Chapter 146 Confession
Xue Yingying instinctively turned her head to look, once meeting his deep and bottomless eyes.Her mood was turbulent at the moment, and her little heart was beating violently.

After returning this time, all his emotions were displayed in front of her without restraint.

Xue Yingying interpreted the straightforward monologue with frantic eyes completely, but this situation was both familiar and unfamiliar.Because in the long river of memory, he has never behaved like this before.As long as he wishes, he will hide all his emotions thoroughly, so that outsiders can't see clearly.

After Xue Yingying was happy, she was distressed.

Because he raised his hands, stroking her face gently and softly instead of brute force like usual.

Wherever the palm touched, there was a soft touch, and sporadic small flames quickly bloomed in his eyes, which were always cold like pools, and gradually tended to deepen.

Since the air conditioner had been turned on in the ward, Xue Yingying usually took care of him and took off her coat long ago.At this moment, I happened to be wearing unlined clothes on my body.As everyone knows, because of this, he was blamed by the other party.

"You just take care of yourself like this?" Tan Junzhan didn't follow up, his eyes shot towards her coldly, and the bottom of his eyes also burst into endless fire.

Xue Yingying didn't take it seriously, and checked it subconsciously.

Isn't that normal in this room?What a fuss!
"Don't even look at the temperature in the room? You have to let me suffer from heat stroke to be reconciled?" Xue Yingying couldn't help but raise the bar.

It's been a long time since she got along with her like this, she misses her a lot, feels at ease, and forgets the unpleasant memories with Tan Jianguo for a while.

Hearing what she said, Tan Junzhan noticed that the thermometer in the room was close to [-] degrees Celsius.

The corner of Tan Junzhan's mouth twitched unavoidably, it was a mistake for him to say that!
Since it was found out that she was pregnant, and including the time he was on mission, it should have been nearly half a year since he was allowed to have sex.Ever since, the brother below has already begun to invite warmly, planning to dance a beautiful waltz together!
The refreshing smell that belongs to her body hits her face from time to time.

He couldn't hold back, and moved his hands from side to side familiarly, but he didn't have a precise landing point anyway.With a little more force, between her fair and clear clavicle, the reddish mark began to bloom a delicate flower bone.

This undoubtedly irritated his eyes, and the temperature in his eyes deepened.It is estimated that it may not take long to boil!
There was an inexplicable anger in her body, in order to avoid something that shouldn't happen, Xue Yingying took action to stop it at the right time.

Putting her little hand between the two of them, she smiled sweetly: "Ah Zhan, you should explain to me, how did you get that scar on your chest? Oh, and by the way, give me a reason for this."

Even though she already knew the reason from others, she still wanted to force him to submit.One must know that with his arrogant personality, the chances of being able to admit it are almost zero.

After being kissed by him before, until now her lips are still slightly swollen, moist and red, and her appearance is too beautiful.

Tan Junzhan watched, the thing underneath was hard to control.

Once his eyes touched her teasing eyes, all his ignited longing disappeared in an instant, like an eggplant beaten by frost, unable to arouse his energy.

"Ninny—" he spoke with a little helplessness in his tone.

But Xue Yingying insisted to the end: "I just want a reason."

Continuing to smile, she made up her mind to let him break through.

But how difficult is this?

Before Xue Yingying got her wish, a very unlucky person appeared.

"Have the caregivers taken care of the bed? Get off now!"

Such deafening shouts came from beside her ears, and Xue Yingying's whole body trembled as soon as she thought of his classic words.To avoid polluting her ears, she simply followed the other party's temper.

"you dare?"

Human beings are the ones who are more difficult to survive in this world. There are wolves and jackals in the front and tigers and leopards in the back. She is stuck in a dilemma.

Tan Junzhan continued to drag her into his arms, quickly lifted off the thin quilt, and wrapped it inside.

Want to kick her out?Let's get past him first!

Tan Junzhan's provocative eyes immediately shot over, aiming at that person.

"You two, father and son... Hey, you must have been sworn enemies in your last life." Jiang Yinshi, who came afterward, saw the imminent scene before him as soon as he stepped in.Two men with very similar personalities, even if they didn't say a word, the effect of fighting in court is still the same.

It's really hard for the little girl who is nestled under the quilt!

Jiang Yinshi stepped forward and rescued Xue Yingying. This behavior naturally aroused strong dissatisfaction from someone, and the sharp eye came over quickly.

Xue Yingying, of course, helped Jiang Yinshi to speak, "Okay, okay! Parents... Oh, it should be Commander Tan. Since you are here, I should go to my dad's place to see, goodbye first."

"You don't have to come back either." Tan Jianguo said coldly before she left.

What does this mean?

Xue Yingying smiled and said nothing, how could he decide this matter unilaterally?
Smiling and shaking her head, she opened the door and left. The air here was too oppressive and uncomfortable.

She had a good attitude, and she didn't show any discomfort here, but Tan Junzhan didn't have such a good attitude.

