Chapter 142 Angel
With her fingertips resting on the doorknob, the slim woman lowered her shoulders slightly as she took a deep breath.

Before her toes stepped in, the mobile phone in her backpack suddenly rang.

After connecting, the voice of the other party was like a small sparrow: "Sisters, I just said that, don't really go!"

"Xuanzi, that's my own father. There's no way!"

There was nothing she could do, life was oppressed to a tight place, and she had no other choice.

"Sisters, don't be impulsive, just wait for me!" Xia Xuanfu was unusually nervous, deeply afraid that she would become stupid because of his nonsense.

But the final facts proved that Xue Yingying did act stupid once when necessary.

Xue Ke, who was dying, was lying on the hospital bed. If the surgery fee was not raised later, he would probably be expelled from the ward. There have been precedents for this situation.

Money is indeed vulgar, but it is indispensable in life.

With a sigh, she hurried in.

Even if the eyes belonged to the blue sky and the yellow spring, she remained steadfast.

On the other end, Xia Xuanfu, who was hung up by her directly, was anxious as if her brows were on fire, and stayed where she was in a hurry.That's her sisters, how could she just watch her step into the fire pit?

Without any resources around her, she had no choice but to use her brains on that person——

So, she gritted her teeth and called the man.

"Finally remembering my character, can't stand the loneliness?"

There are still a few men in this world who can say this kind of unflattering tone. Aren't they just that vicious stinky man!

Xia Xuanfu forced herself, concealing the urge to cut him.After adjusting her breathing, she was able to utter a few big characters: "Yingzi, she...she went to Dezhuang!"

It was like a thunderbolt, directly hitting his forehead.

Xia Xuanfu's tone was urgent, and he was about to cry if he went on.


I don't know where the nerves of the brain are deranged. In the face of all kinds of unpleasant women, Han Shaoting will comfort her: " have Master Han here, why are you worried?"

Doesn't it look like his master Han's way of doing it all at once?
"Really?" Xia Xuanfu's tone was a little suspicious.

After all, Han Shaoting is still a child of the capital, and no one has ever spoken in such a tone of disbelief.

He was absolutely confident, "Wait!"

Little did he know that only he knew about this call, and he was not sure at all.

After hanging up the phone on the other end, he took a deep breath and tried to expel all the stale air in his chest before pressing the phone button.

While waiting for the call to be connected, Han Shaoting pondered for a while, how to talk to the boss about this matter later.Unexpectedly, there would be a rhyme sound from the other end.

This made Han Shaoting doubt whether he dialed the wrong number.After his eyes drifted back and forth, the other party had already cut off the phone.

As expected of Tan Junzhan's troops, Han Shaoting took the lead with the word "reliable".

Now, he finally understood the reason for his sister-in-law's stubbornness.

It's true that Xue's family is not doing well financially, but she is still the daughter-in-law of the Tan family.How could the Tan family sit by and watch when something happened to the in-laws.Looking at it now, it is estimated that the sister-in-law's psychological defense line is difficult to break through!

Han Shaoting suddenly remembered that Tan Junzhan had a clear distinction between public and private, and when he was on a mission, he would have another fuselage configuration on his body, and no one would be able to take that guy away.

Without further ado, he acted directly.

Sure enough, the phone will go through as soon as it is dialed.

Just as Han Shaoting was about to speak, the other party said in a weak tone that seemed to be dragging his sick body: "Say something quickly, stop talking nonsense!"

The energy in the middle is not full enough, not like usual!
Han Shaoting is also good at military scouting, and he immediately discovered something.

He flusteredly expressed his concern: "Boss, are you injured?"

Known as the cold-blooded army king, he was still injured, and the opponent really had two brushes.

As for the last time he was injured, it seems to be the same year, and the reason is especially because of her——

A burst of furious shouts pulled him back from his memories: "Hang up!"

"Boss, sister-in-law, she..." Before he could complete a sentence, the pursuers approached behind him.

I only heard such a mocking sound with a smirk: "Brothers on the road said that the prince is not easy to deal with, but I think he is an idiot! Isn't it just a jade pendant? It is necessary to protect it like this!"

See Yupei again?

Han Shaoting's eyes were shining brightly, and his splendor shined in an instant.

It seems that his injury back then was precisely because of this.

On the other side of the ear, the howling gun battle had already begun, and the conversation began to end.

Han Shaoting felt that he still needed to report it, so he began to hold on to the message, wrote the cause and location, and sent it over. His behavior was extremely neat.

The boss couldn't get out in time, and his brother could still see his sister-in-law fighting alone and being defiled by others?
There is only one choice in my mind-how can I?This source must be picked!
A raging fire ignited in his heart, he urged Lei Ting to join together, and the two of them prepared to fight first and then play.

It was hard to make the boss look like a man a while ago, how could they not protect this "angel" for him?

It was the first time for Xue Yingying to set foot in the so-called clubhouse.But here, it is probably no different from the legendary heaven and earth, the same performance art seeks life.

Xue Yingying straightened her waist and strode forward without looking sideways.

One of the guests, reeking of alcohol and drunkenly, rushed forward, as if he was about to put his arms around her small waist, which she was always proud of.After the miscarriage, her waist was several inches smaller.

Her appearance is already elegant and refined, and she looks superior and inviolable, after all, she still attracts the attention of customers.

"This girl is handsome, I want her tonight, no one is allowed to snatch her from me!"

You can't even walk steadily, but you still want to enjoy her?
Let's live his sweet dreams!
"Go away—" Xue Yingying threw out these two stupid words without any consideration.

Coupled with a frosty expression, she is an iceberg beauty!

These days, there are some people who are better at it, maybe it's—the one who can't get it is always in a commotion!

"This girl has a personality, I like it!" The man smelled of alcohol, and seemed to wrap her hair on purpose, took a sniff at the tip of his nose, and couldn't help but sigh: "Even this smell is my favorite." !"

"My lord, this Ms. Xue Yingying is our distinguished guest of Mr. Qian. I advise you to let go, it's better!" The waiter who led the way looked at the situation, and he still stepped forward with a smile to express his opinion.

Xue Yingying?
Guessing it was these words that stimulated him, the other party was so surprised that he couldn't hold his jaw, his mouth trembling, his fingers stretched out even longer: "You, you are the prince, he, he..."

"That's right, I was just talking about Jun Zhan's wife, but it won't be soon." She was not sure what she meant by saying this, and then walked away with the waiter.

(End of this chapter)

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