Chapter 152
As soon as the joke was finished, Xue Yingying went on the road again as Ding Keke left.

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

In the military camp, all the wives of soldiers are called sisters-in-law.

Xue Yingying readily accepted, and smiled cheerfully at them: "Is the chief inside?"

"The boss is the only one inside, sister-in-law, you go in first! Hehehe!" One of the young soldiers scratched the back of his head and smiled softly. It was obvious that there was something else in his smile.

Xue Yingying understood immediately, but she didn't reveal it to her face. She nodded slightly and walked in.

It's polite to knock on the door.

"Please come in—" A male voice without a trace of warmth sounded at the right time.

Xue Yingying didn't make a sound and walked straight in.After taking the door panel, she walked towards him with joy.

Unexpectedly, that man was also meticulous and serious in his work.

It has been said that men who work hard are the most attractive.

Isn't he right in front of you?

Xue Yingying tried hard to clear her throat, trying to attract the man's attention.

However, without even raising his eyes, he threw it over with a simple sentence: "Have a cold? If you need a leave of absence, find Han Shaoting and get out!"

Stupid man, if the savior hadn't sent her down to save him, he would still be a bachelor for ten thousand years!

Xue Yingying was boasting happily in her heart, and the next moment her mischievous mentality flooded her body again.

Deliberately standing on tiptoe, she approached him silently, and her movements looked like a villain who was a thief.

But she didn't care, she just wanted to tease him.

It's a pity that love, she forgot to underestimate his fighting ability.

As soon as his hands were on his eyelids, and before he could even utter the classic words of "Guess who I am", he grabbed her arm impatiently, intending to throw her over her shoulder hard.

I don't even look at this place. If he really succeeded, wouldn't it be her most vulnerable back that hurts?
Before he was about to throw someone down, she hurriedly scolded: "Tan Junzhan, you typical domestic violence bastard!"

Upon hearing the tone of gnashing his teeth in hatred, Tan Junzhan quickly realized that he had even tampered with the original plan of throwing himself over the shoulder.

The changing movements are as smooth as clouds and flowing water.

He tightly grabbed her slender wrist, pulled her hard, and her body turned around, and the position happened to fall on his thigh without a doubt.

The big hand continued to move down until it finally reached her slender waist, and he pressed her against her chest again.The ear was forced to listen to his strong heartbeat, thump thump.

"Why did you come to check the post today?" Tan Junzhan didn't have many complaints about her appearance.


The word "he" is quite appropriate. Didn't he call her here as soon as he made a phone call?

Xue Yingying didn't think that he was suffering from Alzheimer's in advance at this age, and he had forgotten all the things not long ago.And right now, the best explanation is that this bastard Wei Sen actually lied to him again, it's simply unforgivable!
With a swipe, fire burst into her eyes.

Tan Junzhan, who was closest to her, felt the raging fire burning all at once.

"Talk—" She said nothing, which was what he was most worried about, and he seemed a little anxious.

Xue Yingying glanced at him coldly, and was about to explain Wei Sen's bastard's behavior when she happened to catch a glimpse of something on his desk.

If it is an ordinary file, then forget it, but it is obviously a picture with colorful colors, so conspicuous.

Does the army still need this thing?
Xue Yingying's curiosity aroused, she freed her hands, and she opened one at will to have a look.

Before Tan Junzhan could stop it, Nizi saw one of them.

Staring at the thing in hand with dull eyes, Xue Yingying asked stupidly: "Ah Zhan, when did you have a tendency to be a transvestite? Besides, this is clearly a wedding dress?"

This girl-

Tan Junzhan was so angry that he was speechless, so he had to speak!

So far, he can only confess.

He freed up a free hand, and flicked his fingers on her forehead, of course he had to control his strength.

Eyes that were moist from the pain stared straight at him, only to be willing to see the softest part of his heart.

Tan Junzhan really had nothing to do, so he had to sort out the documents and said one by one: "This is a wedding plan, I haven't planned it yet, so—"

"Wedding plan? Say, who are you with?" Xue Yingying put her white and tender arms around his neck, and the vicious demeanor she deliberately put on seemed not up to standard.

He was amused, pulled off his movements directly, and hugged tightly.

"Besides you little bastard, is there anyone else?"

Xue Yingying was quite satisfied with his answer, she took the initiative to nest into his arms, she smiled sweetly.She also directed, "I have to say, your vision is really good enough. I am very satisfied with these wedding dresses."

"Not enough! Give me a little more time, and I will definitely give you a unique wedding. Girl, wait for me!"

Talking about Jun Zhan's tender and sweet words, I'm afraid it's the first time to tell a girl that he himself is too embarrassed!

"Yoxi, is this still you? Are your ears burning? First-hand news, it must be hot!" Nizi became fussy, and then she was about to take out her phone.

