Chapter 144
Xue Yingying is quite familiar with the unpleasant smell of disinfectant in the hospital.

But in the scene before her, she inexplicably felt a fermented, slightly sour smell in her nasal cavity.

It was obvious that he had abandoned her first, so how could he still have such a silly sad mentality?
Ever since she came out of the operating room, she had been standing not far from his bedside, looking at him carefully with worried eyes.

During this time, she lost a lot of weight, and so did he. It felt as if the same person had a common feeling in different time and space.

But is this really the case?

Unknowingly, the memory fragments of Lian Yinyun's two mistaken answers to the phone quietly broke into her brain.

Frustrated, short of breath.

There seemed to be someone beside her who was trying to make her feel better!

Tan Jianguo is a father, even if he has a bad relationship with his son, based on the parent-child relationship, he rushed over immediately.

He has always performed well in all directions, and he has only been hospitalized twice in his life.

Who is the source of all this disaster?
Even if the two ancestors at the top were present, his quick talk didn't stop, and he blurted out: "Xue Yingying, leave Jun Zhan's side as soon as possible. During his military career, only two of them returned to the hospital, and it's because of you every time. "

In summary, she is a broom star!

Xue Yingying didn't make a sound anymore, she couldn't figure out what the man on the hospital bed was thinking.

When she needed him the most, he chose to leave and disappeared without a trace, and no one knew where he was going.As a man and a husband, he is indeed dereliction of duty.

But just now, what was his consideration for saving his life?

Xue Yingying was very upset.

She blamed herself endlessly in her heart, she really had a responsibility that she couldn't shirk.

Han Shaoting, who was on the sidelines, could no longer calm down. He stepped forward and finally told the truth: "Sister-in-law, the boss has been hiding something from you. You also know his nature, and it is impossible for the rest of us to twist with him." Hurry up. Today, I see that everyone is here, so I must tell you the truth."

Seeing his serious face, Xue Yingying's heart was rumbling, could it be the matter between him and Lianyin?

No, she didn't want to hear it, she would rather choose to live in deception, even forever.

Because of deep love, so afraid, this is her current psychological portrayal.

"No, I don't want to hear it."

With a dull face and a light tone.

With this move of hers, Han Shaoting thought about it back and forth, and finally understood what the problem was.

He clapped his brains, and his thoughts became clear immediately: "Sister-in-law, the boss's personal mobile phone was stolen by a thief. During this period, he was only on a mission, not alone, and there are other brothers in the same industry who can testify. What I want to say , In fact, there are only two words - Yupei. If you don't believe me, you can break the palm of the boss's clenched hands, and that thing will definitely lie on the bed."

real or fake,

Xue Yingying's mind was full of chaos, and she was so erratic that she really started to do it.

Han Shaoting's tone can be determined, because the fact is like this.

It was staged once back then, isn't it just a reenactment today?
After spending a long time, she finally broke his palm.Sure enough, lying on the palm of her hand was a jade pendant that she had already forgotten.

That thing has been worn on her body since she was a child.When she was young, she was influenced by idol dramas, so she had to give him a token of love.

At that time, how could he accept it?

Because of her young age, a group of people around her doted on her, so she used her temper to do whatever she wanted.

His arms couldn't twist his thighs, and Tan Junzhan couldn't beat Xue Yingying, so he was forced to accept it in the end.

However, it's a pity that the ending is not very happy.

Because the enthusiasm hadn't passed yet, one day she rushed over to look for him in high spirits, but she didn't see the jade pendant on his body.After she asked, he threw out two words coldly - "I lost it."

A pot of hot water is about to boil, and suddenly a head of cold water is poured from top to bottom. Is this feeling good?
Xue Yingying's weak heart was hit on the spot.He left without leaving any comforting words, and walked away.

Now, this thing reappeared in front of her eyes again, Xue Yingying had more doubts besides excitement.

Where did you find this thing?

As if seeing her question, Han Shaoting continued to explain: "Sister-in-law, the boss has flesh and blood, and the point is that he loves you deeply. Originally, I shouldn't have said such things. As early as eight years after you left, there was a Returning to the mission, he will win the battle. Unfortunately, he almost lost his life in order to retrieve the jade pendant. The same action as today, the palm of the hand clenched the jade pendant. At that time, I just thought it was ridiculous...

By the way, there is one more thing that you definitely don't know.Sister-in-law, if you find time, you turn your house upside down, and there must be a photo album to record your growth process.You two are childhood sweethearts, you know this better than me, but the boss has cared about you for so many years, so you probably don't know it. "

There was a circle of people in the ward, and apart from the reverberation of Han Shaoting's reverberation that could be heard in the huge space, Xue Yingying's sanity was hollowed out.

how can that be?

She took a step back unbearably, and was blocked behind her.

Turning his head to look, it turned out that it was Jiang Yinshi who came forward.

Xue Yingying bit her lower lip tightly, she was really speechless, and she didn't know what to say.

Jiang Yinshi loved her since she was a child, and wished she could leave all good things to her.

The development of the two children was not what she hoped.

Rubbing her hair with her big hand, Jiang Yinshi felt distressed in her eyes: "My daughter, Jun Zhan loves you, and your position also shows that, so you are a match made in heaven."

Xue Yingying remained silent, never expecting that the facts would turn out like this.If he was willing to reveal a little bit at that time, would the two of them have missed so many years?

She focused her gaze on him, the one who was motionless.


With a bang, the door opened again.

As if slowing down the camera, Xue Yingying moved her head slowly, her eyes were not as heavy as usual.

She is an unfilial daughter, she knows that her father's situation is in danger, but she temporarily forgets about him, and only cares about this dear brother lying on the bed.

"Ninny, Ah Zhan—" Obviously, Xue Yinuo couldn't help being stunned when he saw his situation just now.

Xue Yingying lowered her head, her knuckles were intertwined, not knowing where to start.

Xue Yinuo sighed, and opened his mouth to tell the reason for his visit: "Ninny, Ah Zhan helped pay the operation fee in advance, and also found the best doctor to operate on Dad. Don't worry, stay here with him at ease. "

He stopped talking, as long as she is here.

Seeing Xue Yinuo leaving, Xue Yingying chased after her: "Brother, don't you blame me?"

"How could it be?" The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, his eyes were gentle, and he looked over her at the person on the bed: "Jun Zhan, he is not only my good brother, your husband, but also the benefactor of our Xue family. You should stay! Mom and I will take care of Dad, don’t worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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