Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 149 1 Divided into 2

Chapter 149 Divided into Two

Xue Yingying's heartbeat suddenly shrank.

A fragile little heart, thumping, beating violently.

She was quite frightened, and she just stood there in a daze.According to survey data, once a person is in a tense moment, his brain will go blank, and he will completely forget what his next step should be.

Long before the visitor came in, Wei Sen was so cruel that he stretched out his hand and pushed her away from his side.

Xue Yingying would not have expected this series of actions of his, without prior preparation, she staggered a few times, and sat down on the ground, not to mention how embarrassed she looked.

Before she could see any answer from the calm Wei Sen, a third person broke into the small black room.

"Xue Yingying, you..."

It is estimated that the scene seen inside was not as expected, her tone immediately changed, and finally became like this: "Why are you sitting on the ground?"

"You think I'm happy?" Xue Yingying stared back angrily.

Standing up lightly, she quickly dusted off the dust on her body.Her mind wandered quickly, and she immediately found a clue.

"It's you—Miss Lian, in this thorn, where is the place you can come if you want? And—" Xue Yingying stepped forward threateningly, squinting her eyes and said: "And, here But the forbidden place in the thorns! Ordinary people can't get in at all, and now you have violated a taboo in the army, what do you think you should be punished?"

"I..." Guessing that she hasn't thought of a suitable reason, she is lowering her eyes at this moment, and her eyeballs are rolling violently.

No matter how powerful she is, she can't escape this catastrophe anyway.

Xue Yingying laughed silently, waiting for the good show to start.

However, the good show has not yet kicked off, and the plot has begun to take a 180-degree turn.

"Time is enough for you, let's go." Concise and concise, it has always been the standard configuration of the chief executive.

He waited at the door, refusing to step in, staring in coldly.

How could Nizi be willing to leave with him before seeing the good show?
Xue Yingying turned her head to one side, turned her head to one side, and opened her small mouth. The moment she was about to speak, her words were snatched away.

Really unwilling!

"Jun Zhan, if I hadn't bumped into each other by chance, I don't know what would happen between the two of them? I said Wei Sen, you have already lost the man thing, why are you still hooking up with others? Ah——"

As if realizing something, Lian Yinyun quickly covered her mouth.There seemed to be a smile in her eyes, but the tone of her mouth really made people want to beat her up.

Pretending to be surprised, she said, "Sister Xue, I must have slipped my mouth, right?"

"you shut up!"

Xue Yingying gritted her teeth and said these words. She never imagined that there would be women in this world who are more hateful than Pu Xinyu.

If the woman in front of her was ranked second, no one would dare to call her the boss.

"You have to talk about evidence!" The party who had been silent for a long time——Wei Sen, Uncle Wei finally opened his mouth.

He squinted at Lian Yinyun's side coldly, and said in a cold tone: "Which eye did you hit, when and where did you see me hooking up with my sister-in-law? Please show me the evidence, right now!"

Without giving her any chance to lie, Wei Sen roared out these words angrily.

As the ancients said, thunder strikes while it is hot.

When Tan Junzhan heard this, he immediately understood.

He was still in the same place without moving, his eyes looking deeply at her direction.The thin lips are lightly parted, but they have endless warmth, like a ray of warm sun in winter, spreading down every inch of skin on the whole body, allowing the suitable temperature to permeate into it one by one.

"Nan, come here!"

Oh why?

The appearance of Lianyin will always make Xue Yingying unconsciously think of Tan Jianguo.

But don't forget, Lianyin in front of her is the only candidate for her daughter-in-law in the heart of her greatest father-in-law!
Do you want to hug her left and right, or do you want to chase her out directly?

If the mountain cannot come, I will pass!
Tan Junzhan had nothing to do with her, so he had no choice but to follow her wish and walk over by himself.

As his footsteps got closer, Lian Yinyun's attitude was obviously different.

No matter how deep this woman is, no matter how scheming she is, she can't beat the spell of love!
The eyes of the whole person are staring, I am afraid that Tan Junzhan is the only one in his eyes.

Xue Yingying froze on the spot and didn't move. If there were snacks around, she might have to eat again.

Wei Sen glanced at her casually: "Are you just letting her do this?"

"Or else?" Xue Yingying replied in a rather flat tone.


Not only Wei Sen was frustrated, but even Tan Junzhan happened to hear this sentence.

This isn't another uproar, so what?
Without further ado, Tan Junzhan immediately found out the source.He was originally heading towards the direction Xue Yingying was approaching, but immediately turned an angle, and gradually walked towards Lian Yinyun.

This change changed the inner activities of the two women at the same time.

Even though her face does not change color is her external feature, but the slightly red eye circles still can't escape Wei Sen's eyes.She remained silent, while Wei Sen clenched his fists at the same time, the veins on the back of his hands faintly shattered.