What are you doing?Isn't it just to record this sacred moment!
However, her plan did not succeed because of this.

A big hand came across, and it moved its fuselage back a block: "No!"

With a cold tone, the standard is a threatening posture.

However, that alone does not seem to constitute his cold face when talking about the chief.The hand in the past seemed to have touched a hard object vaguely, and his face cooled down again: "Take it out!"

"Mobile phone?" Xue Yingying guessed and took it out.


Concise and concise is indeed his style.But at this time, is it still a good opportunity for Shuaiku?
Xue Yingying was fooled by him, she looked at him blankly, she had to answer the question.

Tan Junzhan didn't have the nerve to disappoint her, so he jumped over with his big hand and took out the hard object from his pocket.

"Say, who gave it to you?"

He opened his mouth, and ice scum flew over one after another.

What's the matter?

It's like going back in time, when she was in school, when a few young boys gave her love letters or chocolates.As soon as he heard about this situation, without further ado, his expression turned cold, and his behavior was exactly the same as today's.

Men, live younger and live younger!

"Honey, this is just Wei Sen's birthday present to me in advance. What about you? Don't tell me, you're not prepared?" Xue Yingying directly entwined her arms, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Don't look so indifferent on the surface, but in fact, if his answer dares to make her feel bad, Nizi will definitely not make him feel better.

Believe it or not?
Tan Junzhan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, his brows twitched, and he just ignored the current time period.

"Want a gift?" He raised his voice at the end, and he really had the feeling of tempting people to jump over the fire pit.

Xue Yingying didn't notice it at the first time, and her eyes met closely: "Of course!"

"Today and tomorrow, I'm all yours. Tell me, what are you in a hurry for?" The next moment his head was under the force of gravity, he slumped down and knocked directly next to her ear, warm breath slapped her on the nose.

"Don't mind..." Xue Yingying opened his mouth with a slap, blushing and turned towards the door, she complained softly: "There are still people outside!"

The two guys outside the door seem to be paying attention to everything inside.As soon as Xue Yingying finished speaking, they began to invite Ying, saying: "Chief, with this as the center, within a radius of ten meters, we will never allow anyone to come and disturb you. Please do it yourself!"

After speaking, the loud noise made by the crackling of stepping steps seemed to signal their departure.

Does the behavior need to be more obvious?
Xue Yingying felt depressed.

"Tan Junzhan, you are a bastard!"

Xue Yingying raised her leg and said angrily.

Before letting her succeed, he had already picked her up in the air.

And the destination, isn't it the place that the two of them are almost familiar with?

"Girl, enjoy your birthday present. It's yours, it's unique."

It was not the first time that Jiang Yinshi had arranged for Xue Yingying's birthday.But what is different from the past is that this time it is a birthday party hosted by her as the daughter-in-law of the Tan family. How can she take it lightly?
Everything was ready on her side, so naturally she had to inform the other party.

Wait in silence.

As soon as the phone was connected, she opened her mouth and offered all kinds of sincere condolences: "Ninny, I am mother, tomorrow is your birthday. Mom organized a birthday party for you, remember to come over tonight!"

"Mom, I can't come here today." Tan Junzhan's voice could not hear any warmth.

Ah, how did this work?

Jiang Yinshi was in a hurry here, while Tan Yan was watching casually, and said plainly: "Given how caring my elder brother is to my sister-in-law, I might have started making humans from early this morning!"

Jiang Yinshi has nothing to say, if this is the case, wouldn't she bother the young couple?

Immediately began to apologize: "Jun Zhan, it's okay if you don't have time to come, I will cancel later. But tomorrow, you have to remember to let him go, grandpa and grandma miss you very much."

"En." A monosyllable word responded, and he answered it quite perfunctorily.

Jiang Yinshi didn't hold out hope for this matter, and in the next second, Xue Yingying's voice gave her excitement.

"Tan Junzhan, you are a bastard. Whoever said I won't go, I will go, what will you do to me? I, Xue Yingying, are not afraid of writing inspections in the small black room."

"Oh? Are you going to wear a high collar or a silk scarf?"

As soon as Tan Junzhan's words came out, she was blocked from further writing.

The way this young couple get along!

Jiang Yinshi herself is very happy, and they live a happy life, which is what she wants to see.

She gave the final answer, "Jun Zhan, today is an opportunity for everyone to meet my lovely daughter-in-law. I will take care of the dress."

Xue Yingying looked so happy - let's see, let's see what else you have to say!

It is true that there is no more to talk about Jun Zhan, but his actions are superficial - if you want to, let me talk about it first.

Hungry wolves pounced on food, "screaming" again and again.

Jiang Yinshi hung up the phone with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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