Chapter 147 Great Heart

Xue Yinuo, who has always been in love with sisters, couldn't help but disappoint Xue Yingying with her next behavior.

Directly ignoring her existence, he strode towards Tan Junzhan's direction.He didn't immediately give him a big hug like he used to.

"Dedicated to the great benefactor of our old Xue family, Ah Zhan, you are really a savior!" Xue Yinuo surrounded him and entered.

As for myself, I was alone outside, alone, so lonely.

Xue Yingying was so depressed that she had no choice but to follow behind.

However, Tan Junzhan immediately stopped in his tracks and turned his head to look back.When her petite figure appeared in his field of vision, he didn't even notice it. He even took a breath, and then raised his voice: "Aren't you in a hurry? Tell Dad to wait!"

"The relationship between the two is good!"

I don't know whether Xue Yinuo's words are meant to be teasing, but Tan Junzhan doesn't even raise his eyebrows anyway.

Xue Yingying walked slowly, like an old woman in her seventies and eighties.Tan Junzhan waited impatiently, he didn't have the leisure time, so he immediately stepped over.

Holding her hand tightly, he grabbed her and strode inside.

The skin on the palm of his hand was dry and warm, but a sense of warmth gradually spread, giving her an inexplicable peace of mind.No other men could give her this strange feeling, including Dang Zimo, whom she couldn't let go of.

Talking about Jun Zhan, based on her particularity, she has always been aware that she has always denied herself for eight years.Now, it doesn't seem to be possible!
When the two of them appeared in front of the elders, Xue Yingying's small heart seemed to be hung on a thin thread.His eyes accidentally glanced down, and there was actually a bottomless black hole underneath.

In case one is not careful, both feet step on the ground...

Xue Yingying couldn't believe such an ending.

"The two of you... have the conflict been resolved?" Lin Qiao was stunned for a while, and then he choked out this sentence, with the word shock written all over his face.

Xue Yingying wanted to withdraw her hand, but he refused, and kept holding it tightly in his hand, and then pressed it against his chest, expressing his oath in public: "In this life, I will never betray her!"

"Okay, well said!" Xue Ke, who had landed a long time ago, was quite satisfied with this, and applauded for a while, but it caused a violent cough, which couldn't stop getting worse.

Xue Yingying hurried forward, patted his back with her palm, and complained suspiciously: "Dad, how can you do this? I won't be by your side to take care of you in the future. Mom and brother are busy with work, you, you..."

In a moment of impatience, Xue Yingying was frightened by the terrible thoughts in her mind, and her eyes turned red instantly.

She has grown up, let alone military marriage.Even if she broke up with Tan Junzhan, she would still have to start a family in the future, and it was impossible for her to stay by his side all the time to fulfill her filial piety.He was embarrassed before, and he couldn't get rid of that appearance.

"Ninny, Dad—" Xue Ke felt a burning sensation in his throat.

After all, a child is just a child, no matter whether she gets married or has a baby, she still looks like a little girl who can't grow up.At the stage when she was capable, Xue Ke naturally wanted to prop up a small piece of land to block all storms and dust for her.

He didn't expect that his stubbornness would cast such a shadow on her.

The sincere affection between father and daughter is undoubtedly revealed in front of Tan Junzhan. Thinking about the mess in his own family, he should know what his next move should be.

Tan Junzhan stepped forward to grab her shoulders, embraced her in his arms, and gently raised his hand to wipe away the tears that accidentally oozed from the corners of her eyes: "Your father is our father, you don't have to worry about retirement. In the future , I promise Jun Zhan that this kind of thing will never happen again!"

It will never appear again, and the possibility of you not being able to find me will happen again!

He promises!
Tan Junzhan's words were not complete, but Xue Yingying had no choice but to believe the star-like expression.

In order to prevaricate him, she had no choice but to say casually: "Hmph, it depends on your performance next time!"

When it came to performance, Xue Yinuo couldn't help getting angry, with a gloomy expression on his face: "I'm not afraid to say this in front of my parents. It's the duty of a soldier to obey orders, but you're so shameless." Let the commander bully you like this? Tan Junzhan, are you still a man?"

"Don't think that Mom and I are here to take care of Dad. We haven't heard anything about the outside world! After the miscarriage, he asked you two to divorce more than once. The reason why my daughter went to Desheng Bank is because of that. Is your father secretly suppressing it?" At this point, Xue Yinuo revealed all the inside stories that Xue Yingying didn't know about.

Xue Yingying's eyes were dazed when she heard this, how many conspiracies and concealments there are that she doesn't know?

Lin Qiao didn't want Xue Yingying to grasp too much, and just wanted to leave her a pure land to live on, so she quickly winked at Xue Yinuo who was talking endlessly—stop talking!
"Say, keep talking!"

Tan Junzhan ordered earlier, he really has the demeanor of his father, but he just hopes not to inherit that bad gene.

"My daughter was discharged from the hospital. When I went to pick up the car, she was kidnapped by Bessemer. Although she was sent back later, she was also framed and charged with collaborating with the enemy and treason. Excuse me, at that time, as her Husband, where the hell are you?
Even without any evidence of harm to her, they eventually locked her up.My dad got into a car accident because he was distracted when he heard the news.

If it weren't for Wei Sen's opportunism and deliberately coming to take the blame, everything that happened later would not have happened.More likely, my dad has died long ago. "

Xue Yingying was obedient and only listened to the key points, she hurriedly broke away from Tan Junzhan's hand on her shoulder, and rushed to Xue Yinuo, her eyes were shining brightly, and she still couldn't believe it: "Brother, you made up these words of?"

She asked cautiously, but she really believed it in her eyes.

"Silly sister! For you, Wei Sen is still imprisoned in a small black room to help you take the blame." Xue Yinuo couldn't help sighing when he said this, but it's a pity that he didn't have any connections at hand to use.

Wei Sen?

Xue Yingying couldn't look directly at her, why was she so important in his heart?

Once or twice, he could risk his life to come to the rescue.Now, it was because of her that he did not hesitate to sacrifice his reputation to protect her?

What a great mind is this?
While Xue Yingying was daydreaming, Tan Junzhan couldn't calm down.

He used to complain about himself, but he didn't allow her heart to be occupied by another man.

"I'm talking about Jun Zhan acting impartially and enforcing the law. I will return Wei Sen's innocence in this matter. I'm sorry, but I can't take you home with my daughter, so I'm leaving first!"

Tan Junzhan acted swiftly and resolutely when he spoke and acted. In a blink of an eye, people disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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