Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 145 Breaking the Truth

Chapter 145 Breaking the Truth
When Chuchu woke up, Tan Junzhan felt his head was shaking.But he was born with a strong personality, so he forced himself to stand up, but he couldn't do it in one go.

Because of the silence around him, he never thought that there was a person beside him.

Xue Yingying watched his efforts without any action.

She continued to bite off the peeled red Fuji apple in her hand.

Delicious and sweet, really top grade, the sweet body fluid gradually flows into the sandalwood mouth.

"I don't want to stay for another ten days and a half months, so you just continue to toss." With a calm tone, it seemed that she didn't care about his injury at all.

Seeing how vigorously she was chewing, with his injury in front of her eyes, she still seemed to be okay.

Tan Junzhan sighed almost inaudibly, and there was no further text.

I don't want to see her for more than a month, isn't it reasonable for her to be angry?
Knowing that he was wrong, he kept his face and let her vent.If she had fun, she would naturally feel better.

Before Xue Yingying could express herself, a couple came in from outside the door.

It looks like a standard configuration, but in fact, it is obvious that there is a deep grievance.

A couple who are too lazy to pretend to be intimate in front of others, if they are not about to come to an end, what is that?
With a red apple dangling from her mouth, Xue Yingying sat in her seat without moving. She had to see what kind of conspiracy this woman was up to?

Tan Junzhan spoke in a weak voice, he squinted coldly in the direction of Xue Yingying, and stared at her deeply, as if scolding her for not being responsible enough.

Then, this sentence was obviously aimed at the person coming.

On the surface, the two of them looked like they were still a married couple, even if she was pretending, she still had to support the facade.

It's not fun to eat an apple!
She cursed in her heart, so she had no choice but to throw away the half of the apple that was not finished eating.

Quickly approaching the bed, she freed her hand and faced the direction of the person, obstructing for a while.

"Xue Yingying, get out!"

Look, it really wasn't a human act.

Even if she is not happy, she still has to pretend to be a grandson, with a smile on her face: "Sister Lian, I hope you can make a mistake, your real husband is behind you."

In one sentence, it directly blocked the follow-up action of Lianyin.

However, her behavior was all about it, how could it be possible?

The other party stood there in embarrassment, and no one was willing to make a sound.In order to avoid being cold, she spoke again: "Oh, by the way, there is still one thing I don't understand about my sister, I hope you can answer the question? This question is easy to answer. May I ask how my husband Tan Junzhan's mobile phone slipped into your hands? went?"

There was a smile flashing in her bright eyes, but it hadn't reached the bottom of her eyes, and she was slightly cool.It can be compared with the gusts of cold wind blowing from time to time outside the window.

"Is my mobile phone in her hand?" Tan Junzhan had been in a coma for a long time, his voice was dry, and it was difficult for him to hold back these few words in one breath.

The male voice was dry and dull, like a harbinger of an impending thunderstorm in summer.

Thinking about it this way, Nizi is not like her usual behavior pattern, she can think through everything.

The Xue family suffered such a serious incident, according to her personality, the first person who had to ask for help was him.But where was he at that time, and his mobile phone was controlled by Lian Yinyun, what good things the other party could do, it was scary to talk about Jun Zhan Lenovo.

His eyes turned cold immediately, and he wished he could directly take her home to vent his hatred.

Xue Yingying's eyes were sharp, and as soon as she saw something was wrong with him, she immediately helped pour a glass of warm water and handed it to his lips, just for him to enjoy.

"Sister Lian, are you making a fool of yourself? Or—" Once the act of serving people was over, Xue Yingying's nonsense began to show up, "Or, Zhao Yaokun, you are also an accomplice?"

"Sister-in-law, what you said is serious, I never went to see Ah Zhan..." Zhao Yaokun hastily pushed the matter away.

Before he could speak the following text, he was strangled in his mouth by Tan Junzhan.

Tan Junzhan carefully recalled all the things that happened before he left, and suddenly his eyes lit up, flashing a raging flame to kill someone: "Lian Yinyun, you still owe me an explanation."

"An explanation? Well, I'll give it now."

Taking a deep breath, Lian Yinyun opened her mouth and began to say vigorously: "Just because of this woman, your prince made the same fatal mistake in the same place. If it weren't for your agility, would you still be here now? I just can't figure it out, what is this woman better than me? Why do you only have her in your eyes and not me? "

In the end, Lian Yinyun almost got hysterical and roared loudly.

Emotional matters, if they are not done well, they will make people crazy, and the person in front of them is the best example.

Sympathize with the opponent?

NO, NO, NO—— Xue Yingying would never have such a stupid behavior.

Her pink lips raised slightly, and a proper arc began to show: "There is no reason, just because I appeared earlier than you. Lian Yinyun, do you know the reason why Ah Zhan fell in the same place? "

"Could it be that jade pendant?" She has also heard all the news about Tan Junzhan, even gossip from unknown sources, so naturally she will not miss it.

