Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 143 Pork Trotter Hot Pot

Chapter 143 Pork Trotter Hot Pot
"Master Qian is inside." The waiter brought her here, then turned and left.

Even though Xue Yingying had made enough mental preparations, at this point she still had to suspend the movements of her hands.

Xue Ke's weak appearance is undoubtedly the biggest sword, even if she can pierce the heart with ten thousand arrows, she doesn't care about other things.

Without any further hesitation, she pushed the door open and walked in.

However, what she never expected was that the so-called Master Qian was that fat pig-eared Qian Jinjin.

Turning her eyes and thinking about it, she finally understood his threat back then.

"Tell me, your purpose." Xue Yingying stood still, squinting her cold eyes, her posture seemed to be a charity.

"Money, for me, is not a problem at all. You have always been very clear about what I want, as long as you are."

Seeing that greasy gaze, Xue Yingying only felt uncomfortable all over.Salvaged from that gutter oil, how much more comfortable can you feel all over your body?

"Do you want—" Xue Yingying stopped here, and her eyes drifted to the other party with a faint look.

Look at his squinting face, it's clearly written on his face what kind of tricks he is up to.

Sure enough, his postscript really didn't make people expect much: "Stay with me."

The sentence was concise and to the point, and Xue Yingying could understand the meaning from the bottom of her heart.

"No way!" By throwing out these two words directly, even if Xue Yingying died, she would not sell herself for money.

The smile rippling on his face didn't hold back, he was still planning to seduce her: "Think about your father who is lying limp on the bed, he is still waiting for you to raise money for surgery?"

That's right, an expensive medical bill almost crushed her whole body.

Now, Xue Yingying really has no idea where to go.

As if seeing her fear in her heart, Qian Jinjin actually nodded at the steaming thing in front of him: "Don't just look around, come and have dinner with me. Today you are destined to belong to me, you can't escape!"

It's okay if he doesn't talk about it, once it is mentioned, Xue Yingying becomes more and more aware of her heart.

Looking at the rushing up in front of her—the wisps of hot, hot, dense fog and white air, do you want to fascinate her eyes?
dream less!
Xue Yingying firmly believes in her heart and does not want to do anything she regrets.

However, she just turned around and was about to dodge away quickly.At this moment, a tall figure rushed in directly from the door.Rampage came over, grabbing her entire shoulder blade as soon as she stretched out her hand.

Look at my aunt, she is easy to bully, isn't she?

Xue Yingying was worried and angry, so she raised her eyes and observed carefully.It had to be said that the feeling he provided her was unusually familiar.

The lights in the whole room were too dim, which made it impossible for her to see who the black shadow was.

Just as she was looking at it, the other party finally opened his mouth.

The tone sounds quite familiar, but how can this weakness be synonymous with him?

Xue Yingying couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't figure out why he came. Is it because of her or because of that fat guy?
She never liked being touched by strangers, even if he felt like that person to her.

With her elbow bent, she rushed straight up, her tone even more arrogant: "Bastard, dare to touch my old lady?"

From this moment on, she lost the branches that could keep out the wind and rain, so she had to reincarnate into the image of a female man again.She must not be broken by anything until the person she wants to protect gets up.

Including him.

Who knows, the other party's character is more obstinate than hers.With a tug, she was pulled back into his arms and embraced tightly.

While struggling, Xue Yingying accidentally sniffed the body odor coming from him, and the smell directly rushed into it, forcing her to stay there mentally.

He, the person in front of him, could it really be him?
But after thinking about it, what is the meaning of disappearing for so long and only bubbling now?
Xiao Nizi lost her temper again, ignoring that there was a fat wolf watching around, she uttered harsh words: "Tan Junzhan, you are a bastard, why are you here?"

Talk about Jun Zhan?
On this piece of land, it is estimated that she would call out these three characters in the entire capital without any fear.

One person is cowardly, and the other is cowardly, and the phenomenon of contrast that has never changed since ancient times begins to appear at this moment.

Once Qian Jinjin understood Tan Junzhan's identity, he was terrified.The old shadow reappeared, and he reacted like the original shit.

"Too, too, prince, I, I..."

It can't even make up a complete sentence. It's ridiculous that a person with this psychological quality dares to force her to submit!
Xue Yingying glanced at him, because he was sitting upright in the original position, then stood up in fright, and the lower part of his body was blocked by the table, she couldn't see whether the thing under him was the same as it was before—cough, cough, caught Scared to pee.

She glanced over with embarrassing eyes, but it's a pity that the person next to her didn't let her succeed.Holding the back of her head with one hand, pressing directly against her chest, she was forced to listen to his chaotic heartbeat beating the drum.

This extremely rhythmic heartbeat seems to be quite different from the previous ones.

What happened?
Xue Yingying was not in a hurry to break free from his warm embrace, well, she admitted that she did miss it a little bit, and the tip of her nose was inexplicably sore when she thought about it.

Uncomfortable, plus uncomfortable.

He didn't notice her strangeness, and wrapped his arms around her slender waist.Within a few seconds, his eyes narrowed dangerously, as if dissecting all the skeletons in her body.

