Chapter 151
A few months passed, and Xue Yingying became more and more proficient at this job, and she was busy all day long.

She is the kind of thing at hand is not finished, never stop.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly spoke to her: "Xiao Xue, Team Leader Wei is looking for you!"

"Okay, I'll go later." Although she promised, she didn't make any move.

After conveying it, it's over, the man pouted, and then he had nothing to say, and chose to leave.

Because with her rigorous work attitude, the situation is still the same after several times, so it's better to just leave it like this, don't make fun of yourself.

However, Wei Sen waited and waited, but her figure never appeared.Without any patience in my heart, I opened the door and rushed over.

Quickly appeared at Xue Yingying's office, and several other colleagues immediately noticed his appearance, stood up together, and whispered: "Wei group——"

A gesture hinted, and everyone sat down immediately again.

Who doesn't know his specialness towards Xue Yingying?Since the chief has no objection, if they have something to say, aren't they just seeking their own death?

Wei Sen felt the overly hot temperature directly on his back.

However, Xue Yingying, who was immersed in her spare time, of course, did not express anything and continued to work.

Wei Sen stepped closer, his entire upper body leaned down, blocking most of her desk.

Now, she finally noticed his presence.

The whole person seemed to be quite frightened, she stepped back suddenly, and the seat she was sitting on made a creaking sound due to the backward movement, and the sound was quite sharp.

After several seconds, she patted the position of her chest to calm herself down: "Are you pretending to be a ghost in broad daylight?"

"Everyone has found out, and you are the only one who is special? Xue Yingying, are you clearly against me?" Wei Sen did not take back the movement of leaning forward, and his words were obviously individualistic.

Xue Yingying casually glanced around, and all the people who were planning to watch the show, after being glanced at by her indifferent eyes, buried their heads in the next moment and started working again.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was too busy with work and didn't pay attention!"

Her clear voice was the answer.

With a wave of her hands, she blocked his obstructive approach, and immediately reminded him kindly: "Wei Group, if there is nothing important, please step aside."

Xue Yingying couldn't understand his psychology, and didn't have time to speculate, so it was better to let herself live in peace.

"Who said it's okay?"

He raised his voice, and the surrounding area fell silent in an instant.

Xue Yingying couldn't help but curled her lips into a smile, she probably had too much free time recently, everyone wanted the two of them to find something interesting, right?

But when she laughed, Wei Sen's nerves began to tense.

He scolded in a cold voice: "This is an office, not your own territory, so be tighter!"

"Then may I ask—Zu Wei, why do you always run errands yourself?" Xue Yingying smiled like a little ruffian, obviously joking.

Fortunately, this time, he finally said something sincere: "From this point on, you get off work first!"

"What? Make me special? At least give me a reason? I don't get rewarded for nothing!" Xue Yingying is a very firm girl, and she takes the initiative to offer her courtesy and preferential treatment. Isn't she afraid of being honest?

Wei Sen's expression didn't change, and he blurted out: "The order to die just now from the chief."

"Oh." Xue Yingying agreed lukewarmly, and then began to sort out the files on the desktop.

After about a few minutes, the man standing in front of the table just stood there in a daze and did not leave.

Xue Yingying became curious again, raising her eyebrows slightly: "Zu Wei, do you have something else to explain?"

Can't the two of them put aside the relationship between the boss and the subordinate?
The answer was, no, since he became what he is now, it is doomed that he cannot approach her in the way of a normal man.

Once pressed by her, Wei Sen's ears turned slightly red, as if he had just been scalded by boiling water.

He took something out of his pocket, stuffed it directly into her palm, and then warned in a semi-threatening tone: "Open it after you go out! Be careful, don't let anyone find out."

After finishing speaking, he quickly rushed out the door with a quick dodge.

Because her geographical location is not bad, it is considered a blind spot, so no one noticed his stuffing action.It's just that the two sides' ears are close to each other, and the appearance of whispering, can't help but make people daydream.

The head belongs to someone else, how can Xue Yingying have the ability to control it?
She tidied things up swiftly, and then she was just as flashy.

Walking on the tree-lined path, the mottled shadows reflected from the trunks of free branches fell on her sporadically.

Xue Yingying didn't like too dazzling light, she lowered her head and walked slowly.She has to learn to enjoy this rare opportunity to slow down!
After enjoying it for a while, an external sound disturbed her tranquility.

"sister in law--"

Besides the Ding Keke who passed through the trough period, is there a second person for this overly jubilant female voice?
Xue Yingying was sincerely happy for her, turned around and raised her head, and smiled, "Ke Ke, where are you alone?"

She took advantage of the situation and looked back, and finally retracted her gaze in disappointment.

Ding Keke understood her intention, and twisted her fingertips embarrassedly: "Sister-in-law, you are so annoying!"

"A good thing is coming, why don't people say it?" Xue Yingying deliberately teased her.

"Sister-in-law, I wish you a happy birthday in advance!" Ding Keke's words seemed to have the effect of changing the subject.

Xue Yingying found out immediately, "Why, are you planning to get married tomorrow, or what? I wish you well in advance!"

Does anyone in the world wish birthdays in advance?
"Sister-in-law!" Ding Keke had a thin skin and raised his voice coquettishly.

Xue Yingying's best trick is to accept it when she sees it, "Okay, I'm not kidding you. When it comes to getting married, you have started since the Chinese New Year, and you haven't decided until now? Tell me, in case As soon as there is a baby here, you plan to get on the bus first and then make up for the fare?"

She hadn't spoken for a quarter of an hour before she began to lose her temper.It's almost the same personality as Tan Jun Zhan, but his indecency is limited to her.

"Marriage is the most important thing in a woman's life. I don't want to be casual. It only happens once in a lifetime, so I have to be cautious."

It is true!Xue Yingying couldn't help but agree.

Ding Keke's eyes suddenly brightened, and he asked: "The boss hasn't given you a wedding yet, are you not in awe?"

"It's just like him, don't expect it!" Xue Yingying's mouth twitched, directly eliminating this possibility.

"It may not be possible at ordinary times, but on your birthday, if you can blow the wind beside your pillow in the dead of night, you may succeed." Ding Keke opened his mouth and said, then quickly covered his mouth and chuckled.

Seeing this, Xue Yingying couldn't help joking: "Do you have a lesson from the past?"

"Sister-in-law, I'm ignoring you!" Ding Keke started to flee shyly, hiding his face and leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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