After the brain conditioned to reflect this, Lian Yinyun was startled by this thought and was dumbfounded.

What Xue Yingying needed most was this kind of reaction from her. After snapping her fingers, Xue Yingying whistled and continued: "Don't doubt, this jade pendant is my token of love for Ah Zhan. He will do it for this little thing." And to risk your life, sister Lian, what are you insisting on?"

"Impossible—" she blurted out so firmly.

When it came to this point, Tan Junzhan simply spoke out, his eyes firmly and silently looked in Xue Yingying's direction.

It didn't take long before he said solemnly: "I said that my legal couple will only be Xue Yingying. I just don't recognize the mothers of other children."

This was already a very tactful confession, Lian Yinyun couldn't bear the heavy blow, she let out a scream, and rushed out with her head in her hands.

However, Zhao Yaokun didn't move, what's going on?

Xue Yingying freed up two fingers and made a walking posture of swinging back and forth. She reminded out of kindness: "She has gone far, why don't you go after her?"

"Sister-in-law, I...Tan Yan, how is she doing recently?" Zhao Yaokun held back for a long time, seeing that pretty face was almost turning red.If he doesn't blurt out freely, he might turn purple, but it's really hard for him!
Xue Yingying naturally noticed Tan Yan's distraught appearance recently.She had a shadow of herself on the road she walked that year, and Xue Yingying couldn't enlighten her.Now, with this man's actions, it is estimated that the two of them must have something to sing about!

"I can't control the matter between you and Tan Yan. Unless you become single again, you don't want to develop with her. In the near future, I will select a few majors with good conduct in the army and arrange to meet her." Tan Junzhanyi He took away her right to speak.

As soon as he spoke, Zhao Yaokun choked with anger.Thousands of words, but finally condensed into one sentence: "I wish her happiness!"

The matter has come to this point, no matter how hard he tries, it seems to be of no avail, so it's better to just let go and be free and easy.

——The last love is to let go!

When you fall in love to the end, you don't have to be together. Wishing each other happiness is also a kind of adult beauty.

However, Xue Yingying's mind has no border with the two men.

She choked at Tan Junzhan angrily: "Regarding Yanyan's happiness, is this what you plan to do?"

"This is the best ending! According to my father's plan, it is impossible for Tan Yan to be a second marriage."

I'm afraid that parents all over the world are the same!
Once talking about Jianguo, Xue Yingying became angry.In the world, a father-in-law like her is definitely the number one wonder!

"Not necessarily? Commander Tan seems to yearn for your second marriage." Xue Yingying said in a slightly sour tone, and the whole ward was filled with a strong sour smell.

Tan Junzhan had expected what his father would do.

Hooking his fingers, he motioned for her to go over.

Nizi's personality is twisted, why should she go over there?
Her stomach wasn't full yet, so she continued to turn her head back to conquer delicious food. Hey, I'm too lazy to bother him.

"Ninny, cough, cough..." As soon as Xue Yingying turned around, the man behind her coughed violently, and the sound showed signs of aggravating injuries.

Forget it, the injured are the most important, so it's not okay to count her as wrong?After all, he was hurt because of her.

Xue Yingying was frustrated in her heart, so she had to turn around in displeasure, and immediately burst into words like a series of cannonballs: "I don't know the injury? What if there are sequelae, you have to talk to the commander to arrange a meal for me, are you willing?"

"Ninny, I, I..."

He hugged her slender waist, and when he pulled, she fell on him, causing him to groan and eat in pain.

"You - you deserve it!" Xue Yingying had no good words.

However, her small hands were stroking back and forth behind him: "Do you feel better?"

"Ninny, I miss you very much."

I don't know where he made a mistake, but today he will show his true feelings.

Could it be that he really felt sorry for her?
A sharp fruit knife was pressed against his neck, and Xue Yingying snorted softly with a half-smile: "Honestly speaking, did you steal food outside?"

There are a lot of newspaper and TV reports. When a wife is pregnant, it is the season when her husband cheats.

A flick of a finger opened directly on her forehead!

"Damn, you bastard!" Xue Yingying opened her mouth and cursed angrily, gnawed casually with her teeth and claws, forgetting that he was injured.

However, with her energetic side, Tan Junzhan temporarily forgot about her brutal behavior.

As soon as the hands around her waist were retracted, her whole body was captured in his arms.

As soon as Xue Yingying raised her head, wanting to reprimand him, he immediately tied her head down.

His warm lips and tongue were directly suppressed, with a wild energy that had been forbeared for a long time, occupying all her thinking ability.With his fiery performance, how could he look like someone who can eat wild food?
"Ninny, this is my answer. If you still don't understand, I don't mind showing it again!"

What does it mean to be good-looking while taking advantage, isn't that just like him?
There was a crooked smile on the corner of her mouth, typical of a deceitful fox, where did she provoke him?

(End of this chapter)

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