Chapter 150 Marriage Report
Being pulled by his wrist, Xue Yingying had no choice but to trot all the way to keep up with his footsteps.

I don't know why this man is sulking, shouldn't she be angry?

Xue Yingying was upset and slandered endlessly.

She can also be regarded as one of the big stars among the thorns, especially under the influence of a certain man, there are not a few people who intend to enjoy the show.

In this way, Xue Yingying was greeted with earnest eyes from everyone, and at the same time, the man's deadly force was pressing on her wrist, it was simply miserable.

"Sister-in-law, you..."

The person who spoke was obviously crying.

It sounds so familiar!

Xue Yingying tugged, and quickly grabbed his arm, blinking her big eyes vigorously, and she said, "Please, stop!"

Just as he was talking about Jun Zhan's pause, another voice sounded immediately.


The thunder rumbled a report, and the man was full of air when he heard it.But there was a faint wheezing between his breaths, not like his usual strong physical fitness, what's going on?
A big question mark hovered over her heart.

Xue Yingying turned her head and quickly moved and shot at the two of them.

The man's pupils shrank suddenly, and he kept staring hard at the woman's back.Look at the tightly pursed lips. If there is no movement from the people around, he probably has to take the initiative to rush over. As for the outcome... No one can guess what will happen in the next second.

Put your own affairs aside.

Xue Yingying is a good partner who values ​​friends and despises sex!
She was about to shake off the pincer hand, and shook it several times, but there was still no movement from the other side.

There was no way out, she could only look at the past with hatred, her aggrieved eyes seemed to be warning - if you don't let go, don't blame me for being rude!
In order to fulfill this promise, she even planned to make some noise.

However, her plan was always seen through. Before she acted, he completely cut off her retreat, leaving her with nothing to do.

With a pull of his left hand, he held her tightly in his arms.

Want to move away?Yes, there is only one way, which is to cut off the hand.But even so, she has to leave first to get the blade!

Completely discouraged, she had no choice but to poke his resolute chin with her fingertips, because it was difficult to strike elsewhere.

"Ke Ke, after all, she has been under your command for several years, so you just sit back and ignore her?" Xue Yingying deliberately said this for others to listen to.

Don't mistakenly think that she is easy to bully, Ding Keke has her natal family backing her!
"How many of you..."

It was only now that Chief Tan came up with a few sporadic words, and those around him couldn't bear it long ago.The tone was peaceful, but this tone made people cringe all over, as if all the pores were attacked by the cold wind, and they all closed if they were not free.

With him like this, how could they watch a good show around!

All of them seemed to have agreed on their lines before, but now they said in unison: "We are just passing by, let's leave now!"

If you can say it, you can do it, put a scooter under your feet, and with a swish, the person disappeared.

"And you—Thunder!"

The scene was cleaned up, and there was only one suspect left, and Tan Junzhan did not let him go.

This was the first time, at least the first time in her memory, that Lei Ting chose to ignore the orders of the Chief.

Everything around him seemed to be blurred, and only Ding Keke existed in his eyes.

Even though no one invited him, he still went straight to her.Unfortunately, at a distance of more than one meter, Ding Keke bounced up quickly and hid far away.

"You, don't come here!"

Her voice trembled slightly, as if she had been greatly stimulated, and her mood was hard to calm down.

It was because of realizing this that Xue Yingying could see the expression on her face more clearly,

Ding Keke is petite, but his skin is not bad.The fair complexion is indeed not as fair as Xue Yingying, but the sides of the cheeks are always rosy and shiny, just like a mouth-watering little apple, not to mention how cute it is!

But now, where should I find that rosy luster?

Xue Yingying was so heartbroken that she really wanted to rush forward and beat up the culprit.

Don't ask who is that nasty guy?Because isn't he just confessing right in front of his eyes at this moment?
Her heart was on fire, without saying a word, she was ready to elbow the guy who blocked her, couldn't she see the urgency of the situation?

She hadn't moved yet, but someone was helping her to speak up. The cold tone was much more threatening than her: "Is it Thunder? OK, you come with me to a political commissar right now, suspend to check and make a demerit!"

"don't want--"

Unexpectedly, just after Tan Junzhan finished speaking, Ding Keke, who had been hiding aside, rushed forward quickly.He grabbed Tan Junzhan's clothes corner with all his strength, his head was shaking like a rattle, especially the electric one, and he couldn't stop no matter what.

This was the first time that Xue Yingying saw tears in her eyes because she loved Lei Ting deeply.

Who said that guessing may not be all right, but Xue Yingying has such a good ability.This kind of sad and unbearable mood, she also suffered from it a few years ago.

"It's okay not to remember anything, but Keke, you must tell me everything clearly. He—— Lei Ting, what did he do to you?"

Ding Keke stayed in the thorn all year round, and she never saw her go home to visit her relatives during the New Year's Eve.Here, Xue Yingying is her relative, the only relative.Who wants to bully her?Xue Yingying naturally would not forgive.

"No, he didn't bully me, I deserved what I deserved, so don't blame him for this, don't!"

Up to now, Ding Keke is still helping him with good words.

It's just that Tan Junzhan's hand was tightly wrapped around him, and he let it down weakly, for some reason.

"Lei Ting, if you are really a man, you should confess to me! If you are a man, you should be brave!" Xue Yingying couldn't get any information from Ding Keke, so she had to turn her head and hope to the other end. The ancient method of aggressive generals.

There was silence for a long time, I don't know if her method worked, or Lei Ting figured it out on his own, and actually spoke.

"Boss, Ding Keke and I will file a marriage report and we will get married in one month."


It is not only Xue Yingying who can't close her jaw, but also the heroine Ding Keke.

She who dodged far away, jumped in front of him, shook him desperately, and scolded him over and over again: "Lei Ting, you are such a lunatic, how could you, how can you be worthy of your dead wife like this?"

wife?Lei Ting had a marriage history?

Coco is an innocent girl, how can he match?

Xue Yingying wanted to open her mouth to stop her immediately, but a big hand came over and blocked her mouth.

She whines, bastard you let go!
"I agree to this matter! After the Spring Festival, remember to report."

The rest of the matter is left to the couple to discuss on their own, and he has no right to intervene.

(End of this chapter)

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