Xue family doesn't have such spineless people. Wei Sen said to find out the truth."

"Mom—" The person who pushed the door and entered was Xue Yinuo with a frustrated face.

After seeing Xue Yingying, he did not see any joy on his face.

"Yinuo, what's the matter?" Lin Qiao hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

However, what he gave was shaking his head.

Lin Qiao returned disappointed, and looked meaningfully at her husband lying on the bed, without saying another word.

"Mom, I counted all our family's savings, and I can't even make up the odds." Xue Yinuo's words were undoubtedly a time bomb, which exploded in Xue Yingying's heart instantly.

She remained silent for a few seconds, and cautiously approached Xue Yinuo, grabbing the hem of his clothes: "Brother, lend me your phone, I'll find a way!"

"You little girl, don't make a fuss, just stay on the sidelines! It's okay, my brother will take care of everything." Xue Yinuo smiled slightly, but how could he hide his troubles!

Xue Yingying screwed up at this time, tiptoed slightly, approached his ear, and whispered a threat: "Brother, if you don't lend me your phone, I'll tell mom the truth, Sudushayi I'm chasing after you."

"You—" Xue Yinuo choked out such a word, seeing the worry in her eyes, he was finally defeated, put the phone in her palm, and said helplessly, "I'm really afraid of you!"

"No, it's Su Dushayi that you're afraid of. Brother, she's a good girl, so remember to take good care of her." Xue Yingying shook the phone in her hand, and quickly moved away from his terrifying gaze.

Finding a hidden place, she sat down on her buttocks.With no one bothering her, she has to think about it, who is the most trustworthy person she can rely on at this moment?

After thinking for a while, she dialed the number belonging to Tan Junzhan with her fingertips for no reason.

Before she had time to press it, the other end was already connected.

The voice from Lian Yinyun immediately came: "Yinuo? Xue Yinuo!"

The first voice was doubtful, and the second voice was high-pitched and excited.

Is she that familiar with her brother?

Xue Yingying slandered in her heart, she didn't bother to pay attention, so she was ready to cut it off.

It's a pity, seeing that she didn't say a word, Lian Yinyun hurriedly said before she hung up: "Xue Yingying?"

They were all named, and she was embarrassed not to speak: "That's right, it's me, what's the matter!"

Full of confidence, she does have the demeanor of a mother!

Lian Yinyun couldn't hide the chuckle in her voice: "Are you looking for Jun Zhan? Wait a moment!"

"Jun Zhan, Xue Yingying is calling!" Her voice sounded extraordinarily cheerful and crisp, that kind of feeling can only be experienced by someone who is facing her sweetheart, and Xue Yingying once had that stage.

Not long after, a male voice came from the other side with a cold irony: "Who is she? Hang up! Don't be an eyesore!"

Unable to hear any more words, Xue Yingying forced herself to cut off all conversations.

The miscarriage was nearly one month old, and her appetite was poor.In addition, no one else was with her, and there were a bunch of people waiting to see the show, so how could her body be in good condition?

Gradually clenched her hands unconsciously, and she began to carry out all the movements involuntarily.

That voice, she could recognize who it was even with her eyes closed.But how could he, how could he treat himself?

Xue Yingying couldn't control the sadness in her heart, it soon formed a huge vortex, trying to involve everything in it.

A burst of cheerful footsteps gradually came from the ears, and Xue Yingying looked around, and it turned out that it was a father and daughter having fun!

With his strong and strong arms, the father easily picked up the child and put it directly over his forehead...

Xue Yingying felt sad when she saw this scene. Once upon a time, Xue Ke also gave her the same fatherly love.It's a pity that he, who was as tall as a mountain, fell down at this moment.

Remember there is a saying that goes like this - learn to cherish what you have in front of you, before the years teach you to regret what you have lost!

While her parents were still alive, she had to perform her filial piety.

After wiping away the mist, Xue Yingying planned to abandon her children's love altogether.

She took a deep breath, among all her acquaintances, she was probably the only one who could help herself.

Before receiving Xue Yingying's call, she was still sighing at home, wondering what method she could use to persuade the child to come back?
Hey, that was the case eight years ago.Jun Zhan doesn't go home for many years, and the house is empty without any trace of humanity.After finally improving, who knows, it returned to the original state.

When the phone was connected, she had no expression on her face.After a feed, the other end remained silent.