With his identity, what else could he do for her?

Hey, he could only smile wryly, his clenched iron fist still did not loosen, making unnecessary efforts.

On the other side, Lian Yinyun already showed a happy expression on the surface.There is a kind of education that teaches her to be arrogant, even Yin Yun is no exception.

This incident hadn't ended yet, or maybe it should be said that it hadn't even started yet, she had already arrogantly raised her chin at Xue Yingying's side, intending to provoke her.

However, this girl Xue Yingying kept her head down all the time, and no one cared about her.

When it comes to sadness, Nizi is indeed a little bit.But in fact, the superficial thumping was completely faked.If there is no acting element, how can the other party believe it?
Lian Yinyun, this woman...

Her obsession with Tan Junzhan has reached the point of madness, and she cannot restrain herself.

In her full expectation, Tan Junzhan finally came to her side.

However, she flew away with great interest: "Jun Zhan—"

The other party just frowned, and put one hand between the two of them: "Don't come here."

What does that mean?
Not only was Lian Yinyun unable to figure it out, even Xue Yingying, who had lowered her head before, got up quickly.

Wei Sen carefully looked at her from the side, and there were no tears in his eyes as he imagined, and even the red circle was smoothed by her.

With her temperament, it is estimated that only people like Chief Tan can control her.

"Jun Zhan, I..." Even if she couldn't figure it out in her heart, she didn't even want to be underestimated by Yin Yun, especially when she was in front of a rival in love, she wanted to fight for her breath.

It can be said that Jun Zhan is not an ordinary person after all, and his feelings for Xue Yingying have long been exposed.Wanting to deal with her is simply a dream!
"My daughter and I are married, and you have a husband. I hope you will never do anything against your status again."

After briefly saying this, Tan Junzhan hurried to Nizi's side.

A few steps away, he grabbed Xue Yingying's wrist and dragged her into his arms.Then, before he left, he finally said a belated thank you: "Wei Sen, I owe you a favor from Tan Jun Zhan. Thank you... Thank you for choosing to protect my daughter."

As her husband, the two belonged to one body, and he should have said this sentence.

Wei Sen just smiled lightly: "I just did what I should do! Chief, remember to protect her!"

This tone...why does it sound like you are on the deathbed?

The more Xue Yingying thought about it, the more confused she became, and her brain was a little hard to use.

The few of them were full of warmth, and the remaining rhyme seemed redundant, how could she bear it.

Clenching her palms tightly, she gritted her teeth in hatred: "Tan Junzhan, what do you mean?"

"Don't you still not understand?"

Nizi's plan has not yet succeeded, so she has no intention of leaving.She chose to break away from the man's clenched hand again, but this time she failed.

She was finally discouraged, but her aura must not be weaker than the other party.

The contest between women should not be underestimated!
"What I want is Jun Zhan's return. Could it be that your surname is Tan? Shut up!" Lian Yinyun roared angrily, and her face became hideous.Anyway, things have been exposed, and she doesn't need to pretend anymore.

Helplessly shrugging her shoulders, Xue Yingying is quite helpless, it is really a painful thing to have such a white-eyed opponent.

She cleared her throat, and finally opened her mouth, with a gloating tone: "Yes! Talking about Mrs. Xue here, do you think it's my turn to intervene in this matter?"

As soon as you open your mouth, it's an explosive configuration!
With her like this, how did she develop her temper?
Recalling her birth, Lian Yinyun couldn't get rid of her anger, and glared at her viciously.

This time, Tan Junzhan was able to frankly stand in front of her, and finally said that embarrassing sentence: "She has a temper that I favored, do you have an opinion?"

"Sister Lian, I know you envy me for owning the whole Ah Zhan. Why don't we discuss it, as long as you divorce Zhao Yaokun, I can consider giving you half of it, how about it?"

Xue Yingying thinks that the suggestion is good, and her eyes are full of infinite possibilities.

However, as soon as she opened her mouth, the first thing she got was the opposition from the person concerned.

"Shut up! Don't even think about it."

It's really heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, all of which will be blown up by her!
He is a big living person, can he be split into two parts?
One side was mad with anger, and the other side also thought through her heart.

The corners of Lian Yinyun's mouth couldn't help being mocking: "Xue Yingying, do you want me to have both sides? Let me tell you, it's absolutely impossible! I can't get Jun Zhan, and I will never let Tan Yan get happiness. I want your family I will live in pain forever, let you taste my pain."

"I just said it one last time, don't even think about hurting my family, you can't afford the consequences."

Tan Junzhan is indeed a leader. After putting down a few simple words, he doesn't care about her attitude.He hugged someone's small waist tightly, and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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