The injury wasn't serious, but what he hurt was his chest.One anxiously struggled to get up, the wound naturally stretched open, and the bright red blood oozes out again.

Jiang Yinshi couldn't help raising her voice, and shouted: "Jun Zhan, lie down quickly, I'll call the hospital."

Turning around and facing Tan Jianguo, she couldn't help reprimanding: "Why do you, a big man, intervene in the relationship between children? Tell you, if I can't hold the children of Nannan and Jun Zhan this year, the two of us will be together." Divorce before the two of them."

Only now did Tan Jianguo realize the seriousness of the situation.

Xue Yingying had left long ago and was unable to learn of this in time.

Seeing her walking gracefully, Tan Junzhan felt a dull pain in his heart.

Not for anything else, during the time he was away, Nizi suffered sneering words from his father, and it was definitely no longer rare.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a tingle in his heart.

He looked firmly at Tan Jianguo, with deep eyes: "Dad, I hope this is the last time I will give you advice. When the steel seal is knocked on the marriage certificate at the same time, she and I will have to be involved in this life. Maybe a long time ago , I should recognize my heart and not miss so many years."

"Jun Zhan, don't forget her identity." Tan Jianguo's words were as indifferent as water, and he didn't seem to be sad about the threat from the person next to him before.


Tan Junzhan couldn't help but find it funny, he glanced at the other party coolly, and then replied in a choking tone: "Just because of her birth status, you reject her? Dad, I don't care about these externalities. I know, There's no way I'm going to repeat the stupid thing I did eight years ago, so I don't want this to be the last time I call you."

"Mom is taking care of here, please go back first!" Soon, he issued an order to evict the guest.

Tan Junzhan has always been physically strong, and under Xue Yingying's half-forced choice to be hospitalized, more than a week has passed, and his injuries have almost healed.

Scars, even if it is difficult to get rid of, will remain in that place for a lifetime.As the saying goes, it's hard to get over the water, and its existence is also admonishing her what he has done in those years.

Even though she couldn't get his confession face to face, Xue Yingying was already satisfied in her heart.No one knew very well that she turned back halfway and happened to hear Tan Junzhan's confession that seemed to reveal his heart.

The feeling of eavesdropping is really great, but the only shortcoming is, why can't such a scene be brought forward so many years?

Realizing that Tan Jianguo was about to go out, she quickly dodged and accidentally bumped into a little nurse delivering medicine.A lot of noise was created, and Tan Jianguo quickly noticed something strange.

Fortunately, she escaped in time, otherwise she would have been discovered!

But, what is the identity they are talking about?

Could it be that she is really not the flesh and blood of her parents?
Up until now, Xue Yingying still didn't have the courage to ask.Questioning one's own life experience, how much this hurts the hearts of parents, especially the father has just been discharged from the hospital today.

Seeing her worried face, Tan Junzhan snatched the things she was organizing, pulled her into his arms, and asked with serious eyes: "What happened?"

"It's okay." She said nonchalantly.

A constipated face, if it's not something on your mind, so what?

"to be frank!"

His chance is only given to the last time, and he will never miss it again.

Xue Yingying managed to raise her head, and accidentally caught a glimpse of his cloudy face out of the corner of her eye, so she stood on tiptoe as if showing weakness, wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, and acted coquettishly: "Ah Zhan, it's actually fine. Just over there with your dad..."

"It's our dad." Tan Junzhan finally had a little more warmth in his indifferent tone, and corrected her wording.

With such a father-in-law, count her as a failure!

Xue Yingying curled her lips and lowered her hands unwillingly.

Just be careful!

It is absolutely impossible for Chief Tan to let her have the intention of leaving, he grabbed her waist with his backhand, and forced her to come closer to him.

"Whether my dad admits it or not, you are my wife Tan Junzhan, and you don't want to escape from this. Let's go, I know dad will be discharged from the hospital today, so I'll go with him." Tan Junzhan hugged her round shoulders , pretending to hug her and walk out.

Along the way, Xue Yingying didn't show any resistance.

At one point, he was on the right track.

Her family really didn't like him very much. The reason came from the incident eight years ago. Too many accidents happened that year, and they couldn't pretend it didn't happen, because the same year almost changed the trajectory of her life.

Surrounded by him, Xue Yingying moved forward, and soon arrived at the ward where Xue Ke was.

But she was fine, stuck there without moving, Tan Junzhan turned to look at her.

She tugged at the hem of his clothes, her eyes sparkling: "Ah Zhan, why don't you go home first?"

"What are you afraid of?" Tan Junzhan's cold eyes showed a hint of danger. If her answer dissatisfied him, he might use means to deal with her.

Perhaps it was because his eyes were too terrifying, Xue Yingying actually took a few steps back.Things she hadn't expected began to happen.

As soon as Xue Yinuo heard the sound outside the door, he pushed the door open.Seeing Tan Junzhan appearing outside the door, his eyes seemed to shine brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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