However, after sweeping back and forth for a few seconds, he didn't have the expected rage, which is amazing!
Continuing to hug her waist tightly, he pressed her to his side, hugging her more tightly until she almost got mad and objected.Just like that, he led her Qiqi to Qian Jinjin's side.

What on earth is he planning?
Is it because of her that you want to teach him a lesson?
Xue Yingying wriggled, her mind was full of his departure, and Tan Jianguo's hurtful words as always, how could she accept it.

"Release." She threw out these two words coldly, without any emotion.

With a snap, all the lights in the room were illuminated.

"Boss, you, why are you back?"

Han Shaoting and Lei Ting were a step too late. As soon as Han Shaoting, who was about to act, appeared, he was stunned by Tan Junzhan's figure, and asked this question in surprise.

In that battle, he fought the news he got from the front.Although the boss is very skilled, the jade pendant that he carried close to his body finally hindered him, causing his back to be injured.

In a short time, he has already dealt with it?
Han Shaoting glanced over cautiously.

However, Tan Junzhan didn't like him at all, and his strong aura was enough to suppress the audience.

"Ninny, have you fallen into a glutton again?" Obviously, these words were directed at her.

Xue Yingying didn't have such a good attitude, she was embarrassed and kept silent.

This sentence seemed to imply something, Qian Jinjin quickly understood, and quickly vacated his position.

The flattering behavior was disgusting. He turned sideways to make way for Tan Junzhan to take the seat: "Prince, please! This hot pot tastes good, I invited it!"

"Need not."

Small profits, talk about the big chief will take this set?

Qian Jinjin froze there, and everyone did not respond, waiting for his next move.

"I paid for this meal, I don't need these things!"


No one could have guessed how his next step would be.

Xue Yingying couldn't get away, so she had to accept the behavior of nestling in his arms.

As the two of them got closer, there was always a nauseating smell coming from him.

Her sense of smell has always been sensitive, but it was difficult for her to adapt for a while, and there seemed to be a certain fishy smell in the air.

Did he—

Xue Yingying opened her eyes in disbelief, and quickly glanced over.

It's a pity that the other party's position has always been firm and will not change everything because of her behavior.

With hot hands on her waist, he said calmly, "Are you hungry? Let's start eating then?"


She just wanted to hold back these two words.

Her father is still dying in the hospital, and she can still have that leisurely time to eat and drink. Isn't this deliberately framing her in unfilial piety?
Xiao Nizi opened her mouth, wishing to bite off the flesh and blood on his arm, including his capillaries, to fall off together.

The idea was good, but it was not successfully implemented.

Qian Jinjin laughed like a dog, bending over and kneeling: "Prince, let me serve you for a while today?"

Tan Junzhan kept silent, as if he had tacitly agreed!

Xue Yingying was about to say something, but the guy actually made a move, so she had no choice but to plunge into his arms.

With the chopsticks handed over by Qian Jinjin, Tan Junzhan took it, and unexpected actions appeared.Before he could move his hands away, Chief Tan's superb chopstick skills were fully revealed.

With one hand, he quickly separated the distance between the chopsticks, and with a backhand turn, he clamped the opponent's wrist tightly.

Want to withdraw?Can!
Chopsticks magic again exerted force until he couldn't bear to yell out.

After all, Qian Jinjin is not a master who can endure pain, and within a few seconds he yelled again and again: "It hurts... Prince, please forgive me!"

"Where is the warning I gave? Forget it all! I will teach you well today, what is a man?" Tan Junzhan's piercing gaze fell directly on his face, and his insolent anger was undoubtedly restrained.

Upon hearing this, Xue Yingying knew that something big was about to happen, but regarding his next behavior, she was really unexpected.

Where did he learn this hurtful trick?
A chopstick controlled Qian Jinjin's not-so-sensitive wrist, and when he moved with one hand, Qian Jinjin was also forced to deviate.Thanks to him, Qian Jinjin's whole wrist did not have any accidents, and it was completely immersed in the hot and turbid hot pot bowl.

The temperature in the pot must be close to the boiling point. If this continues, people will die?
Even if she was dissatisfied, Xue Yingying didn't want to.

Hearing the hissing and Qian Jinjin's begging for mercy, she finally said, "Forget it, he didn't succeed, let him go. My dad is still waiting for me!"

It was probably the last sentence, and Tan Junzhan was a little slack in his hands.Therefore, it gave the other party a chance.

Overturning the scorching hot pot on the table with one hand, Qian Jinjin pushed it towards the two of them.

As the saying goes-return the body of the person with the way of the person, and what he says will get what he thinks in his heart!
However, Tan Junzhan noticed this behavior at a glance.

His pupils dilated suddenly, he pulled Xue Yingying into his arms quickly, and began to move in the opposite direction.

I don't know what went wrong with him, but one of his feet was unsteady, and the two of them fell to the ground.

How could he have such a distressed moment?
Xue Yingying finally found out that something was wrong with him, and he fell into a coma because of it.

what happened?

(End of this chapter)

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