Jiang Yinshi mistook it for a child's prank, and was about to hang up when a crisp female voice came from the other end: "Mom—"

This sound contained all the sense of grievance.

After Xue Yingying called out, her tears also fell down.

She knew Jiang Yinshi treated her well.The relationship between the couple has come to this point, and nothing is more uncomfortable than her.

On the other end, when Jiang Yinshi heard her weeping voice, she perked up and listened with pricked ears: "Daughter, is someone bullying you? Don't cry, mom will find someone to teach you a lesson."

Sleeves rolled up, but more and more tears wiped away.

Her voice was sobbing, and she spoke intermittently: "I, I, it's okay, mom, mom, can you lend me some money?"

Even if the sentence is broken like this, Jiang Yinshi's heart is disturbed, and she stands up quickly with her whole body: "Okay, how much do you want? Mom will send you a check! But, you have to tell me, where is it used?"

It's hard to hide the matter even now, Xue Yingying simply confessed: "I, my dad is injured and needs craniotomy!"

"What? Old Xue wants a craniotomy?" Jiang Yinshi exclaimed for a while, obviously amazed, but in fact it was a hint.

"Ninny, where's the address? I'll come over now!" Her eagerness was not a lie, she had gotten along well for many years, and the relationship between the two families was inseparable.

Unexpectedly, just as she was about to leave, before she hung up the phone, the man next to her had an opinion: "Wait a minute—"

"Tan Commander, it's your comrade-in-arms brother who needs the operation, can you helplessly see if you don't do it?" Jiang Yinshi tried to persuade him, fearing that he would reject her.

However, she was only half right.

"Surgical subsidy, yes, but I have a premise." Tan Jianguo rarely complied with her wish, but before she was happy for a long time, his following text disappointed her: "As long as Xue Yingying divorces Jun Zhan, Everything is easy to say!"

Xue Yingying will not be able to analyze the result for a while!

The one who is at the forefront is his dying father, but if he is sober, he will definitely wish he could go back to the west!
For a while, she couldn't make up her mind.

"Tan Jianguo, are you crazy? My daughter just has no child, how do you treat her like this, when Jun Zhan comes back, how will you explain it?" Xue Yingying still listened to Jiang Yinshi's deliberately suppressed exclamation.

A heart, without saying a word, fell directly from a high place into a bottomless abyss, with only one sound—boom.

Unwelcome, for no reason, at any time.He didn't like her, and he looked for various opportunities every minute to break them up.

Xue Yingying pondered for a long time, how could happiness be more important than her father's life?There is only one life, if you miss it, it will cease to exist.And he, Tan Junzhan, all his recent actions completely chilled her.

So, she quickly made up her mind.

Opening her mouth, she wanted to speak, but someone snatched the fuselage away.

In broad daylight, robbers appear?
"I'm Guan Hong, and I'll apply for a reduction of the surgery fee, so you two don't worry about it." Without waiting for a response from the other party, Guan Hong cut off the phone on his own initiative.

On the other end, Jiang Yinshi was still arguing with him: "If my son is a bachelor for the rest of his life, how will you explain to the old man? Jun Zhan, my miserable child, why did he end up with this kind of father?"

As for Tan Jianguo, the Commander-in-Chief Tan was calm and indifferent, and walked upstairs with a wave of his sleeves without giving her a second thought.

"Yingying, how can you do something stupid?" Guan Hong looked at her with bright eyebrows, and caressed her with his hands uncontrollably.

However, Xue Yingying didn't appreciate it, and if she dodged it, she avoided it.

"I thank you for your kindness, you should keep it for yourself! Even if I, Xue Yingying, do whatever it takes, I don't need all the support from the Tan family, including your Guan family."

Xue Yingying has always been stubborn. After Tan Jianguo was hit hard, if she still has a crush on Tan Junzhan, her surname will not be Xue!

Strong self-esteem was at work, and she left in an instant.

As Xue Yingying's close relationship, Xia Xuanfu's family recently invested in a big project, and the funds could not be turned around for a while, so they couldn't help much.

This matter is quite difficult, if not for this, Xia Xuanfu would not be able to give this suggestion.

"Niu'er, I heard that there is an underground bank in the Desheng Club. Why don't you go there to borrow some first, and I will help you repay it when the time comes?"

(End of this chapter)

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